Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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They're ok with taking the risks because their rights are satisfied, mostly people of color and the elderly are going to be discarded and they get to go to Supercuts, eat bland takeout and play golf at extremely subpar levels.

This is class warfare and within that there's racism, ageism and other things. I can fully admit I was treating this as just "the flu" back in early March but look at the devastation this thing has caused. Ignorance is bliss though.

Ding ding ding...

Social implications of class warfare at its finest. It's extremely dangerous because anything under the guise of clasd warfare is acceptable.

People dying - not accepted

Poor people dying - well, you're able bodied living jn america, that's on you

Prejudice against someone's ethnicity - not accepted

Prejudice against poor people of a certain race - well, we're not against you because of your ethnicity, it's because you're poor (yeah right!!)



Let’s overwhelm our health care system, magnify the workload on our front line workers, and kill thousands more people daily especially but not specifically the elderly and sick

That’s what you’re saying

If they wanna be out somewhere, make them sign liability waivers. Put up a gate on the beaches and have everyone coming in sign a waiver saying if they get sick they waive their rights to treatment. Let them put their lives where their mouth is.
My Barbershop reopens Tuesday. Already have an appt. So happy to get a haircut. I’ll never take it for granted again lol.
New series in NFLX called "Coronavirus Explained".

The episode release dates looks staggered to weekly releases.
If they wanna be out somewhere, make them sign liability waivers. Put up a gate on the beaches and have everyone coming in sign a waiver saying if they get sick they waive their rights to treatment. Let them put their lives where their mouth is.
You’re not getting it bro.

All the right wing wackos can be out getting their haircuts and Applebee’s all they want....innocent and high risk people still gonna die, covid19 can give a damb about your waiver
anything to deflect blame from a poor response by our federal government

i do agree with you but i also think this should be looked into
the ultimate fault of this virus is with the CCP
we all know our government didn't help by not looking into this in november and december and should have done a world wide travel ban not just from china at the start of this year

When it comes to credibility and respect for truth, I place Pompeo at the same level as the CCP.

The thing about the spokespeople of the administration is that they are trying to use China's culpability in downplaying the severity of the epidemic as a smokescreen to hide their failed response, weak leadership, and willingness to use the crisis as a tool to weaken their political opponents. They're trying to unite the country under the "It's all China's fault!" flag. I don't buy it.
My Barbershop reopens Tuesday. Already have an appt. So happy to get a haircut. I’ll never take it for granted again lol.

I would love a hair cut but that’s just irresponsible. That’s a fantastic vector for disease spread so unless you’re first and your barber has been quarantined for 2 weeks I wouldn’t be going near the place.
the ultimate fault of this virus is with the CCP
Until it is proven that the virus was man made or modified by people, this statement is similar to blaming the Congolese ruling party for Ebola.

So far, Pompeo is going against the assessment of his own intelligence community, and if we are to judge by the previous foreign policy blunders of this administration, Trump's appointees don't have the best judgment.
They’re already raising prices :lol:

I like this, I think. Prices go up due to the increased price people are willing to pay and the added overhead. Also matches the hopefully reduced frequency with which people will be getting haircuts, so on average everybody is still paying the same in the long-term and barbers are getting the same amount of money.
Until it is proven that the virus was man made or modified by people, this statement is similar to blaming the Congolese ruling party for Ebola.

So far, Pompeo is going against the assessment of his own intelligence community, and if we are to judge by the previous foreign policy blunders of this administration, Trump's appointees don't have the best judgment.

while i do agree with you i personally blame china
i'm not worried what happened in the past with any other virus

this is our future and as bad as our government screwed this up china needs to take some type of responsibility
other countries are starting to say the same thing

i blame the mayor of nyc for telling people to go to bars and movies during the first week of march also
i blame trump for calling this a hoax and nothing taking it seriously

The nyc local government failed and so did the federal government

so many people died around the world because everyone passed the buck whos in power
while other governments tried to keep this a secret
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"Mr. Cary, 66, had already signed up for a second 30-day deployment in New York when he started feeling sick. Eleven days later — on Thursday — he died from Covid-19 at the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx.
Mr. Cary was employed by Ambulnz, an ambulance company that deployed 72 employees from across the country, including California, Colorado and Tennessee, to help in New York."

bUt hE wAs oLd THoUgH
while i do agree with you i personally blame china
i'm not worried what happened in the past with any other virus

this is our future and as bad as our government screwed this up china needs to take some type of responsibility
other countries are starting to say the same thing

i blame the mayor of nyc for telling people to go to bars and movies during the first week of march also
i blame trump for calling this a hoax and nothing taking it seriously

nyc local government failed and so did the federal government

so many people died around the world because everyone passed the buck whos in power
while other governments tried to keep this a secret
Once this is behind us, we need to form a commission that will study what went wrong, not to punish anyone but to implement changes so that if this happens again we can minimize the damage.
I like this, I think. Prices go up due to the increased price people are willing to pay and the added overhead. Also matches the hopefully reduced frequency with which people will be getting haircuts, so on average everybody is still paying the same in the long-term and barbers are getting the same amount of money.

He’s already charging $45 :lol:
Once this is behind us, we need to form a commission that will study what went wrong, not to punish anyone but to implement changes so that if this happens again we can minimize the damage.

while i do agree with you someone needs to pay for the damage that has been done to the world
a commission alone will doing nothing
yeah changes do need to be made but their is irreversible damage that has been done to communities business and most importantly families all across the world

someone needs to be made an example of
You’re not getting it bro.

All the right wing wackos can be out getting their haircuts and Applebee’s all they want....innocent and high risk people still gonna die, covid19 can give a damb about your waiver

I get what you're saying and I agree but if these idiots are so outraged about mUh fReEdOmS how can you stop them from protesting and turning into a giant petri dish and speaking all the germs into existence? No win situation. Keep stuff closed these people protest in large groups, catch the 'rona, spread it around. Open stuff up, people gather in newly opened public areas, catch the 'rona, spread it around. In my scenario you keep these people out of the hospital AND natural selection takes its course. I know its not realistic at all lol but an idea.
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