HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

How does that make sense?

We won't stop posting spoilers in here...and no, we won't post spoilers in the spoilers thread...nobody posts in there.....
Looks like the Battle of Blackwater will start the next episode 
Disappointed in this week's nudity.  Basically saw buttcheeks.

Jaime said only 3 men would have a chance against him in a fair fight.  I'm thinking he meant Ser Barristan the Bold, The Hound, and The Mountain.  In the show Ned was having the upperhand on him.  Bronn is pretty good as well.  I'll throw in Syrio too.
Originally Posted by MrONegative



Good episode tonight, not as good as previous two.

Asha with the straight ether to Theon.

The Lord of Bones looks badass.

The Battle of Blackwater episode next week looks crazy.

Originally Posted by shogun

Looks like the Battle of Blackwater will start the next episode 
Disappointed in this week's nudity.  Basically saw buttcheeks.

Jaime said only 3 men would have a chance against him in a fair fight.  I'm thinking he meant Ser Barristan the Bold, The Hound, and The Mountain.  In the show Ned was having the upperhand on him.  Bronn is pretty good as well.  I'll throw in Syrio too.

I thought of Ser Barristan off the bat, forgot about the Clegane brothers.

Ned gave him a run for his money last season.
Yeah, Jaime doesn't respect many people but Ser Barristan is one of them.  The guy is a living legend of the Kingsguard.
The Cleganes would just overpower everybody.  Wish King Robert would've let them continue fighting at the tournament last season.
I keep getting on this show for it's bland direction, but not this time...Alan @%@%#+* Taylor...I'm so happy that dude is directing Thor 2. He's gonna fix all the things I didn't like about the first Thor, I can feel it.

Now there were obvious reasons why this wasn't as good as the last 2 episodes...less Ygritte...less Tywin...less movement. This was an episode about people taking a deep breath before #$*+ goes absolutely crazy.

That said...there's still things I don't think work on this show:


!!+% Shae.

When she appeared in this...shroud of mystery and had exotic skintight clothes...was the first person (outside of Bronn) to challenge Tyrion intellectually...showed them to bounce all her lines off of Tyrion and Bronn in the shadow of a coming war...she was awesome.

Then she got to the King's Landing...put on some maid a ton stupider and forgot how to act. At first, I's not her. It's cuz they don't give her screen time. She's by herself. She has nothing to do. Just fix that and she'll be back...Nope.
Maybe she's got that Penelope Cruz disease, where she can't act outside her native language...and last year was just a fluke.

How disappointing was it, when they brought out the wrong ho and it turned out to be Ros? At first I was like...Damn...that's so clever. Turn random prostitute #3 into Ros. Really put some stakes on it. Well done.
. I actually like Ros. Yall got the wrong %%$%@, Shae's over there!

Qhorin Halfhand:

I see what you're doing...I get it...I'm just disappointed having read the book. You sold out Qhorin and Jon for Ygritte and Jon. And I can't be mad...Ygritte's damn near my fav character right now...but I can't help but feel that you coulda had both. Maybe have Qhorin catches up with Jon and Ygritte before the ambush, Ygritte runs and then they run when they see all of the wildlings? Too late? Oh well.

The Mountain That Rides: I just wish they didn't have to recast.

It's not that he doesn't look the part...I just feel nothing towards him now. *shrug*

And why is this show so bad with music?

It's so sad. Whenever they use it, it's to such great effect, but it's almost at random when they actually will. You'll watch one scene and the score swells just a little and hits the perfect notes to the emotions or drama of it. But then the next scene, they just leave you hanging with dry silence between lines. I think it matters. And it's not being indulgent. It's smoothing over the slow pace and adding weight to some of these scenes. God knows Lost trolled a lot of weak or unsatisfying scenes over on us with that amazing score.

And outside of how the show's made...Catelyn...YOU LET HIM GO?!.
You Britta everything.
Things I love about Game of Thrones:
Alan Taylor.

Dany sucked, he gave her real emotion...she's a real character again. Nurse and Robb were sappy and obvious, he gave us Nurse cheeks. Alan Taylor is a saint. Stannis was the worst, he gave us the best written and acted Stannis we've gotten all season, easily. He gave this show style again and nuanced direction...more than I've seen in a while, even when all the storylines were slowing down or stalling.

Good episode, great direction.

Theon and Asha. Theon in general. As horrible, a human being he is, this is his season. He stepped up in his own miserable way and has been good in every part of his story. And I really liked Asha's scene. A lot of parallels with Tyrion and Cersei.

Tyrion...and Bronn
...and Varys
...and Cersei
and all of King's Landing...I'm so hyped for the battle.

Arya and Tywin, at least one of them is getting an Emmy nom.

That scene with Jaqen... "A man can go kill himself."

I loved Harrenhal in general. Perfect from beginning to end.

Stannis, for once.
Podrick Payne's face

Ros...They caught the wrong chick.

The Nurse...she can act...and them much better than Shae, already. She's making Robb worth watching.

