Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

What do yall think about this? I met a girl on bumble, 33 divorced, 1 kid and she lives about 25 minutes outside of Houston. Im ok with a kid and the drive. We plan Wednesday to meet up half way. Yesterday she changes her mind and says she wants Chinese food from Chinatown, which is IN Houston. Im like cool, I know a spot. This morning, before I can even ask about the transportation situation she sends me this:


In my mind, this is a red flag, but maybe Im tripping.
I asked a few women about it, my sisters, my mom, my boy’s, wife and a couple of co-wokers. It seems to be a generational divide. All the older, more mature women say don’t do it. The younger women are saying its a test. Do they not realize they’re in question with me just as much as I am in question with her???

What do yall think? FYI, this has already played out. I sent a reply.



Matched with a girl on da bumble real cute looks good unfiltered, easy convo, lots of common interests. Name on her profile is Ali think nothing of it. She tells me im the first one not to ask about her prompt (tbh i just looked at pics and vitals 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️). I go back it says something like "i guarantee that...
You cant guess my real name." I throw out a few typical Ali names obviously wrong just trying to get her to just say it 🤣. Turns out her real birth name is Alekziis(Alexis). Now i kind of want to stop talking to her because turned that **** into a game plus who spells like that either she wild or her parents and family crazy 🤣.

That name would piss me off so badly.

This is unchartered territory because I have never run into an issue with a name but I can see how this would be a nuisance. I wouldn't mind the game part (I've done that before at bars in the pre-app era where you met strangers without initially knowing their name). The spelling, though.....it's rough. Kind of like the saying "you can't choose your parents", you can't choose your name either. You could change it but that is a heavy move. It's not like she goes by Ali as some form of hiding her true cultural identity ie Rafael Edward Cruz (Ted Cruz) or Nimarata Randhawa (Nikki Haley). Her parents just went an unique route with their naming :lol:

I wouldn't let it stop you from smashing but long-term is really our call. If everyone calls her 'Ali' then it shouldn't be too big of any issue. Really curious to see how this plays out.

Also - for what it is worth, at first when I was reading your post and the story was building up, I for sure thought it was going to be some sort of trans reveal so finding out it was just that her name was spelled "Alekziis" makes it seem like a nothingburger at the moment :lol:
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Matched with a girl on da bumble real cute looks good unfiltered, easy convo, lots of common interests. Name on her profile is Ali think nothing of it. She tells me im the first one not to ask about her prompt (tbh i just looked at pics and vitals 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️). I go back it says something like "i guarantee that...
You cant guess my real name." I throw out a few typical Ali names obviously wrong just trying to get her to just say it 🤣. Turns out her real birth name is Alekziis(Alexis). Now i kind of want to stop talking to her because turned that **** into a game plus who spells like that either she wild or her parents and family crazy 🤣.
:lol: This sounds like a curb your enthusiasm-esque skit.
Let's just call a spade a spade here folks.

The real reason why this is even a thing is because he thought about long-term future with here and he might feel embarrassed when they spelling of her name comes up. I'm not sure of his or her ethnicity but as an African American male with a common name that is spelled nontraditionally, I can attest that while it isn't valid, OP and WASHED KING WASHED KING 's concern/anger can be a "thing".

For example, I remember on the first day of school in 7th grade my teacher was doing introductions and roll call. When she got to me I helped her out and pronounced my name then she said "Huh...that must be the urban way of spelling it." I was only 11/12 in a private school with all white kids and this was yearssssss ago so nothing was made out of it but for some reason the incident always sticks with me.

Other than that, it's never been a thing (to my face) but I am sure there has been prejudice applied when non-black folks have seen my name. I could care less because like y'all are saying it's dumb because quite frankly if a yamb doesn't want to date me, an organization denies membership or a employer doesn't hire me because of my name then it's their loss.. Even OP's conclusion that her parents must be crazy is out there. My dad has my name spelled the common way and was far from "crazy" or "dumb". He just didn't want me to be a junior. So you can't really jump to conclusions based on a name - especially after you've talked to him extensively.

But having lived through what is probably a watered down version of what Ali's experiences, I know there are people like OP out there and if he feels that he might be embarrassed by the spelling of her name then there's not much advice any of us can give him.
There is no dating logic behind it for me.Like none.

It just bothers me when people spell their child’s name in stupid ways and then they expect us to pronounce it correctly even though it is spelled incorrectly.

That’s really all it is for me 😂.
I would call shorty ALEC (Like Alec Burks) - Zees.

Cause that’s how it’s spelled. Remedial parents who can’t read fill out birth certificates acting like they’re picking a custom license plate and the other version is taken.
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It just bothers me when people spell their child’s name in stupid ways and then they expect us to pronounce it correctly even though it is spelled incorrectly.

I would call shorty ALEC (Like Alec Burks) - Zees.

Cause that’s how it’s spelled. Remedial parents who can’t read fill out birth certificates acting like they’re picking a custom license plate and the other version is taken.

I don’t see why you would take it out on the child aka a potential partner because of their parents decision.

It’s also disrespectful, and somewhat ignorant, to purposefully mispronounce someone’s name because you don’t agree with spelling doesn’t align with your interpretation as of phonetics aren’t a thing.

Dated an Alexis before. Called her “Lex” and she liked it.

Dated a Vanessa. Couldnt think of any short nicknames so just called her “V” and she liked it too

Certain names I can’t do with though. Like an Olga or Gretchen.

I actually go the other way and call the women I date by their full name. Jess = Jessica, Ally/Allie = Allison, Jen = Jennifer, Liz = Elizabeth, etc.

TBH it’s probably just projection on my part because I went through a rebrand in 2012/2013 where I started going by full name rather the short nickname so I automatically do the same with them :lol:
Im just practicing on the apps it got easy. I actually kinda like the bunny i met a little while ago, shes only 26 tho bright eyed wants kids still positive outlook on the world and all that in about to be 41 and the opposite im not right for her and she knows it, but we just just chillin having fun. Im real petty on the apps because i can be and it works the majority of the time. Its good practice for an old washed man wanting to rinse some of the rust off this thang.

I was mainly being facetious about the name i didnt take it that seriously, i still think her parents prolly crazy in real life for that bs tho 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️
Dated an Alexis before. Called her “Lex” and she liked it.

Dated a Vanessa. Couldnt think of any short nicknames so just called her “V” and she liked it too

Certain names I can’t do with though. Like an Olga or Gretchen.
This the move...I always end up giving a girl their own nickname it was never a big deal i just thought that **** was extra 🤣
I don’t see why you would take it out on the child aka a potential partner because of their parents decision.

It’s also disrespectful, and somewhat ignorant, to purposefully mispronounce someone’s name because you don’t agree with spelling doesn’t align with your interpretation as of phonetics aren’t a thing.

I actually go the other way and call the women I date by their full name. Jess = Jessica, Ally/Allie = Allison, Jen = Jennifer, Liz = Elizabeth, etc.

TBH it’s probably just projection on my part because I went through a rebrand in 2012/2013 where I started going by full name rather the short nickname so I automatically do the same with them :lol:
You be typing way too much for what we posting in here fam. Don’t put too much stock into what we be saying because I’m sure we not all the way serious
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