Hollywood needs to stop with the whitewashing vol. Exodus: Gods and Kings

This thread is demonstrating how white supremacy works. Keep black people def, dumb, and blind by any means necessary. This movie is an example of agitation propaganda to keep the illusion of white supremacy going strong.

Black people voice their opinions, threaten boycotts, and have shown outrage. Then we have people saying its not that serious, then you have others saying black people don't do anything for themselves, etc.

White supremacy at work.... DEFLECT, DEFLECT, DEFLECT!!!
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zapatohead408 zapatohead408 nah according to dude civil rights actions and uprising don't count ..gotta think of something else

The hell? Like what, Kony 2012?

[@=/u/38273/zapatohead408]@zapatohead408[/@] nah according to dude civil rights actions and uprising don't count ..gotta think of something else
i said in this day in age... face it.... like i said in this age and this time black ppl in large masses aint about to stand up and fight for nothing but weaves, sneakers, cellphones etc... or unless against another black person especially if its a black man

I really can't think of an example.
I don't know how to word this without coming off as "racist." Personally I think crcack destroyed the black community especially those in lower income areas. That's when black on black crime, gangs, drugs, etc started rising. Correct me if I'm wrong, post slavery, pre crack there weren't gangs with malicious intents. There were gangs that started off as something good and eventually went bad. That's what it is that I'm saying.

As far as the feeling inferior due to slavery, I can't give you my personal experience with that EXACT reasoning. But do you guys REALLY feel inferior?
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Reading everything nothing has been more damaging to blacks overall as much slavery no denying that.

But it seems like the real damaging factor now is black themselves. Just look at what kinda content gets put out. Smh first thing black America has to do is shut down world star that website makes me so dam mad smh
I jus want some clarity as to how the effects of 500+ years of oppression is going to suddenly dissapear overnight .

Let's have a mass killing of white people and then enslave y'all for hundreds of years all the while forcing Buddhism or something down your throats. Would ur people be any different ? That religion **** is a copout its been a means to control people for thousands of years

Can't speak for everybody, but I wouldn't allow this to happen to me. I'd kill as many as I can and go down fighting.

Reading everything nothing has been more damaging to blacks overall as much slavery no denying that.

But it seems like the real damaging factor now is black themselves. Just look at what kinda content gets put out. Smh first thing black America has to do is shut down world star that website makes me so dam mad smh

Slavery was damaging to Africans, not blacks of today.
I swear some of yall are so ignorant it's sad. Please go do some research on the topics at hand and stop making up your perception on what's wrong with the black community based on what you hear on Fox news and the 1 section they covered about black history in your U.S. history class in high school.

We have infinite amounts of information at our fingertips and dudes on here saying the maybe 20 years of a crack epidemic was more damaging than 400 years of slavery.
Tying a lot of concepts in, and most people will probably think I'm trolling but:

As blacks were doing just fine. Part of our divinity is being the original MASON. We can destroy and create at will. They criticize us cause we "can't take care of nothing" when in actuality it's the remorse from us tearing the white men's heaven down. (I mean this in a metaphysical sense, and the material world)

Before anyone calls me a racist, if you're ancestors are white and did unspeakable things to mine, then created a paradigm where they are able to benefit from it, and you still reap the benefits today with no intention to turn down that privilege, what does that make you?

For everyone saying we need to wake up, it'll happen in due time like it's supposed to. We've got wake ourselves up At an individual level if we wanna inspire change.
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Can't speak for everybody, but I wouldn't allow this to happen to me. I'd kill as many as I can and go down fighting.
Slavery was damaging to Africans, not blacks of today.
exactly that would be like someone saying oh i steal kill rape etc.... not because of the environment or the ppl who raised me or because of the situation that i am in today... but because of the scenario my great great grand father was in.

ie example jay z may have sold drugs etc... did what he did based on the environment/situation he was in... crack era... no father, in a area with no opportunities, no resources, and didnt have a means to make a change etc.... 

