Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

What's up with OKC? Got like 60 likes from chicks not even from NY, why am I showing in their quick match?
When you log in on to a computer you can check and it tell you the number, and you slightly can see what state their from. Can't see who it is tho. And no I don't pay
^doesn't show for me
You have to put in work, no doubt. But if she's cute, I like...unless she only has face pics, or she's fat. I'm going to like a good 30-40 pics before I get 2-3 likes. But there are times when I would get hot.

It's basically a low risk, high reward numbers game. Leave your ego at the door, half of the chicks are looking for attention, anyways.
There's been plenty of tinder mention in here :lol:

Looking at some of these chick's headlines, alerting you that they "can't wait for Valentine's Day" or "My birthday is coming up"......

View media item 786217
....they're gonna be right there on POF while the guys they curved are on dates or ******g their friends
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Slept on this thread. What do you dudes that are having success put in the "self-summary" and "what I'm doing with my life" parts of the profile? Are you serious and honest or more on the humorous side? Need a sample.

It doesn't matter what you put. Anything works. You'll see **** that works for people, others it don't work for. You just gotta know who u are and be yourself. That's what some call confidence but its deeper than that. You can't front nothing, women know. They sense it, other people sense it. Look at guys who are good with women. They are comfertable with themselves. Theres too much too even say. Know Thyself.
so a chick just messaged me and asked if i wanna hook up. she has a filled out profile with pics and says that she only wants to hook up with people. am i being trapped/catfished? or am i just thinking too much about this?
Asked this POF broad for her # and no response. 2 weeks later, She hit me back with the digits, asking if I'm still interested. I found out she works at my university 8) (I live like 10 mins from campus). I'll call her later this week and figure out plans for Thurs. after she gets off work at 5:30pm. Pretty confident that I can get those yambs too since every time I drop sexual innuendoes she gives me the :wink: and she lives alone w/a small male dog (see fontaine's theory about girls w/small dogs= "horny"= http://niketalk.com/t/507586/tay-thread-about-yambs/5600_100. Now, I know homegirl will be hungry after working hard all day so how do I avoid wining/dining her? Grab something light like Cosi then bring her back to the crib?

she aint gunna full with sumtin light b

u gotta get her a double double b
I always see this thread poppin and ask myself why, then I checked pof and searched for babes in my city and 

time to slay these whales 

I hear tinder is good too, I've been slacking 
so a chick just messaged me and asked if i wanna hook up. she has a filled out profile with pics and says that she only wants to hook up with people. am i being trapped/catfished? or am i just thinking too much about this?

Pics? :nerd:

she aint gunna full with sumtin light b

u gotta get her a double double b

Fambs, I couldn't get this chick to surrender the yambs. She seems reserved but I can sense she's got some wildness to her; I'm tryna bank on your small dog theory, Ricky :evil:. Texted me earlier that she was at 'sex camp' at the university whatever that is. Took her to Cosi and back to the crib. Chick wouldn't take her boots off or her multiple layers of clothes :smh:. She got a little bump in the back and some nice sized thighs; b cup chest game most likely. Popped the Reisling which I thought would loosen her up. Negative. She sits there with her arms crossed and wine glass in front of her. Got some kisses in and she stopped. Then try to ease her up by massaging her and what not. I don''t know what else I could've done besides kiss her body to get her going but she just wasn't DTF tonight at all. She said she has to 'warm up' to me more or something like that. She's down to chill again but I'll have to find me another piece this weekend to hold me over; she's bench player worthy imo.
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spoilers aint working out so im just going to do this the only way i know how to



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any pics of her body? those are suspicious angles :lol: looks like she's hiding a gut tbh. or maybe she's in a wheel chair? :lol: Ask for a recent pic of her whole body.

no double chin tho that's a good sign.
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any pics of her body? those are suspicious angles
looks like she's hiding a gut tbh. or maybe she's in a wheel chair?
Ask for a recent pic of her whole body.

no double chin tho that's a good sign.
bro thats what im thinking. pics be suspect as hell
. all the pics she got is of her either laying down or sitting so can't really judge. i'll see where this goes. feel like im getting trolled some how...
yeah dead it, when I see a profile that's only upper body/angles I just pass.

Women understand that they have to use every asset they can to market themselves to attract males, and when their body is on point they will make it known
yeah dead it, when I see a profile that's only upper body/angles I just pass.

Women understand that they have to use every asset they can to market themselves to attract males, and when their body is on point they will make it known


There's a chick from my work who based on her facebook photos I bet most of y'all would say you'd smash. But if you saw her in person, NO WAY... EGCHK
After not doing so well on OKC, I decided to make a POF to supplement my ***** intake.

Man I should have done this much sooner, I already snatched 3 numbers off this. :pimp:
Half Colombian, half Finnish chick. Chick is nice. Viewed my profile and dropped a "hey" in my inbox...I view her profile and the last sentence says "and please, no black guys"

sounds like something I would see on backpages
you must be in Atl...
I hit that.
tell me MOAR
haha, my bad for the late response. But, yeah this was almost a year ago....

Long story short, she told me she didn't typically date black guys but I think I said some lame s*** like "you don't know what you've been missing until you've tried it" and I believe she didn't want to come across as bigoted so we chatted for about a week or so and I finally asked her if she'd like to get a drink that weekend and two days later, there I was, walking up to meet her in front of this bar on Edgewood (great spot for a first date, crowd is always pretty lively so the social context is always in play, plus drinking is easily the biggest icebreaker known to man). We had a really cool date, she's not the brightest chick but very relatable and down to earth. Didn't make any moves that night, but of course already had her number and the following week I invited her over to watch a movie and have a couple more drinks. Of course you know where the story went from there....only thing I didn't like was that she made a similar duck face like the one about, but defffinintely a nice lay. We continued this for a bout 2 months until we both seemingly got tired of one another and the texting stopped all together. She said I was her first black guy (which I'm mixed so I think that definately helped my chances) but I didn't believe that to be true regardless. I wouldn't go for the smash on the first night, but a couple dates and you should be golden. Shorty had a niiiice body for  a white bread. And, damn my bad I didn't keep it as short as I planned too....ya boy is a bit tips right now, ya heard?
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