Heat Vs Pacers East Semi-Finals. Good Series Folks, Now Time To Destroy Boston.

It's crazy how after UD put Tyler on his *@! that all the Pacers ran up in his face like they wanted to fight!!

I thought there was about to be a brawl.

And Lance landed all wrong, that could have been horrible
Now this is the type of NBA basketball that I like to see.  A guy who claim they grew up in the same neighborhood as Master P and Soulja Slim getting carted off the court because of a "bad ankle" which is code for having a "broken heart", a worthless player that makes a clownish gesture on the sidelines when not in the game gets an elbow to the neck a few nights later just to put his @*$ in check, and players sending subliminal messages with their attire during post game interviews to the opposing team that they just beat to win the series.  Finally real NBA basketball is back!!
Didn't watch the game...seeing the flagrants now for the first time. Unbelievable that the Pacers didn't goon out after either one of those fouls.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Didn't watch the game...seeing the flagrants now for the first time. Unbelievable that the Pacers didn't goon out after either one of those fouls.
That's because the Pacers aren't goons. Their game plan this series was to try and force a reaction out of Wade & Bron to hopefully get one of them ejected. All the trash talking, running up in faces, post game interview quotes was to get a reaction and none of it has worked. So now they are resorting to crying about it all. Roy Hibbert's quote said it all "Bron & Wade aren't reacting, everyone else is"
at those pics... but like i said before.. NO ONE ON THE COURT DID NOTHING TO PITTMAN.. didnt get in his face, no shove, NOTHING...
cant wait til thursday..
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Now this is the type of NBA basketball that I like to see.  A guy who claim they grew up in the same neighborhood as Master P and Soulja Slim getting carted off the court because of a "bad ankle" which is code for having a "broken heart",
You're a doctor?
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I gained so much respect for the Heat last night.

I been calling for some goonish behavior for 2 years. teams have been taking too many liberties on the Heat star players.

Yea the flagrants and suspensions and ejections maybe warranted but it was More than worth it.

at least now opposing teams know fire will be returned unlike the previous 2 regular seasons.

haslem's wasnt as bad as I originally thought he did catch alot of arm but that smack to the head

I bet Bron and Wade already put cash in pockets to pay for whatever subsequent fines come UDs & Pittman's way

O yeah, shout out to Lebron with the Bruce Bowen foot slide defense  up under Granger
As an athlete you know FULLY about "The Code". It's in all sports at almost every level.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I gained so much respect for the Heat last night.

I been calling for some goonish behavior for 2 years. teams have been taking too many liberties on the Heat star players.

Yea the flagrants and suspensions and ejections maybe warranted but it was More than worth it.

at least now opposing teams know fire will be returned unlike the previous 2 regular seasons.

haslem's wasnt as bad as I originally thought he did catch alot of arm but that smack to the head

I bet Bron and Wade already put cash in pockets to pay for whatever subsequent fines come UDs & Pittman's way

O yeah, shout out to Lebron with the Bruce Bowen foot slide defense  up under Granger

It honestly took waaaaaaay too long for someone to step up and give retribution for players going after them IMO.

Oak would've handled that situation after the 3rd time if not the 2nd.
The Heat was who they was when they got here. You can't become tough, you can only act tough, and ACTING tough is what soft cats do, and giving applause for that is a soft attitude. If yall think what happened last night was goonish, tough, or hard, then yall are just as soft as those suckas on the Heat. Those were dirty plays. Anybody in this thread 30 or older should be appalled at that soft !*#% Pittman and Haslem did. It's all slick though, cause these @$*@%+ aint winning the Larry O'Brien anyway. Charles Oakley and Rick Mahorn laughs at these so called acts of "toughness". And shame on the NBA for gift wrapping a win for the Heat, and letting the refs dictate the momentum. I'm soooooo close to giving up on the NBA
 at people blaming the refs for the Pacers loss last night.  When you lose by 30+, the refs are not to blame for that.  If you want to disperse blame, you can start with the Pacer bigs for not going to work and for the Hill, George and Granger for not having the energy needed for a pivotal Game 5 on the road.

