
Need to get rid of a few.

leashes AND collars?
what length are they?

I’ve got two frenchies I’ve gone back forth about getting either LV or Goyard collars for. I like the idea but my girl surprisingly doesn’t. She thinks is tacky.
500 prob your best bet TBH. The rest of those numbers trolling

Who are you lol and he can def do better than $500 I've seen $350-$400 during the last sale season.

I just googled triple S literally one second ago & The Webster is selling a pair for $402 :lol:
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to be fair he asked how much people here would pay and my $201 answer was in jest but some people arent willing to pay a lot for some stuff or pay any at all in some cases
Total spent on 3 pairs between wife and I was $400

Total time in line to buy 2 1/2 hour

80% off all

JW and MM my size

they couldn’t find one pair of adidas for my wife

probably my last visit I was surprised these were there






Alp : You don't need those ugly shoes. Get some stud earrings and some rimless Cartier glasses , the girls will chase you down the street
Alp : You don't need those ugly shoes. Get some stud earrings and some rimless Cartier glasses , the girls will chase you down the street
I’ll do the opposite then and not get those items cuz I don’t want people chasing me down the street:lol:
Cartier’s those tiny ****s too small for my face I got wide oval shaped face aviators
How do you guys feel about these? I really like them and they remind me of the Jordan 3. I like what Virgil is doing and I want a piece from his collection . Do you guys think these are worth the money ? I never bought a designer shoe before
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