HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

I think Cersei would rather shove a sword or shoot a crossbow in her cunny than ever do anything with Tyrion.  For a second he thought about hugging her to comfort her because she was crying but she probably would've shoved him away.
I'll do some gif bombing with some more Jon & Ygritte gifs.

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

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if following the Syrio storyline is like any other in the Westeros universe, then i'd lean heavily torwards Syrio being dead

also book readers
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Ramsay Bolton becomes Reek? thats what some people in here seem like theyre alluding to and i completely missed that if so. details?

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I believe (my reading comprehension is sometimes lacking) that when Rodrick Cassel left Winterfell to Hornwood to take it back from Ramsay (the one he took by forcible marriage), Ramsey  forced Reek #1 to switch places with him right before he got caught by Cassell.  Cassel brought incognito Ramsay back with him as a prisoner to Winterfell since Reek was a witness to the crimes committed by Ramsay (believing he was Reek, not Ramsay).  By the time that party returns to Winterfell, Theon has taken over.  Ramsay the prisoner (while still in character as Reek) then pledges fealty to Theon in exchange for his freedom.  When the North's backup arrives at Winterfell to eventually overthrow Theon, Ramsay/Reek tells Theon that he has friends at the Dreadfort and that he can go get help.  Ramsay/Reek returns with the help and eventually overcome the North's backup.  He then reveals himself at Ramsay and doublecrosses Theon too and takes Theon to be his Reek #2.

edit: im an idiot and dont know how to use spoiler function so i put the answer in black
Just watched Ep. 7, easily the best episode of the season so far.

Random question I've been wondering but has it been discussed whether Cersei's other two children are King Roberts or Jaimes?
Yea, last season when Ned confronted her about the kids, she said Robert got her preggo once and she took some abortion juice. They're all Jaime's.
Originally Posted by KOD843

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by shogun

There's been no info on Syrio since Arya escaped.  If it didn't say he died then he could still be alive.  GRRM does like to leave some characters' fate a mystery and have them pop up again with a new identity.  It would suck if he's in the dungeons for the rest of his life.  He was doing work against the City Watch armed with only a wooden practice sword.  He's one of the best fighters we've seen so far along with Ned, Jaime, and the Cleganes.

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there are clues pointing to syrio being jaqen ha'ar but arguments both ways

I literally got the Weebey gif face when I read that spoiler. Makes perfect sense if true!

after reading up on the GOT wiki....

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Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

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if following the Syrio storyline is like any other in the Westeros universe, then i'd lean heavily torwards Syrio being dead

also book readers
Spoiler [+]
Ramsay Bolton becomes Reek? thats what some people in here seem like theyre alluding to and i completely missed that if so. details?


edit: im an idiot and dont know how to use spoiler function so i put the answer in black
how in the hell did i miss allllll of this
and i read all 5 for understanding. damn
^ i just want the art book from the pre-order.. this is one of those video games that they never get right
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

Originally Posted by NiceLikeChrist


 x 100

Favorite character on the show so far.



one of the most gangster moments of the series. and that is saying a lot.
she's definitely my favorite character on the show. if i have a daughter in the future, no joke, i think i'll name her after her. 
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Yea, last season when Ned confronted her about the kids, she said Robert got her preggo once and she took some abortion juice. They're all Jaime's.

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Spoiler [+]
if following the Syrio storyline is like any other in the Westeros universe, then i'd lean heavily torwards Syrio being dead

also book readers
Spoiler [+]
Ramsay Bolton becomes Reek? thats what some people in here seem like theyre alluding to and i completely missed that if so. details?


edit: im an idiot and dont know how to use spoiler function so i put the answer in black
how in the hell did i miss allllll of this
and i read all 5 for understanding. damn
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During a hunting trip Ramsay Snow and Reek were attacked by men sworn to Ser Rodrik Cassel, shortly after Reek had raped the corpse of a peasant girl Ramsay had used first. There, Ramsay Snow, in attempt to hide his true identity, swapped clothes with Reek and told him to ride for help. Ser Rodrik's men killed him, believing him to be Ramsay. While that was happening, Ramsay covered himself in filth and when the men came back, they took Ramsay to be Reek and dragged him back to Ser Rodrik.[sup][5][/sup] Ramsay Snow continued using this alias until Theon Greyjoy released him.

Spoiler about Reek for those who have read ALL the books

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In ADWD we found out that there's a new"Reek" and that Ramsay (now back to being Ramsay) has actually turned Theon into "Reek". Theon has been physically and mentally abused to the point where he doesn't recognize himself as Theon but believes he's Reek.

That's what I got from it all. Let me know if I'm mistaken because a read ADWD when it first released and haven't looked since.
I think I'll try and make an official book discussion thread since no one has made one yet.  I'm tired of people having to use spoilers and tiptoeing around certain parts of the story.  I want to be able to discuss stuff up to ADWD.
Originally Posted by shogun

I think I'll try and make an official book discussion thread since no one has made one yet.  I'm tired of people having to use spoilers and tiptoeing around certain parts of the story.  I want to be able to discuss stuff up to ADWD.
i considered this but i think splitting the two would serve to take away hits from either.