His daughter cant go out and sell drugs, or be a prostitute and use those same reasons.... or say oh i had to sell etc because her dad was in that position. 

Example the 60's 70's when jobs and opportunities were limited esp for black men, when resources were being taken away etc... I can kinda overstand why many black women left and decided to take govt assistance, leaving the fathers etc... because it was basically one of the only choices they had in order for them and the kids to survive.

fast forward today when that isnt the case and the number of black children in single parent homes, have no relationship with their fathers etc... is higher then it has ever been.

that time, situations and circumstances etc... isnt the case today. And black women who in accounts to which over 70% have multiple kids by different men and never married btw they aint ALL like this because there isnt many options opportunities or resources, or because its the only way to leave impoverished areas... Its because they choose to and want to not have a man... or take pride in their kids not having a father.

Its the whole...im independent aka ill show ppl i dont need no man... its im a strong black women ill show ppl i can do it alone. Ill show the i can be momma and daddy....aka its hard to be a momma and only a strong woman can do it, but anyone can be a daddy. Cause in their eyes all a man is someone who can support aka pay for things, And if i got enough money i can do that on my own thus be mother/father aka why black ppl are the only ppl with a happy fathers day card.

See all these issues and troubles that plague and hurt and hinder black ppl of today isnt because of trauma that happen 4 and 5 generations ago. Its because black ppl are so sheeple and they CHOOSE and go out of their way to put themselves or make things remain the same. 

And the biggest driving force is the church....aka the scapegoat...aka the ultimate enabler... aka its all good cause "god knows my heart" or aka "imma just pray on it" or aka i can do wrong etc...its all god cause my god is a awesome god and will forgive all, so i can keep doing what im doing and i wont keep getting what i already got cause god will fix it all. 

Between that and supporting, promoting, taking pride and celebrating and embracing ignorance those are the reasons for todays problems and troubles. It aint because they granddaddy was a victim of the vietnam war and came home to no jobs hooked on dope, it isnt because their grandma was in a position to which the only choice she had to survive and take care of her kids was to break up the family unit and have the kids w/o a father in order progress in life and have the essentials needed to live, or better opportunities, or access to info or better resources. They just choose to do this and go out of their way to make it happen.

45 percent of blacks dont dropout of high school today because they are to busy trying to help the family by working full time because the family needs the money...... nor do they do it because of the "crack era" or because their grandparents had to do it.... they do it just cause they want to. 

Like i said these issues problems are because of black ppl being with their backs against the wall, nor is it because generations of the past were in that position. blacks do these things/are n these situations because "THEY CHOSE TO AND PROMOTE AND PRAISE CELEBRATE" these ignorances etc...
I swear some of yall are so ignorant it's sad. Please go do some research on the topics at hand and stop making up your perception on what's wrong with the black community based on what you hear on Fox news and the 1 section they covered about black history in your U.S. history class in high school.

We have infinite amounts of information at our fingertips and dudes on here saying the maybe 20 years of a crack epidemic was more damaging than 400 years of slavery.
my dude really said 'slavery was damaging to Africans not blacks of today...' like we arent one and the same damn thing...man I gotta hit unsubscribe on this thread :lol
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shoelyesses shoelyesses

I'm trying to find a word that doesn't have an offending connotation, but is an accurate assessment of the situation.

I settled for a few words, and Border line ******ed is the best I could come up with.

You can't speak on the black experience if you haven't gone through it. End of story.

You're no better then your fathers when you say "Like i said these issues problems are because of black ppl being with their backs against the wall, nor is it because generations of the past were in that position. blacks do these things/are n these situations because "THEY CHOSE TO AND PROMOTE AND PRAISE CELEBRATE" these ignorances etc..."

You may try to sugarcoat it with saying that you want to help us, when in reality it's you're were of saying we're subservient entities who can't even lift themselves or their own up.

