Hillsboro High School students stage walkout in dispute over transgender student

Nah if the girls don't feel comfortable with it, it shouldn't be allowed. He's not "transgender" by the common definition. He has no reason to need to use the girls room.
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do guys who think they are girls sit down to pee just because it's what girls do? 
What's funny is that we gonna have to bring back separate but equal facilities back to accommodate lgbt rights in this case.
Always wondered about this, the thought of a man walking into a women's bathroom or locker room while my girl/wife is in there doesn't sit well with me.
They her gave her own bathroom and she denied it..........

Either use the gender neutral bathroom or hold your piss until you get home.

Her outfit is ugly
Nah, you can't just put a wig on and say you're transgender b. Horny teenage boys have lied about worse, I don't want my daughter in that situation if it's a hoax. No change, no hormones, no women's restroom.
Nah, you can't just put a wig on and say you're transgender b. Horny teenage boys have lied about worse, I don't want my daughter in that situation if it's a hoax. No change, no hormones, no women's restroom.

This is irrelevant, there are horny girls who go to bathroom to see other girls.

The bottom line is they should have a gender neutral bathroom and they do but he REFUSES to use it.
Might as well rename it to the penis and vagina bathrooms to avoid confusion


It's ridiculous that someone can just say they are something and we as society have to adjust to their craziness.

Ain't no half stepping b. If you wanna use the girls bathroom you gotta split that sausage b.
Bruh in high school?

If it went down in the dugout....

If they make a "genderless" bathroom they won't make a huge one like all the others. They'll just assign one to be it in the main office or something where it's one at a time. Yall gotta think.
Bruh in high school?

If it went down in the dugout....

If they make a "genderless" bathroom they won't make a huge one like all the others. They'll just assign one to be it in the main office or something where it's one at a time. Yall gotta think.

Bruh if there is a room, blocked off, that males and females can enter at the same time privately, with enough room for a pelvic thrust, on a high shcool campus, its gonna go down.
If they make a "genderless" bathroom they won't make a huge one like all the others. They'll just assign one to be it in the main office or something where it's one at a time. Yall gotta think.
You know NT loves the extremes though.

 @ some of the comments in here.
I don't have anything negative towards transgender people and dislike when people go out of their way to hate them for no reason. Personally, I've seen some dudes dressed in complete female attire using urinals in several bathrooms I've been in around the world. I didn't feel unsafe, uncomfortable, angry, etc. Just thought it was odd. However, I also don't agree with people on the other end of the spectrum that are on the "you can identify as and do whatever you want" mentality and then call you a bigot if you don't agree with that.

IMO no matter what you identify as, you have to follow your society's "rules" to a certain extent, unless it's some type of injustice that you're fighting against. Wanting someone who is a female mentally but a male in every other way to stay in the men's bathroom is NOT injustice, it's common sense. It's the same as me trying to join a women's sports team, a women's fitness club, a women's night out event, etc. It's my right to say "I identify as a female" but I can't get mad that they won't let me in :lol:

Again, I'm not saying that I personally would ridicule anyone, and like I've said, I don't have any negative towards transgender people. But trying to turn this specific example into a human rights violation is just :lol: :smh:
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Can't wait until all this ****** nonsense fizzles out. Back in the day, the ******s ain care if you was with it. They just walked down the street in their size 15 heels with their heas held high and regular polite people just tried now to stare. Now it's literally being thrown in our faces.

****** is blocked? Is that a derogatory term now??? Incredible.
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If I was the principal I would've expelled all those bigots in training. Take your punk *** to a Catholic school or have your mom teach you. Frail minded *** kids.

I was looking forward to the day when bigots die off slowly so it's disappointing to see our youth follow that path.

It is possible to be uncomfortable without being a bigot, you know.
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