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i was under the impression that Reek has been Theon ever since Ramsay came to Winterfell during his coup de grace. Thats not the case? I remember there being Theon (in winterfell), Ramsay Bolton and his Reek. Then Reek got taken away or killed or something when he went to Deepwood or one of those places and Ramsay adopted Theon as his new Reek. Then at the end of ADWD Theon got away right? and now he's on some kind of redeeming mission or something. It's been almost a year since i last read that so my memory is fuzzy
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by shogun

I think I'll try and make an official book discussion thread since no one has made one yet.  I'm tired of people having to use spoilers and tiptoeing around certain parts of the story.  I want to be able to discuss stuff up to ADWD.
i considered this but i think splitting the two would serve to take away hits from either.

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i was under the impression that Reek has been Theon ever since Ramsay came to Winterfell during his coup de grace. Thats not the case? I remember there being Theon (in winterfell), Ramsay Bolton and his Reek. Then Reek got taken away or killed or something when he went to Deepwood or one of those places and Ramsay adopted Theon as his new Reek. Then at the end of ADWD Theon got away right? and now he's on some kind of redeeming mission or something. It's been almost a year since i last read that so my memory is fuzzy
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That may be the case, I haven't read the books in quite some time. I really should re-read them. I just remembered the Theon thing from ADWD. And I do remember that he escaped? or was let go? to go on his redeeming mission.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by shogun

I think I'll try and make an official book discussion thread since no one has made one yet.  I'm tired of people having to use spoilers and tiptoeing around certain parts of the story.  I want to be able to discuss stuff up to ADWD.
i considered this but i think splitting the two would serve to take away hits from either.
Yeah, people still post in the old thread too.  I'll see how it goes and if people stay active in it.
Originally Posted by shogun




The voice she did with the "turn back around" part had me.

I'm completely smitten by Ygritte.

In regards to the character thegoat asked about:

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There are actually three Reeks in the book: the original Reek, Ramsay Snow/Bolton poising as Reek and Theon as Reek. The original Reek was given to Ramsay by his old man, Roose Bolton after Ramsay's mother came to Roose telling him that their son was becoming unruly and he needed to control him. Angered by this he sent the original Reek with her back to his son. Instead of taking offense to this Ramsay and Reek became inseparable and started engaging in all sorts of debauchery.

Ser Rodrik's men came upon Ramsay and Reek raping a dead woman 
and gave chase. Ramsay knowing that they would kill him on sight due to his vile reputation switched clothes with Reek, took on his appearance (by covering himself in filth) and sent him off to get help. Reek dressed up as Ramsay was eventually killed by Rodrik's men and Ramsay poising as Reek was captured and taken back to Winterfell as a prisoner.

When Theon came to Winterfell and seized control, he freed "Reek" from his imprisonment so that he could go to Dreadfort and bring some of Roose Bolton's  men in preparation for Ser Rodrik's attack to regain control of Winterfell. Ramsay and his men killed Ser Rodrik and his group and returned to Winterfell where he proceeded to take control from Theon, kill all the inhabitants of Winterfell, burn Winterfell to the ground and take Theon (now his prisoner) and make him into the new Reek. 
I love her too 
.  Jon Snow is a fool.  What are the chances he'd find a hot redhead wilding who is DTF the first night?  He'd have a fun life the way Ygritte was describing how women would fight over him.  

I know she was in the first season of Dowton Abbey.  It's been in my Netflix queue and i'll start it soon to see her in it.
Just watched this ep, love the direction its going.
One thing though I miss a lot of the non important symbolic things that aren't done, like jon snow always flexing that sword hand.. I like they are giving ygrette more shine but this is one of the story lines I sort of wish they kept true to the book. but I'm also not complaining. I'm usually not attracted to red heads or freckles but that accent is kind of doing it for me.

also yea more detail like the book did on her Period. the burning of the sheets all that..
Originally Posted by shogun

I think Cersei would rather shove a sword or shoot a crossbow in her cunny than ever do anything with Tyrion.  For a second he thought about hugging her to comfort her because she was crying but she probably would've shoved him away.

I also think it's pretty obvious that she's going to find out about Tyrion's ho and have her #*# shipped off to Timbuktu (or somewhere close) like Tyrion did her daughter.
Thats how it was portrayed in the book also like even though they some what hate each other, that was a moment of compassion. very well acted btw
Theory my friend has as to Jon Snow's origins/fate in both the book and show (not a spoiler but just in case)

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"Jon isnt really Eddards kid.  He's really Eddard's nephew and Lyanna Stark's (ned's sister) son she had with rhaegar targaryen.  Evidence is Lyanna making Eddard keep a secret for her as her dying wish and it being generally accepted that she was raped when she was kidnapped.  And she died of suspicious circumstance, possibly child birth."

Plus Ned is way too loyal and honorable to ever step out on Cat.  It makes sense as to Jon's nature too.
Thats a very good Theory..

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but in the 4th book.. it was already said that his mom was eddards first love. That drove her self crazy when she found out he was going to have marry Catlynn after his brother died...
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