So for people saying the modern day african-American has no ties to the slaves of 400 yrs ago (which is asinine) I'll go with it. But let's assign some accountability here. If you brought us over here on your boats and shaped/groomed us to be your children so we'd disconnect from our ancestors, what does that say about you if you hate everything that black people currently have become?
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I'm trying to find a word that doesn't have an offending connotation, but is an accurate assessment of the situation.

I settled for a few words, and Border line ******ed is the best I could come up with.

You can't speak on the black experience if you haven't gone through it. End of story.

You're no better then your fathers when you say "Like i said these issues problems are because of black ppl being with their backs against the wall, nor is it because generations of the past were in that position. blacks do these things/are n these situations because "THEY CHOSE TO AND PROMOTE AND PRAISE CELEBRATE" these ignorances etc..."

You may try to sugarcoat it with saying that you want to help us, when in reality it's you're were of saying we're subservient entities who can't even lift themselves or their own up.

So for people saying the modern day african-American has no ties to the slaves of 400 yrs ago (which is asinine) I'll go with it. But let's assign some accountability here. If you brought us over here on your boats and shaped/groomed us to be your children so we'd disconnect from our ancestors, what does that say about you if you hate everything that black people currently have become?
Ill give you a perfect example as well as other to why all this is bs...

As i said and spoke out earlier with black ppl in particular black women whitewashing themselves aka wearing weaves, lighten skin with makeup etc... looking down on the natural black look.

Black women in the past generation did these things... not because of the influences of slavery.. nor because of these forced concept of white women look etc is beauty. They did it because it was the only way the deemed to be fit, acceptable in order to work etc... in the dominated white society.

Fast forward today...why are black women still doing these things? Yall are saying oh because of slavery oh because of the force views of white is beauty...etc Well why didnt it affect or was the reason black women did it generations ago then? So are you saying black ppl are what they are and do what they do because of forced concepts and slaver despite it not being the reason the generation before hand did it.

So to sum it up, black women wore weaves, lighten skin 40/50 yrs ago because it was the only way to be accepted and as a means of survival etc... but still took pride in who they were. But black women today do it because of the trauma of slavery and because the lack of black beautiful ppl in the media and whites forced concept of beauty.... despite the fact that wasnt the reason nor affected the generations of the past.
my dude really said 'slavery was damaging to Africans not blacks of today...' like we arent one and the same damn thing...man I gotta hit unsubscribe on this thread
iuno if you talking bout me but what i said was many afrikans today as of right now are still in those conditions and positions blacks were in america during slavery....yet they still despite persecution, death etc..... still stand up fight stand out and advocate changes etc... on a large scale. 

Yet your saying black ppl in most cases in large amounts cant do it today in america because of times and hardships of the past...because past generations didnt have access to, opportunities to, and past gen would see persecution death etc. 

Or are you saying the horrors and conditions of blacks of the past fast forward to today are worst then the conditions of afrikans of the past that many are still enduring today? aka blacks had it worst then which affects today, is more traumatic then afrikans who had it bad then and still do now, and thats the reason.
Ill give you a perfect example as well as other to why all this is bs...

As i said and spoke out earlier with black ppl in particular black women whitewashing themselves aka wearing weaves, lighten skin with makeup etc... looking down on the natural black look.

Black women in the past generation did these things... not because of the influences of slavery.. nor because of these forced concept of white women look etc is beauty. They did it because it was the only way the deemed to be fit, acceptable in order to work etc... in the dominated white society.

Fast forward today...why are black women still doing these things? Yall are saying oh because of slavery oh because of the force views of white is beauty...etc Well why didnt it affect or was the reason black women did it generations ago then? So are you saying black ppl are what they are and do what they do because of forced concepts and slaver despite it not being the reason the generation before hand did it.

So to sum it up, black women wore weaves, lighten skin 40/50 yrs ago because it was the only way to be accepted and as a means of survival etc... but still took pride in who they were. But black women today do it because of the trauma of slavery and because the lack of black beautiful ppl in the media and whites forced concept of beauty.... despite the fact that wasnt the reason nor affected the generations of the past.

