Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Yo $2200 unemployment biweekly is insane. That's 80k - 100k in salary terms.
Get your bread brethren, but sure this is right?
I'm a really good salesperson that just missed the 3rd biggest holiday of the year... but honestly I think it's time for a change. I've hit the ceiling for my career, at least if I stay in this state, but my girl doesn't want to move and we have a baby due in a couple of weeks so she kinda has me by the balls rn.
Pretty naive my dude... did you read anything? Every state has a max unemployment benefit. That plus 600 is the maximum you should have ever expected. Wouldnt hold my breath on backpay. Certaintly not for the extra 600. My state (delaware) telling people you can get backed UI but the PUA funds (extra 600) started 2nd week of April and are not retroactive.

I have to be a little more plugged into this than moth because of my job but it really boggles my mind how little ppl are willing to learn for themselves... we have 20 million unemployed but probably another 10 million underemployed that dont understand what they are and arnt eligible for.
Trump really isn't trying to hand the people anymore checks, corporations and businesses. Yes

That's one of the reasons he's trying to open things back up. These states realize that with that extra $600 it's more than some made working.

They're anti welfare, medicaid and medicare, so you know they aren't trying to give out money monthly.
Haven’t seen a cent from unemployment. My application has been pending for a month and you can’t get ahold of anyone from the Florida unemployment office. Luckily I’m not gonna starve or not be able to pay my bills or anything. I feel really bad for all of the people who are in that position though. You’re at the mercy of a local government that’s being exposed for putting a system in place that discourages it’s residents from filing for unemployment in the first place. Florida caps you at $275 a week, has one of shortest time frames you can be on unemployment in the country, and has a website that was almost unusable.
Haven’t seen a cent from unemployment. My application has been pending for a month and you can’t get ahold of anyone from the Florida unemployment office. Luckily I’m not gonna starve or not be able to pay my bills or anything. I feel really bad for all of the people who are in that position though. You’re at the mercy of a local government that’s being exposed for putting a system in place that discourages it’s residents from filing for unemployment in the first place. Florida caps you at $275 a week, has one of shortest time frames you can be on unemployment in the country, and has a website that was almost unusable.

I'm in the same boat here in Florida too. Can't even get a hold of someone to reset my PIN so I can login to the broken website.
Pretty naive my dude... did you read anything? Every state has a max unemployment benefit. That plus 600 is the maximum you should have ever expected. Wouldnt hold my breath on backpay. Certaintly not for the extra 600. My state (delaware) telling people you can get backed UI but the PUA funds (extra 600) started 2nd week of April and are not retroactive.

I have to be a little more plugged into this than moth because of my job but it really boggles my mind how little ppl are willing to learn for themselves... we have 20 million unemployed but probably another 10 million underemployed that dont understand what they are and arnt eligible for.

My max benefits are 20k. They literally sent me an email saying I would get back pay about a week after I signed up... if I'm going back to work by the end of the month then they're only going to be paying 6k out of the 20k I was approved for, in which case I want my back pay... luckily I pay all my bills as soon as they populate so I usually stay a month ahead so I'm good even with all the baby expenses, but it sucks that they basically made me use up almost all of my PTO before I even started getting unemployment.

I still plan on taking ALL of my money out of my 401k by October and putting a pretty decent down payment on a house. This 1500/mo rent out here for an 1100 sf 2 bedroom here in Colorado is not the move. I can go back home and buy a house that's more than twice the space and being paying half what my rent cost on the mortgage. If I were single I'd buy a condo in the Philippines and retire at 35.
Why do people do this every week. The numbers dip over the weekend, sometimes by 50%, and Trump proclaims victory on Monday.
My max benefits are 20k. They literally sent me an email saying I would get back pay about a week after I signed up... if I'm going back to work by the end of the month then they're only going to be paying 6k out of the 20k I was approved for, in which case I want my back pay... luckily I pay all my bills as soon as they populate so I usually stay a month ahead so I'm good even with all the baby expenses, but it sucks that they basically made me use up almost all of my PTO before I even started getting unemployment.

I still plan on taking ALL of my money out of my 401k by October and putting a pretty decent down payment on a house. This 1500/mo rent out here for an 1100 sf 2 bedroom here in Colorado is not the move. I can go back home and buy a house that's more than twice the space and being paying half what my rent cost on the mortgage. If I were single I'd buy a condo in the Philippines and retire at 35.

I feel you so much on retiring early and copping a Carib overseas to enjoy the rest of my life. My son is only 2 so I’m far from retirement but it sound ideal if my life would’ve gone other ways.
HAARP is working overtime. They know what they’re doing.

It’s not coincidence that during a pandemic - when a virus can survive immensely during temperatures of 30-50 degrees - that we’ve seen consecutive days of snow in May for the first time in my life. Mid May at that.

