help me ! i need a job badly

Jul 5, 2009
looking for a job i applied for a few in snagajob but not helping..i need one asap! suggestions ? NYC area
I don't know one soul that would get denied from Mickey D's.
Burger joints always got room.

But I guess that's only if pushing poison is your cup of tea.
If you're desperate, just stock shelves for grocery stores until you can find something decent. Most of them need more people for the holidays and shouldbe hiring come early-mid November
I got an interview for Toys R Us tomorrow. Just something 'til I get it together.

Anyways, try there. They're hiring for just about everything...
talk to a counselor at your school at get a job that way, that what i did i ended up doing recreation at a nursing home it was
spent alot of time staring into space and get paid to do it. i used someones taxdollars wisely
Word man. I remember when i was 16, 17 and even 18. It was tough finding a job. Especially in NYC (go figure). Got a job at UPS and after 7 months there imentering management. Alot of opportunities at UPS and im in college for free
what sites can help me look for applying to jobs ? im seriously new to all of this ,and if it matters i turn 17 november 13th
Originally Posted by Ayceee

what sites can help me look for applying to jobs ? im seriously new to all of this ,and if it matters i turn 17 november 13th

ayo real talk my dude, try craigslist. But like i said, for your age i seriously suggest going to mickey d's duke
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