Hello Niketalk!

Welcome back and congrats big homie! Always good to hear someone beat an addiction. Now if I could only put these cigarettes down smh...:smh: :smh:
Should share your story if you're willing, might help individuals here.
Best of luck and stay at it!
Thanks for all the positive comments fellas.

I've completed my treatment on December 19th and have been home since! Glad to finally be out of there.

I'll try make my story short. I'm currently 23 years old. I'm on probation and have been since 2009 for an assault charge I got hit with after I used self defense on someone after they attempted to rob me.I Beat the guy up bad and hit him in the head with a brick to keep him down, witnesses called police from their cell phone and the cops tracked me down before I could make it back home, and I got charged with felony assault with a weapon.I didnt do no jail time, luckily instead I was given a chance to plead guilty in exchange for 5 years probation so I took the offer evem though it would put a felony on my record but I didnt care because I wanted to avoid jail since I was facing 3 years for the charge.I was doing good with no problems while on probation my whole time until I  Tested positive for Marijuana to my PO in February 2011 and got sent to an outpatient Drug Program which I completed in 6 months. I stayed  clean for a couple of months until I used again in March 2012 after attending a friends wake who got killed by a drunk driver. I went to a friends house after  we attended the wake and everybody was drinking and smoking.One of my closest friends I knew most of my entire life had just died so I had a F it attitude and relapsed that same night of the wake.

I went to probation a week  later and my PO took a urine sample. I came up positive for marijuana again and my PO told me I had not learned my lesson  so he told me I'm going to be sent to an long term residential drug program upstate for 12 - 18 months. I was tight about that and shocked. I'm thinking damn I never been away from that long. Luckily I did extremely well in the program with no problems so I completed in less than 12 - 18 months. I already had a High School Diploma b4 entering the program so I didnt have to get a GED and do extra time while I was there. Total time I spent in the program  269 days just under 9 months I got there March 26 and completed December 19th. The program set me up with a job training program called NADAP and im going to be doing Building Maintenance so i'm back on good terms with my PO and he's pleased I didnt get into any trouble while upstate and he satisfied to know i'm going to be working a new job.Overall i'm very happy to be back home and I know that if god forbid something bad happens again I cant just drink and smoke to cope with the problems because it'll make em worse  i've gotta stay clean and find other ways to cope as long as i'm on probation. My PO already sent me to 2 programs so if I screw up again I might go to jail or prison so I plan to be sober.

I'm so grateful I got back home in time for the BRED XI release! While I was doing my time in the program I thought I wouldnt make it back home in time for them but I did! I camped out for 20 hours to get them. I got  in line at 11 am thursday at Modells and the store opened at 7am Friday, and I was first in Line so I'm very happy to have got my pair for retail! I missed a lot of  releases this year but glad I didnt miss the one I've anticipated most!
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