Had a Sleep Paralysis for The First Time the Other Night

What if you are roaming around in another dimension in shadow form, and some people catch their shadow trying to get back in the vessel(Your body)? lol Like we are living our dreams in another dimension, but our physical form has limits..
TURBO UNO got me never wanting to sleep again. It's 1:20 am here and Im shooked.

Currently laying in a fetal position under my blankets and I don't even wanna take my head out my blanket.
Trust me man, I'm jumpy-goosebumped-tear eyed typing this but part of me feels angry that it happened. I wish I could have fought whatever that thing was a little longer, it was so quick! The closest way I can describe the appearance of that shadow is if you watch a scene from the movie 'Running Scared' where there is a creepy shadow trying to open the door while the boy is making a phone call. The movements of the body was crazy.

Anyway, I recommend you read up on shadow people because I'm not alone with these experiences. I'd love to hear how medical pros can explain how me and my sister can have he EXACT same "nightmare" at the SAME time.
i swear this thread/topic gets brought to life so often :rofl:
had it happen to me once.. it was probably the worst experience i've ever had... apart from a time i had a bad trip 8)
had it once when i was like 15

dat **** was cray

first thing i did when i woke up was try to say OH **** and the only thing that came out was ahhhhh.....

was shook as hell
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Trust me man, I'm jumpy-goosebumped-tear eyed typing this but part of me feels angry that it happened. I wish I could have fought whatever that thing was a little longer, it was so quick! The closest way I can describe the appearance of that shadow is if you watch a scene from the movie 'Running Scared' where there is a creepy shadow trying to open the door while the boy is making a phone call. The movements of the body was crazy.

Anyway, I recommend you read up on shadow people because I'm not alone with these experiences. I'd love to hear how medical pros can explain how me and my sister can have he EXACT same "nightmare" at the SAME time.
I've always been under the impression that shadow people are demons.   lol I don't know if true.   My dad had an experience with one  when he was a teenager. He said he saw a black shadow the shape of a man standing over him in the dark in his bedroom.  He said he started to pray and it went away and it never came back. He said he woke up feeling like somebody was watching him and   he said it was standing at the end of his bed by his feet and he said he rolled over thinking he was tripping and still dreaming or something and then he said next thing he knows he wakes up to a eerie feeling like he was being watched again and when he opened his eyes the shadow was standing over him.  It still creeps him out to this day to talk about it.  
It's scary to experience the paralysis but it's absolutely terrifying to see a menacing shadow of a man watching you. Your father's experience sounds horrible, I feel so bad!

I don't know if these things are demonic bit they're definitely not benevolent (good). I've read that they feed off negative energy and negative emotions you have throughout the day and that they collect it in your sleep.
Man yall got me second guessing this shadow stuff. My mom used stand in my doorway alot when I was younger, but now I am starting to think it wasnt her. I never said anything to her when she was there, just rolled over and went back to sleep. My mom was know roam the house at night. Thats when she would clean. She was a neat freak.

I will be having an conversation with my bros and sister tomorrow.
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I feel left out. I want to feel
I'd have to agree with you on that. My friend would always tell me about her sleep paralysis and I actually thought it sounded cool. It happened to me after I ran my first half marathon. It was...different, not in a good way, but not in a bad either. I know I was asleep, but my eyes were wide open and when I tried to talk, I couldn't even open my mouth. I asked my sister about it since she was in the room while I was resting and she told me I was asleep the whole time. Scary ish, but it was a cool first time experience. It wasn't as bad as others.
There was a time I would dream that there were ants and other bugs in my bed. It was like I knew I was dreaming but yet I would wake up in a ball in small part of the bed as if i was trying to avoid them. Everything stopped once joining the Navy. I picked up jerking. Outside my rack was a really sharp air vent. Some how I kicked it and cut my foot wide open. People woke me up in a panic. I wake up and there is blood everywhere. My foot dangled out my rack and blood dripped on the floor. It was all over the foot of my rack. It was everywhere. I still remember my dream from that night, I was in the ocean and had stepped on coral.

I also get these vivid sex dreams of my ex.
If I stay up all night I get it but my pops has it bad...I believe its due to his weight and stress...he has to sleep with a mask on to help him breath properly smh
Man crazy thing is after posting in this thread earlier, I experience sleep paralysis again tonight. No joke. Only had this once before. But it was the same thing like before. Couldn't move, couldn't scream (although I did try to scream but nothing came out, I could feel my neck veins popping out from the attempted scream tho).

Funny thing is I had this thread in mind during the paralysis. Like for some reason I just remembered reading about "moving your fingers and toes" In this thread. And I did that. Swear if u do that, you can start to feel your whole body getting released from a tight grip. **** is crazy.

After I couldn't go back to sleep, and probably rolled around in bed with my eyes closed for the last hour or so especially since turbo UNO got me spooked about his story. Def didn't wanna even risk seeing a shadow man lol.
Sleep Paralysis is definently a spiritual experience. I get them occasionally. What i do notice about it, is that the better you live your life (ex:smile: free of porn, addictions, negative music, or just ratched living, it does not occur. Whenever your open a negative door in your life, that bad energy follows you. When you are sleep you are at your most spiritual and vunerable state.
I think it happens when I drink too much wine.

One of my recent episodes was a creeper:

I fell asleep lying on my right side, facing my closet. Suddenly I woke up in the same position to find a disfigured, swirled face hovering near then closet, then, bam, right above me! I pushed me onto my back and was in my face while I tried to scream for help. Then there's a flash and all of a sudden I'm in my living room trying to explain to my bro what just happened, mouth is moving but no sound, and he ignores me and keeps watching the game. Flash again, I'm back in my bed in the same position, but facing the window now and I can't move. I start wiggling my toes and finally woke up. Trippy!
So having a nightmare is sleep paralysis?Some ppl talking about being in a vegetable state and others fighting shadow men, where's the correlation?
So having a nightmare is sleep paralysis?Some ppl talking about being in a vegetable state and others fighting shadow men, where's the correlation?
Sleep paralysis is no nightmare. You are fully aware of your surroundings. In a dream you can speak, walk, run. Sleep paralysis there is none of that. Usually takes all your energy to move a finger to snap out of it
My crazy grandma who is real spiritual n jus weird used always call it a witch/demon riding your back. I noticed I only had that **** when I shared rooms with my sister. I haven't had it since high school n I had my own room since then. Scariest **** in the world tho I wouldnt wish that on anybody, will have u up for days scared to sleep.
Sleep paralysis has nothing to do with demons or spirits. It just happens when you wake up from sleeping but your brain hasn't activated voluntary muscle yet so you feel like you can't move. The brain shuts down voluntary muscle during sleep so that you don't move when you're dreaming. Sometimes it messes up and you wake up before your muscles are turned on.
I have been having sleep paralysis since I was a little kid

I use to think I was an X-Men or something because I would have these and Déjà vu. I Couldn’t explain either lol.

Something you never really get used to. I have them all the time. Had 3 in a row last week.

I have had lucid dreams on two occasions. One time I decided to just stop the events in my dream and just fly. Really cool feeling. Another time I decided to do a Kamehameha wave lol.
My girl experiences this a lot...even when she takes a 20 minute nap. Its kinda freaks me out when she describes it cuz I hadn't even heard of this until she told me about it. She says she yells my name when she really isn't saying anything and theres someone/thing whispering in her ear and pinning her legs and shoulders down and she cant move no matter what...I was like :wow: when she first told me, had me thinking it was some Katie from Paranomal Activity stuff going on :lol:
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