Have you "fallen off" since high school?

Aug 14, 2012
-Gained weight/ Lost Weight
-Dressed better / Dressed Worst
-Picked up badder chicks / Picked up grenades
…Lets hear them?

I was 220 in HS. Im 180 now
I think i dressed better before. Long white Tee's were a staple lol with a 2X jacket. 
IDK why tho, i think i picked up better chicks in HS. I was a class clown so they all loved me 

 the question isn't "Was high school the best time of your life"
I was initially going to ask "Have you fallen off since College" 
But not everybody went to college.
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8 years removed from high school

1. I had a girlfriend that was real scrappy so chicks didn't really mess with me.. She was ready to box chicks over me . :lol:

I have gotten more yambs towards the end of college and after college than previous before.

The calibue of yambs I mess with has went up as well.

2. 175 in high school... 200 now...

3. I was never a big fashion guy back then and I'm still not today.

If high school was the best time in your life, you're life is crappy.
I'm ALOT more mature now, more precautious, more calculated in my decisions.

I dress better now ofcourse since I make my own money and can buy what I want.

I took more chances with girls in highschool so in a sense I bagged more.

Physique wise, I'm leaner with more muscle mass now, but my endurance and stamina is no way compared to highschool.
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I've improved in almost every way since high school, except athletically. Gained some weight so I'm not as fast as I was back then
Gotten better at everything except playing ball, I kind of suck now compared to what I used to be :smh: Oh well.
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Gained some weight, but besides that we good. If most facets of life after high school aren't better than when you were in high school, you're doing something wrong.
You should never let high school be the high point of your life, word to Al Bundy.

Class of 2003. I was 200 lbs at 5'10"...wore 3xl gear and long jerseys. Now I'm at 160 lbs, hold 2 master's degrees, have a professional job, and on the verge of starting my own venture. Life should get better with age

A lot of my friends from high school are married already. Admittedly that's my weak point...I've been keeping busy so I never had a serious GF, just quick ones.
You should never let high school be the high point of your life, word to Al Bundy.

Class of 2003. I was 200 lbs at 5'10"...wore 3xl gear and long jerseys. Now I'm at 160 lbs, hold 2 master's degrees, have a professional job, and on the verge of starting my own venture. Life should get better with age

A lot of my friends from high school are married already. Admittedly that's my weak point...I've been keeping busy so I never had a serious GF, just quick ones.
my brother is 02, not married and literally turning down offers...

You're good famb-o
my brother is 02, not married and literally turning down offers...

You're good famb-o
:lol: My life style isn't for everyone. My friends feel sorry for me so they try to set me up with their GFs. Maternal clock is clicking for those girls since they're in their late 20s and early 30s and when the marriage talk comes, that's when I play "The Block is Hot" in my head and mentally run away.

I want to accomplish too much in the upcoming years to be tied down, unless I find someone who is like me. When I tie the knot, I want to be financially and mentally ready so I can give the kid(s) everything I can.
:lol: My life style isn't for everyone. My friends feel sorry for me so they try to set me up with their GFs. Maternal clock is clicking for those girls since they're in their late 20s and early 30s and when the marriage talk comes, that's when I play "The Block is Hot" in my head and mentally run away.

I want to accomplish too much in the upcoming years to be tied down, unless I find someone who is like me. When I tie the knot, I want to be financially and mentally ready so I can give the kid(s) everything I can.

Yeah, I can relate. I found a chick though, and love doesn't wait. It's hard to manage that internal drive with the external time commitment of being in a relationship.
I basically didn't exist before the 11th grade. Ageing like fine wine now, especially when I look at my classmates. When children & divorce are wearing everybody down but you out here flourishing and finessing how you want :smokin :smokin :smokin
How about them thots, who post throwback thursday or flashback friday hs pics on their social media, reminding us on how much they fell off?
Still I virgin . Inspiring late bloomer :pimp: :lol:

Significantly stronger

Make my own money (well I have money in my pocket at that)

Have a plan now

Matured more than other around me

Use to be in the durag dynasty with the 360 waves spinning at full strength :pimp: but now I just got a fro and taper it myself

Style has decreased I guess since then (never bought anything clothes wise since I've been working)

And I drive now so that's big points in my book :pimp:
I'll never fall off pimp juice. Freeze gon be cool breeze foreva.

I dress better, look better, smarter, richer, more accomplished, bigger, stronger, etc. Legit every category you can rate a man, I went up in. My meat was big then, I guess its bigger, shrugs.

Only loss is the amount of time I have left.

my reunion is this summer. gonna be hilarious, my who class looks washed based on what I've seen from fb. can't wait to make em all need security clearance.

how do you fall off from HS? That was yalls peak? how does that happen? How you peak in puberty? Make sure yall pick up my book when it drops yo. Gonna reboot ya whole mainframe b.
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Upward trend since HS put on 10 in muscle.
Spit game improved (waddup tay famb)
Got a girl who pretty much has all I want.

Doing well in school.

A young man is doing well for himself.
I always pulled 8 and up...other than that there was way more to do in HS, like more of a social life....more parties to attend and easier to meet girls.
I have more muscle mass but i was more cut in HS

I get less yambs :smh:. I was thotting hardbody in HS tho

Yamb quality is better. I didnt nail my 1st certified dime til i was 20. It was all 6, 7, and 8s before. Still mostly strong 7s but i got a few 10s under my belt

Im still fresh af everyday...except now i wear ties n **** every once n a while
I've just gotten cooler and swaggier since high school.

but then again I was cool and swaggy in high school.
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