We need more acknowledging of the powers the government hold during this time - and not brush it off as some sort of coincidence.

Now we’re looking at a bill labeled HR - 6666 ‘TRACE’ act where it gives unlimited powers to government during a pandemic, which include running up on your house and taking you away even with no slight evidence of you being infected by COVID-19.

If there were ever a time to properly riot (calling all rioters....*crickets*) now would be the time.
:rofl: Fam do you know what thread you’re in? Not only are these cats BEGGING for the vaccine, they’ll be the first ones to snitch on people that don’t want it. You think anyone in here knows what HAARP is? Don’t bother providing any proof or evidence either it will be ignored.
:rofl: Fam do you know what thread you’re in? Not only are these cats BEGGING for the vaccine, they’ll be the first ones to snitch on people that don’t want it. You think anyone in here knows what HAARP is? Don’t bother providing any proof or evidence either it will be ignored.

debate tip: don´t do this ¨I´m more woke than the sheeple¨ thing, it literally never plays well in any forum.

...besides, cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 hates needles, and wants to see years of clinical trials first.
I'm a really good salesperson that just missed the 3rd biggest holiday of the year... but honestly I think it's time for a change. I've hit the ceiling for my career, at least if I stay in this state, but my girl doesn't want to move and we have a baby due in a couple of weeks so she kinda has me by the balls rn.
What do you sell?
debate tip: don´t do this ¨I´m more woke than the sheeple¨ thing, it literally never plays well in any forum.

I’ve said this verbatim. I’m not claiming to be “woke”or anything like that. I can care less. If this were some sort of debate I’d agree 100%

and years of clinical trails?? :lol: yeah that SOUNDS nice but that’s how legitimate vaccines are produced. We’re talking about a “get us out of quarantine, I need it now” vaccine.
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I’ve said this verbatim. I’m not claiming to be “woke”or anything like that. I can care less. If this were some sort of debate I’d agree 100%

did tho, bro. let´s go to the tape:

Fam do you know what thread you’re in? Not only are these cats BEGGING for the vaccine, they’ll be the first ones to snitch on people that don’t want it.

seems like you´re saying only you and the homie are smart enough to avoid a vaccine pumped out in a year.

You think anyone in here knows what HAARP is?

call me crazy, but it seems like you´re strongly implying someone posting in this thread can/would not believe that the United States government and other state-level actors harbor secret technologies and methods.

Don’t bother providing any proof or evidence either it will be ignored.

I might be mistaken, but this seems to be a direct indictment of folks´ ability to process information.

don´t come in here pissing and tell people it´s rain, isn´t that what you hate #them for?

let´s engage in good faith...enjoy your day, cousin.
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did tho, bro. let´s go to the tape:

seems like you´re saying only you and the homie are smart enough to avoid a vaccine pumped out in a year.

call me crazy, but it seems like you´re strongly implying someone posting in this thread cannot believe that the United States government and other state-level actors do not harbor secret technologies and methods.

I might be mistaken, but this seems to be a direct indictment of folks´ ability to process information.

don´t come in here pissing and tell people it´s rain, isn´t that what you hate #them for?

let´s engage in good faith...enjoy your day, cousin.

Na I wasn’t insinuating that at all actually. Was I being facetious? 100%
Also I don’t hate anyone, don’t put that on me.
did tho, bro. let´s go to the tape:

seems like you´re saying only you and the homie are smart enough to avoid a vaccine pumped out in a year.

call me crazy, but it seems like you´re strongly implying someone posting in this thread cannot believe that the United States government and other state-level actors do not harbor secret technologies and methods.

I might be mistaken, but this seems to be a direct indictment of folks´ ability to process information.

don´t come in here pissing and tell people it´s rain, isn´t that what you hate #them for?

let´s engage in good faith...enjoy your day, cousin.
Na I wasn’t insinuating that at all actually. Was I being facetious? 100%
Also I don’t hate anyone, don’t put that on me.
Cargo vs cargo
slaughterx slaughterx

The max benefits in your state are 561. 561+600=1161 a week less taxes total would be your payout regaurdless of how much you made... itll be in the 900s to you after taxes. If you choose to have the taxes taken out now (I would)... That's the payment you would receive weekly until July 31. Should you so choose... the 20k figure is like 561 x the max weeks you are eligible for and not all that relevant.

The backed pay you should *crosses finger* get will be from original claim date. But state benefits only. Then going forward you should get that 1161 a week.

That's how it has worked for dozens of our employees in Pa, DE and MD anyway. Although some in PA got backed PUA, but also some in PA still have gotten noada 😞Colorado may be more willing to pay. Yall got that legal greenery fund.
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