I still stand by my OG stance of Heat in 6.   Pacer's were not ready for this moment.  
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

The Heat was who they was when they got here. You can't become tough, you can only act tough, and ACTING tough is what soft cats do, and giving applause for that is a soft attitude. If yall think what happened last night was goonish, tough, or hard, then yall are just as soft as those suckas on the Heat. Those were dirty plays. Anybody in this thread 30 or older should be appalled at that soft !*#% Pittman and Haslem did. It's all slick though, cause these @$*@%+ aint winning the Larry O'Brien anyway. Charles Oakley and Rick Mahorn laughs at these so called acts of "toughness". And shame on the NBA for gift wrapping a win for the Heat, and letting the refs dictate the momentum. I'm soooooo close to giving up on the NBA
Anyone over 30 remembers how the game USED to be played in the 2nd season and gave a nod of approval for how the Heat handled their business last night.  An eye for an eye...plus some.  

ACTING tough is barking and not doing @%+@....I'm not sure what you were watching but your post reeks of bias from a jilted Cavs fan. 

So I guess Shaq, Kenny, and Barkley are jilted Cavs fans too, because they too said it was ridiculous, and they actually played in that era, you sound dumb. And just like I said, only soft cats approve of those kind of antics, thanks for showing yourself
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

The Heat was who they was when they got here. You can't become tough, you can only act tough, and ACTING tough is what soft cats do, and giving applause for that is a soft attitude. If yall think what happened last night was goonish, tough, or hard, then yall are just as soft as those suckas on the Heat. Those were dirty plays. Anybody in this thread 30 or older should be appalled at that soft !*#% Pittman and Haslem did. It's all slick though, cause these @$*@%+ aint winning the Larry O'Brien anyway. Charles Oakley and Rick Mahorn laughs at these so called acts of "toughness". And shame on the NBA for gift wrapping a win for the Heat, and letting the refs dictate the momentum. I'm soooooo close to giving up on the NBA
soft cats dont act... they talk. real cats are the ones that do something about it.. do you know what soft cats do??.. this sit there still salty about something that happened 2 years ago... and still call someone by a number... a grown man cant acknowledge another man by his name?
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

So I guess Shaq, Kenny, and Barkley are jilted Cavs fans too, because they too said it was ridiculous, and they actually played in that era, you sound dumb. And just like I said, only soft cats approve of those kind of antics, thanks for showing yourself

Another one stuck on stupid...At halftime Barkley was arguing that it should have been a flagrant 2 on Haslem (which I do agree with)...however, Shaq (who didn't initially agree) was saying that this was basketball that he, Kenny, and Chuck were used to from their playing days.  What were YOU watching?  

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

The Heat was who they was when they got here. You can't become tough, you can only act tough, and ACTING tough is what soft cats do, and giving applause for that is a soft attitude. If yall think what happened last night was goonish, tough, or hard, then yall are just as soft as those suckas on the Heat. Those were dirty plays. Anybody in this thread 30 or older should be appalled at that soft !*#% Pittman and Haslem did. It's all slick though, cause these @$*@%+ aint winning the Larry O'Brien anyway. Charles Oakley and Rick Mahorn laughs at these so called acts of "toughness". And shame on the NBA for gift wrapping a win for the Heat, and letting the refs dictate the momentum. I'm soooooo close to giving up on the NBA

Thank God

It honestly took waaaaaaay too long for someone to step up and give retribution for players going after them IMO.
And Haslem/Pittman don't look like the types to let it slide for too long.  Might just be me but I've always thought either Bron or Wade have made them not veer in that direction.  It needed to happen.  Especially against a team like Indiana with a few guys acting out to try and intimidate.
The Pittman play was dirty no doubt. I recall either reading something or hearing someone say that the M.O. On Miami was that they were a soft team that can be intimidated by physical play. If they didn't send a message eventually teams were going to keep playing them that way. I wish the Nuggets would send in the goons because they have the same wrap.
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