Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

been out the pof/okc game for a while since literally all that would respond or visit are big girls. So i hop back on and I forgot how much nothing these chicks put on their profiles. Like what am i supposed to say to a girl who puts 1 line on their profile

That **** is so weak, having something like "just ask". Ask what you dummy :lol: ?
been out the pof/okc game for a while since literally all that would respond or visit are big girls. So i hop back on and I forgot how much nothing these chicks put on their profiles. Like what am i supposed to say to a girl who puts 1 line on their profile
That **** is so weak, having something like "just ask". Ask what you dummy
preach brotha. the worst is when they put nothing and then they say "message me if you want to find out more" and then they never respond to my message
i leave chicks like that alone. "ask me", "i know yall dont read this", "fdnjdnsfdsouf dsjfdsou instagram: blackmarilynmonroe", etc. Im like forget it. Not eem worth it to me.
^ Exactly. If you can't even somewhat add something of substance to a profile page, what on Earth makes me think you'll be able to do so in a convo with me? Easiest of all passes.
:lol: ya Wylin.. I don't even put much in my profile either, ain't no one gonna read that stuff anyway, it's always about pics.
Nahhhhhhh breh :lol:, you'd be surprised at how much an elaborate profile can increase your results. Haven't had a POF/OKC in about a year or so, but when I was on, I had good pics (like you said, that's a must), but the profile content was by far the main reason why I never had to initiate contact on either site. Sometimes, it'd be easy as viewing a chick's profile, have her view mine in return, && boom, new message. At the worst, I'd have a message or two in the inbox from a new chick on the daily, && I'm talking in terms of some pretty solid chicks, not just an assortment of weak jawns (though there'll always be those who try anyway). Shh was magnetic, famb..it was too easy.

I've been loafing on making a new page (it is a bit of effort involved, I'll admit), but it's def. worth it, trust me. When (If?) I de-rafter the jersey, I'll post the results, otherwise I may just post the template on here for those who want it.
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Actually filling out your profile does help somewhat. Separates you from the herd so to speak.

Usually when someones sends a message on these sites it's usually about 1 of 2 things...a cliche aesthetic compliment or pertaining to something they wrote on their profile.

Doesn't have to be elaborate. OKC does most of the work for you insert a little sarcasm/wit ...copy/paste it to POF
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been out the pof/okc game for a while since literally all that would respond or visit are big girls. So i hop back on and I forgot how much nothing these chicks put on their profiles. Like what am i supposed to say to a girl who puts 1 line on their profile

That **** is so weak, having something like "just ask". Ask what you dummy :lol: ?

preach brotha. the worst is when they put nothing and then they say "message me if you want to find out more" and then they never respond to my message >:

Made an okc account and got a few numbers the first day, but they don't seem to be going anywhere. I've only seen maybe 5 girls higher than a 5 or 6 on here anyway.
Some chick inboxed me "hey luv".
******. She asked if I was bisexual, an immediate red flag, in which I replied, "oh god, you're a dude". "No, I'm a TS :tongue:." "Aiight then bruh".

Son...The multi spoilers is not a good look, I spent at least 2 minutes looking at the cakes and then I hit the other spoiler and realized I was lusting over a dudes *** smh

For real, that's not a good practice. Son trying to have dudes emotionally scarred in here. As soon as I clicked the spoiler, I peeped that it was a ******; the height of the head in relation to the persons height is usually a dead giveaway. Also the shape of the head/jawline.
They be the same girls that don't want anyone sending them a one word message. What else am I suppose to say if u don't have nothing on your page? Can't be saying " hey I'm such and such I like what u had to say on your page" -_-
Houston peeps know of any good spots for food? Was texting this chick from POF yesterday and she said she was cool for meeting up this weekend for lunch.
Houston peeps know of any good spots for food? Was texting this chick from POF yesterday and she said she was cool for meeting up this weekend for lunch.
ummm check out union kitchen in bellaire. I went there this past weekend for the first time. That ish is delicious b. Also Adair Kitchen...

but of course u can always go to cafe express, black walnut, Ruggles green, Chipotle, etc.
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First Date
Haven't been on a first date so I always pictured it like this : You pick me up in your car and we go to see a comedy or scary movie or (chill at the house and watch movies) and then after that we go out to eat at a restaurant. Not to fancy not to cheap just right. Then we walk around a park and talk for hours with no interruptions. We learn about each other and share our fears , dreams and other things. Then we finish the night with a sweet goodbye and cheek kisses. I don't ask for much just a little something special.

:lol: at "chill at the house and watch movies, then after go out"... In that period any guy gonna most likely smash, and want that chick out the crib.
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First Date
Haven't been on a first date so I always pictured it like this : You pick me up in your car and we go to see a comedy or scary movie or (chill at the house and watch movies) and then after that we go out to eat at a restaurant. Not to fancy not to cheap just right. Then we walk around a park and talk for hours with no interruptions. We learn about each other and share our fears , dreams and other things. Then we finish the night with a sweet goodbye and cheek kisses. I don't ask for much just a little something special.

Thats not a date, thats a romance film.
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