So then you show me a situation where a black person today has been successful with out the approval of a high ranking Jew/white in America that didn't have to white wash them self to be accepted. And for the ones that didn't are still alive...

I'm trying to find a word that doesn't have an offending connotation, but is an accurate assessment of the situation.

I settled for a few words, and Border line ******ed is the best I could come up with.

You can't speak on the black experience if you haven't gone through it. End of story.

You're no better then your fathers when you say "Like i said these issues problems are because of black ppl being with their backs against the wall, nor is it because generations of the past were in that position. blacks do these things/are n these situations because "THEY CHOSE TO AND PROMOTE AND PRAISE CELEBRATE" these ignorances etc..."

You may try to sugarcoat it with saying that you want to help us, when in reality it's you're were of saying we're subservient entities who can't even lift themselves or their own up.

So for people saying the modern day african-American has no ties to the slaves of 400 yrs ago (which is asinine) I'll go with it. But let's assign some accountability here. If you brought us over here on your boats and shaped/groomed us to be your children so we'd disconnect from our ancestors, what does that say about you if you hate everything that black people currently have become?
im not saying cant what im saying dont, nor feel the need to aka complacent. which is what i said. Settling and being fine with the way things are... because they arent as bad as the way things were. 

Aka that would be like a person going on for awhile not having a job, then they get a job at mckie dees as a fry cook and settle for that and dont aspire to move up because they are happy content and view the situation as well i went so long w/o a job that im just glad to have a job.

Blacks back then would be like.... not having a job, then getting a job at mckie dees as a fry cook and being forced to stay at that position, and not having means or the chance to advance or move forward to a bigger better position, but still trying and aspiring to and wanting to be in a better position. 

The two situations are not the same. 
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my dude really said 'slavery was damaging to Africans not blacks of today...' like we arent one and the same damn thing...man I gotta hit unsubscribe on this thread :lol

Bruh I'm about to as well. This is why I can't have he discussions with certain types of people because they can't look at stuff on a macro level.. To ignore the influence of slavery on American culture is the same as ignoring the fact someone was abused and raped till they were 18 and telling them that has no affect on their intimate relationships as an adult.
Bruh I'm about to as well. This is why I can't have he discussions with certain types of people because they can't look at stuff on a macro level.. To ignore the influence of slavery on American culture is the same as ignoring the fact someone was abused and raped till they were 18 and telling them that has no affect on their intimate relationships as an adult.
no its not. it is like someone who was abused and raped and then their great great grandchild says thats why they go out and sleep around and cant have a intimate relationship... Because their great great grandma was raped and abused... to which is bs
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shoelyesses shoelyesses

2 ?'s

First- honestly, what do you think we do to solve this issue?

Second-would you agree that history repeats itself?
Ok so black ppl tell me this... you guys are saying the lack of change, etc.. black ppl are in a standstill etc... because of the affects of the past right? 

So why didnt it have the same effects cause as the ppl who actually lived it and went thru it? In the 50's 60's etc... where clearly blacks had it tougher, opportunities were fare more scarce then they are now, and access to resources/knowledge was much more limited then they are today.

Why did they then have black owned/operated and governed communities then, yet black ppl of today dont have it now? ( and no the black areas of today arent like that because theyre just areas where a bunch of black ppl live and koreans, arabs and white run, govern and operate and own damn near everything) Hell oklahoma city was pretty much ran and governed owned by blacks many years ago. In the time to which yall are speaking black ppl endured and went thru these things.

Yet your saying black ppl of today cant do these things because of what happened at that time and how it affects and limits them now, despite the fact it didnt effect and limit the ppl at the time who were ACTUALLY GOING THRU IT? 

So at a time when black ppl were literally forced be it physical etc...or economically be separated they still found a way to have a 2 parent home. But you guys are saying that black ppl of today because of those conditions of the past is the reason the homes are separated, is because of the situations of yesteryear. Despite the fact it didnt affect the ppl who actually went thru it.

