Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My in-laws went to the casino again. Idk what even say anymore.

Went to pick up dinner in Downtown Walnut Creek on Friday and saw tons of people eating outside with tables not 6ft apart. Pretty sure that defeats the purpose of social distancing.

Then asked a guy if they could back up from me as we were in line and dude got all pissy.
That's right. Over here people are taking some things for granted outdoors. Only good thing is stores require people to have masks. But outside of stores, they're starting to unmask and I see some of em staying together less than 6 feet apart. For me, the mask I wear walking out the door stays on til I come home. :lol:. I wanna keep my distance too, others sometimes don't.

That’s my problem with all of this. People somehow came up with the idea that not wearing a mask outdoors is safe.The NYS gov website says at the very top of every page that the virus is still spreading here and that masks should be worn when in public. No one is enforcing.
This is NY social distancing is nearly impossible. Someone is going to step foot right where the previous maskless person was walking within a few minutes. Or pass them on the street.
The one I hate the most are the joggers on the sidewalks huffing and puffing while running right by you.
AlI also noticed a lot of delivery drivers on bikes and scooter motors going maskless now too.

How did I know this was in FL before even reading this

I think one Of the problems is that people just naturally assume that being indoors with a few people is safer than being outdoors with a crowd. All the news points to that and the banning of large public gatherings would have people assume that too.
But what they don’t realize is that being indoors and avoiding crowds isn’t going to help if one person that is indoors with you is a carrier.
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