The ending...such a nice bittersweet chance to breathe before hell rises.

I missed the Jaime scene.

I'm mad they stalled out the House of the Undying, but now they get to intertwine it with the battle, Winterfell and the wildlings. Sofa king hyped.
I agree with you about the new guy playing The Mountain.  When they showed him sitting at the table, I forgot who he was for a second.  He just looks like a regular guy who's tall.  The original actor looked like a beast.  The Hound would own this new guy.
Ser Jorah is simping hard for Dani.  He should know better.

No one noticed Osha sneaking into the kitchen and carrying bread in the courtyard?  
  I know there's only a few ironmen there but Maester Luwin spotted her quick.
Originally Posted by shogun

I agree with you about the new guy playing The Mountain.  When they showed him sitting at the table, I forgot who he was for a second.  He just looks like a regular guy who's tall.  The original actor looked like a beast.  The Hound would own this new guy.
Ser Jorah is simping hard for Dani.  He should know better.

No one noticed Osha sneaking into the kitchen and carrying bread in the courtyard?  
  I know there's only a few ironmen there but Maester Luwin spotted her quick.
Yup dudes going to die before he gets with her.
His story about his wife leaving him was depressing 
.  Now he falls in love with his queen.  The guy is a glutton for punishment.  He needs to find someone more in his league.

He was also in the show Downton Abbey where he did everything for this girl and she still dumped him 
.  Cold-blooded.
Originally Posted by shogun

His story about his wife leaving him was depressing 
.  Now he falls in love with his queen.  The guy is a glutton for punishment.  He needs to find someone more in his league.

He was also in the show Downton Abbey where he did everything for this girl and she still dumped him 
.  Cold-blooded.
. I might watch Downton after I'm done with the wonder years.
Man, the nurse is legit the perfect girl (looks/body wise) to me. She's gorgeous. *would simp*

Good episode, like others said.. the calm before the storm. I can't wait til shh hit's the fan next episode.

i totally got the 'calm for before the storm' vibe from this episode. i dig it.

i dont get the hate for Dany in this thread tho. she's a spoiled brat that wants the crown and has no idea how to get it. the writing/acting has portrays that perfectly. ive also got no problem with Shae. imo, she isnt on screen enough for me to really critique. it could be that Dinklage overshadows her in every scene... he does that to lots of folks. her scenes with Sansa were cool to me. when she pulled that knife on the maid ... that was gully.

i get the feeling Theon and his sister might get it crackin. dont know why... could be the clam digging in the previous episode. something is up there.

whats good with Snow and the Wildlings? it seemed like the old dude had some sort of plan, which included knocking Snow away from the rest of the pack. im very intrigued by this story line. and the other dudes finding the dragon glass... that has to be important going forward.

Spoiler [+]
so Snow and Ygritte get ambushed? thanks for putting that in a spoiler brah. smh

hyped for the House of the Undying and the battle. last 2 episodes should be amazing.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

"Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!"


Got me so hyped for next weekend.


Jaime and Brienne... great scene, hope there's at least one more of just them 2 next week.
Stannis wasn't boring as hell tonight!!
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

"Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!"


Got me so hyped for next weekend.


Jaime and Brienne... great scene, hope there's at least one more of just them 2 next week.
Stannis wasn't boring as hell tonight!!


did yall know shes charlie chaplins grand daughter? does that ruin how she looks now? 

i actually felt feelings for stannis. he doesnt want power or fame. hes just doing whats right.
I forgot about them finding the dragonglass.  Good thing they found that spot on that giant mountain while digging the trench for them to piss and crap in 
.  Sam's teeth look like he's been eating dirt.
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

i dont get the hate for Dany in this thread tho. she's a spoiled brat that wants the crown and has no idea how to get it. the writing/acting has portrays that perfectly. ive also got no problem with Shae. imo, she isnt on screen enough for me to really critique. it could be that Dinklage overshadows her in every scene... he does that to lots of folks. her scenes with Sansa were cool to me. when she pulled that knife on the maid ... that was gully.
She's just been stuck on the exact same note all season. I'm the mother of dragons! I wanna go home! Bi^$#, cry, bi^$#, cry. Last season, there was so much more to her and even though her storyline got more interesting, she got simpler and more annoying. Either way, she finally acted like she has more than 2 emotions again this ep. So hopefully that's over.
i get the feeling Theon and his sister might get it crackin. dont know why... could be the clam digging in the previous episode. something is up there.

Dead up, I thought she was gonna pop him off before she left.

whats good with Snow and the Wildlings? it seemed like the old dude had some sort of plan, which included knocking Snow away from the rest of the pack. im very intrigued by this story line. and the other dudes finding the dragon glass... that has to be important going forward.

so Snow and Ygritte get ambushed? thanks for putting that in a spoiler brah. smh literally happened the episode before.

I'm just saying, the details of it are pretty different from the book and it looks like they cut out a great part from the book for the new Ygritte stuff they made up for the show.
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