So because of lack of opportunities etc... of the past etc... and limited resources and hardships of the past has the blacks at a higher high school dropout rate, then the ppl who actually endured and went thru those hardships.

So a much more corrupted govt... segregation, the whole civil rights era.... is the reason more blacks go to prison and or are in the jail system, then the ppl who actually lived in those times.

Black ownership is down today then in the past because of the lack of opportunities blacks had, despite those limitations didnt effect the ppl who lived with the limitations.

So college graduations rates havent really increased much over the last few decades etc... because of the limited opportunities etc... of blacks 50 years ago. Despite those numbers are closely the same as the blacks who actually lived in that time and era of limited opportunities. 

hell ill even throw in health and obesity.... so blacks (esp black women who obesity rate has almost tripled in the last 20 yrs) its all because of the lack of adequate gyms and places to work out etc...lack of adequate groceries of the past... despite it didnt affect the blacks who actually lived in that era and actually endured those times. and didnt have access to knowledge about healthier eating and resources to good foods/produce. 

2 ?'s

First- honestly, what do you think we do to solve this issue?

Second-would you agree that history repeats itself?
one quit putting the cart before the horse... and prioritize. This is the current state and order of black ppl is..... grow up have kids.... have no money, get education, get life together, be in a position to have kids.. and then get the house and maybe the man... waaaaay after the kids are damn near grown.

When it should be grow up, get the education, get the money, get the life together, get to know the guy/girl on a non-superficial level....then get the house, then have the kids.

it needs to be saving for college and/or own business and investing in oneself instead of saving for iphones/jordans and going out the way to give white ppl the money back and invest in yourself.

black ppl need to let go of the proverbial crutch and enabler that is the black church... and quit using it as a justification and excuse for wrong and as a scapegoat from escaping and facing truths and owning up to things... aka well popping out babies like a pez dispenser is ok because god loves all children... or its all good cause god knows my heart.

Black women need to get off that i dont need to look in the mirror and realize and acknowledge that every man ive ever encountered doesnt want to be with me, because of me and i need to change..... but its because god hasnt decided to send me the right man yet.

Black folks need to stop saying oh i havent achieved this, gained this etc... not because i haven put forth the effort and went up and beyond to achieve, but rather its because god says i aint ready for it yet, and he will deliver it to me in due time when he feels i am ready for it.

Black ppl nned to stop looking at things associated with them culturally and historically as negatives and embrace them...rather the mock and redicule them aka nappy hair is whatever... certain aspect attributes of blacks is ghetto etc... aka lower/negative.

Black ppl need to stop going up and beyond and out of the way to appease and seek approval and the "thumbs up" aka youre one of the good ones. Its gotten to the point were black ppl will throw their own ppl under the bus, step on their brothers/sisters shoulders to reach the top, rather then help one another climb the to the top together.

Black ppl need to stop embracing, promoting and celebrating ignorance, mockery and stupidity done of their own race....

Black ppl need to stop using slavery etc... civil rights era etc... and limitations and restraints their forefathers had as to why they are limited and restrained now.

Black ppl need to invest as much in stem etc... and knowledge of oneself and ones history as they do into others... and the events and happens of others...esp when these others in large dont give two ishts about you or state of being in the big picture.  

And black ppl need to depend on themselves and trust themselves instead of running to white folks... Most black ppl go to college etc own business... because of either the borrowed/begged from white ppl. Hello all that money wasted on lottery tickets... on some i cant wait i want it now... and all that money wasted on tithing aka the spiritual wishing well, could be used to save and invest and actually own and obtain these things without having to depend and go running to "white daddy"

as i stated earlier black ppl today are like a dog who was chained up and fenced in for years... and now that the chains and the fence is removed... feel they cant roam and leave because of the chains/fence that USE TO BE holding them back.
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