Halo 4 Thread| The Pit Returns Aug.20

Big team or bust for me with only 2 of the maps being good. One of which is right off halo 3. Feels like I'm doing the same thing over and over again. I don't see this being my big time waster. MVC2 I'll be back soon
Why does everyone like Exile?

I hate it.

Also the connections are SOOOOO bad on this game. Any time I play BTB it's the same story....play for 30 seconds...someone quits out...black screen for a minute.
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Lovin this game.

I've been playing a lot of Team Slayer Pro which is for me I consider "real" halo. No radar ,no promethean vision, etc just me and my BR and my grenades. Ever since I started playing that I've gotten used to most of the maps now not like before. Infinity Slayer, Oddball, Dominion are fun too.BTB is ehh. I haven't played CTF yet.
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is anyone experiencing a delay with throwing grenades? i press the button and then it takes a second or two for the actual grenade to be thrown, sh*t is wild annoying
I don't know how some of you prefer BTB over classic Slayer Pro.. but to each his own. I can't deal with the lag from all the different players, constant vehicle prostitution, or power weapon favoritism. I like classic team shooting and 1 on 1 BR battles.

Any of you gonna be on tonight? I'll be on in a bit to finally play again after a day or two. :smh: surprising how busy someone can get so quickly.
im hoping they get some team swat going soon. i too havent played in a long time. didnt really like reach but loved halo3. big team is the ****. i love playing ragnarok(valhalla).
Lovin this game.
I've been playing a lot of Team Slayer Pro which is for me I consider "real" halo. No radar ,no promethean vision, etc just me and my BR and my grenades. Ever since I started playing that I've gotten used to most of the maps now not like before. Infinity Slayer, Oddball, Dominion are fun too.BTB is ehh. I haven't played CTF yet.
yeah its the closest to swat atm so its what i play the most, though infinity slayer can be fun at times. playing the same maps over and over again gets kind of old though.
kind of annoyed how they only included this amount of maps with the game and then are having you pay another $25 for the season pass that has 10 more maps in it. i mean its cool that its 10 more maps but that's like 85 bucks for a damn game :smh:
I don't know how some of you prefer BTB over classic Slayer Pro.. but to each his own. I can't deal with the lag from all the different players, constant vehicle prostitution, or power weapon favoritism.

i have been playing since the 7th and never have any lag issues on btb.

i use to hate big maps on halo because you would get sniped with the quickness and be a ton of camping but for some reason all the games ive played there hasnt been much of that.

vehicles are what makes this game so hillarious. i dont consider it vehicle prostitution. the vehicles are in the game for a reason. to be used. and its easy to blow a vehicle up except for them big *** tanks...

adding a run button was the best thing that ever happend to halo lol
BTB definitely has lag, I play like 3-4 good matches then a few lagging ones then I have to stop because it makes me mad
I've yet to get lag in BTB and its what I've played the most of, the one time I got lag it was in KotH
Yes assists do count towards your score. Did you do legendary solo?

Yes, I always complete the game solo first. Unless its a MMO like MAG or something where there is only a MP. I still have to go through it again and find the skulls and terminals.. I love the MP. Maps are boring me already..
played the missions with a couple of buddies online. had fun with that. when does chapter 2 come out? hopefully soon.

finally getting my groove back with halo. after getting addicted to call of duty, it was hard at first to get used to halo.

still get annoyed with people that use the jetpacks! lol so frustrating but so easy to kill people that dont know how to use that thing.
i've been playing this game for 4 days.. i would say i'm decent as i'm completely new to the game..
multiplayer is fun.. but i get so mad when it takes 4353489792482423 shots to kill someone(42432 headshots)
i need to learn how to use the LB items.. and i like using the BR(reminds me of the m16/famas in COD) and the suppressor(fad from cod4)

i've run with jkill alot, pizzo and memphis yesterday.. too funny when people have mics and better for teamwork of course..

i'm running now.. gt- justreason914
Played the multiplayer with the homies the other night... I was already convinced to cop because of the campaign but now I need to scoop this game up ASAP now. I was getting my *** whooped and still having fun playing lol.
i've been playing this game for 4 days.. i would say i'm decent as i'm completely new to the game..
multiplayer is fun.. but i get so mad when it takes 4353489792482423 shots to kill someone(42432 headshots)
i need to learn how to use the LB items.. and i like using the BR(reminds me of the m16/famas in COD) and the suppressor(fad from cod4)

i've run with jkill alot, pizzo and memphis yesterday.. too funny when people have mics and better for teamwork of course..

i'm running now.. gt- justreason914




the graphics on Halo 4 is insane . . . when I started the campaign (i like to finish campaign before I head into multiplayer so at least I can try out the weapons first) and I first thought the opening scene with Dr. Halsey was filmed and not CG.
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