Hip Hop, the Hidden Hand, Degradation of Black Masculinity

keidi obi awadu speaks briefly on the "leaders" of the black community. Starting from our beginning in America. This is a good segment.
keidi obi awadu speaks briefly on the "leaders" of the black community. Starting from our beginning in America. This is a good segment.
Originally Posted by red mpls

I got through the first video posted, the one following that, and the one DC posted at the top of page two.  This dude said essentially nothing of value, importance, or that was insightful in any meaningful way.  His concepts of "masculinity" and "femininity" appear to be astoundingly rigid when in reality basically all aspects of identity (including how gender manifests itself) are FLUID.  Dude thinks he's just SO DEEP too

I feel like I just wasted 30 minutes of my life...
Originally Posted by red mpls

I got through the first video posted, the one following that, and the one DC posted at the top of page two.  This dude said essentially nothing of value, importance, or that was insightful in any meaningful way.  His concepts of "masculinity" and "femininity" appear to be astoundingly rigid when in reality basically all aspects of identity (including how gender manifests itself) are FLUID.  Dude thinks he's just SO DEEP too

I feel like I just wasted 30 minutes of my life...
That was quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever listened to. Lupe clearly should spend some time in school. He might learn something.
That was quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever listened to. Lupe clearly should spend some time in school. He might learn something.
im mad on how he is TARGETING hip hop
when r&b artist , and some rock groups talk about the same topics
im mad on how he is TARGETING hip hop
when r&b artist , and some rock groups talk about the same topics
you can take any genre of music, take all the negative and use it as the basis on which it was created
i could take rock music and say it was built on devil worshiping , show a bunch of different emo pics
put up some marilyn manson lyrics to prove my point ..... there is a positive negative side to everything
you can take any genre of music, take all the negative and use it as the basis on which it was created
i could take rock music and say it was built on devil worshiping , show a bunch of different emo pics
put up some marilyn manson lyrics to prove my point ..... there is a positive negative side to everything
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by joegolfdad

Lupe is talking straight out of his *#% their at the end. Someone please enlighten me
Well in terms of him saying we learn things in school that aren't really applicable to real life is straight forward. The plants situation should be taken as growing your own food instead of having to rely on the commercial demons to supply us with our food. Not weed or just "regular" plants that most people probably get out of that comment.

But what did he say that didn't make sense to you?
he didn't mean to LITERALLY teach them how to grow plants man... that was a metaphor. like teach something that can live and grow, not just resuscitated information, something that actually matters and will be useful 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by joegolfdad

Lupe is talking straight out of his *#% their at the end. Someone please enlighten me
Well in terms of him saying we learn things in school that aren't really applicable to real life is straight forward. The plants situation should be taken as growing your own food instead of having to rely on the commercial demons to supply us with our food. Not weed or just "regular" plants that most people probably get out of that comment.

But what did he say that didn't make sense to you?
he didn't mean to LITERALLY teach them how to grow plants man... that was a metaphor. like teach something that can live and grow, not just resuscitated information, something that actually matters and will be useful 
"They did it to us then. And theyre doing it to us now".....Who's they? the "White man"????
"They did it to us then. And theyre doing it to us now".....Who's they? the "White man"????
the frequency that genuine hip hop gives off is so powerful that the establishment had to control it.... the powers that be understand the power of sound and what effects a message can have on the nervous system.. this realm is deeper than rap , word to BAWSE
the frequency that genuine hip hop gives off is so powerful that the establishment had to control it.... the powers that be understand the power of sound and what effects a message can have on the nervous system.. this realm is deeper than rap , word to BAWSE
Serious question: Why the !%+% do so many of you not believe what this guy is saying?
He is providing proof... if not proof of his point, then at the very least there are some strange things that he is pointing out... you can see them w/ your own eyes...

Do you not believe it because you love hip hop too much? Because you don't want to face the truth of the matter... it is too hard to swallow?
The same goes for those illuminati videos... how do you explain so many strange trends in music/entertainment? Then tie that in with stories from people like Dave Chappelle... and the pictures that the guy is posting, how can you be so willfully ignorant of the truth?!

