HBO's Silicon Valley - First Episode Up on YouTube

With Erlich gone, I'm gonna guess they focus heavy on the Monica and Richard romance

Hope not, since there really isn't a romance, yeah there's an awkward attraction but Richard for all his professional screw ups and ambitions doesn't seem like he would turn into a simp without realizing his tech dream first. I thought after their first burnout, show was gonna turn into Richard trying desperately to get the girl. Monica is about her business too, so it's almost out character for her(just like Richard) to pursue something without realizing her goals either.

Kinda what I love about the show, romance is included but it isn't the driving force, We are rooting for these guys to break through in the silicon valley world. I wouldn't even be mad if Richard and Monica didn't end up together. Like they smash but end up not taking it further and thats that

I feel like they gonna turn to the Tres Commas dude Russ, who is just gonna do Richard a solid and set them up at a place, but not be as involved with the project because even though dude is a major douche, he seems to be all over the place looking for opportunities that interest him. So we'll still get him in small doses like we have been
I'm just wary that if they do bring in new blood, it isn't a complete ripoff of the character they're replacing, like how they did with Peter Gregory(RIP) who was no doubt gonna go down as one of the greats.
I'm so over Laurie man
I'm just wary that if they do bring in new blood, it isn't a complete ripoff of the character they're replacing, like how they did with Peter Gregory(RIP) who was no doubt gonna go down as one of the greats.
I'm so over Laurie man
Totally agree. I hate how they tried to make Laurie have the same exact strange personality as Peter Gregory. Makes no sense why they would do that and she's just annoying.

Side note:  Been rewatching The Office, had no idea Russ Hanaman was in it.
Totally agree. I hate how they tried to make Laurie have the same exact strange personality as Peter Gregory. Makes no sense why they would do that and she's just annoying.

Side note:  Been rewatching The Office, had no idea Russ Hanaman was in it.

What's funny is that when I posted about him earlier I actually went to his IMDB to get the character's name, dude does A LOT of voice work and has even voiced Mickey Mouse in some Disney shorts
I'm like :wow:
Yea crazy, i had never remembered seeing him in anything else before silicon valley, but he's the sound guy for the Documentary crew in the Office, the one that goes after Pam when Jim is working in Philly
I died at how bad she said Richard was in the sack :lol:

Yeah it was hilarious. Elbows everywhere and you said out loud "Gulp"

Jared's reaction to listening to the story. :lol:

Next episode Jared is looking hilarious with his other identity. Can't wait
I was shocked to learn blood boys are actually a thing
It is? These rich mfs on some weird sht 
Erlich was once again phenomenal on this last episode :lol:

I really don't know how they're going to replace him
Jared has only been funny recently, Erlich has been providing comedy since day 1
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