There is something very wrong in the world when most of our presidents (proven fact!) are part of some secret group of people... and when we have imagery on our dollar bill that 90% of the population is too ignorant to even notice. This should be a wakeup call that things are not as they seem.
Serious question: Why the !%+% do so many of you not believe what this guy is saying?
He is providing proof... if not proof of his point, then at the very least there are some strange things that he is pointing out... you can see them w/ your own eyes...

Do you not believe it because you love hip hop too much? Because you don't want to face the truth of the matter... it is too hard to swallow?
The same goes for those illuminati videos... how do you explain so many strange trends in music/entertainment? Then tie that in with stories from people like Dave Chappelle... and the pictures that the guy is posting, how can you be so willfully ignorant of the truth?!

There is something very wrong in the world when most of our presidents (proven fact!) are part of some secret group of people... and when we have imagery on our dollar bill that 90% of the population is too ignorant to even notice. This should be a wakeup call that things are not as they seem.
Originally Posted by th1nk

Serious question: Why the !%+% do so many of you not believe what this guy is saying?
He is providing proof... if not proof of his point, then at the very least there are some strange things that he is pointing out... you can see them w/ your own eyes...

Do you not believe it because you love hip hop too much? Because you don't want to face the truth of the matter... it is too hard to swallow?
The same goes for those illuminati videos... how do you explain so many strange trends in music/entertainment? Then tie that in with stories from people like Dave Chappelle... and the pictures that the guy is posting, how can you be so willfully ignorant of the truth?!

There is something very wrong in the world when most of our presidents (proven fact!) are part of some secret group of people... and when we have imagery on our dollar bill that 90% of the population is too ignorant to even notice.

Serious question: What the ++@% is there to believe?

What "proof" is he providing about anything regarding hip hop?

I don't even want to address the whole "Illuminati" nonsense as it's guaranteed derailment and deterioration of any thread...
Originally Posted by th1nk

Serious question: Why the !%+% do so many of you not believe what this guy is saying?
He is providing proof... if not proof of his point, then at the very least there are some strange things that he is pointing out... you can see them w/ your own eyes...

Do you not believe it because you love hip hop too much? Because you don't want to face the truth of the matter... it is too hard to swallow?
The same goes for those illuminati videos... how do you explain so many strange trends in music/entertainment? Then tie that in with stories from people like Dave Chappelle... and the pictures that the guy is posting, how can you be so willfully ignorant of the truth?!

There is something very wrong in the world when most of our presidents (proven fact!) are part of some secret group of people... and when we have imagery on our dollar bill that 90% of the population is too ignorant to even notice.

Serious question: What the ++@% is there to believe?

What "proof" is he providing about anything regarding hip hop?

I don't even want to address the whole "Illuminati" nonsense as it's guaranteed derailment and deterioration of any thread...
I have always said this, and I will stand by this.

Is there some "Funny Business" going on in hip-hop and the entertainment industry in general? I hope not, as I am a person who listens to hip-hop, and as a by product I endorse the entertainment industry.

However, in my opinion, one cannot deny the fact that there is in fact substantial/borderline overwhelming evidence that suggest that things aren't quite what they seem in the entertainment industry. From a completely honest prospective, who shakes hands like jay-z, and obama, and several other higher ups? Who throws up those kinds of hands signals? Why can these signals be so easily connected to foul play? Why is the checkered board in so many things concerning the music industry?Why is there a phenomenal rise in homosexual activity in the entertainment industry? Males acting like females, Jeans sagging, jeans skinny, shirts that barely fit, in hip-hop one of the biggest artist openly supports and probably is bisexual. (Nicki Minaj) Another hip-hop act (lil wayne) openly kisses males and no one seems to mind. Now, we have shemales having sex with males on the big screen. (hangoverII)

My point is, if one were to look at the entertainment industry from an objective prospective, one imo has to at least CONSIDER that things aren't 100 in the entertainment industry and that some type of foul play may be going on. On this board, I have seen several people disregard the illuminati, conspiracy, etc. and I am befuddled by that. There is overwhelming evidence that suggest something is going on. But, from a fan perspective, I sincerely hope not.
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