Homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100

Aug 23, 2005

A homeless man robbed a Louisiana bank and took a $100 bill. After feeling remorseful, he surrendered to police the next day. The judge sentenced him to 15 years in prison.

Roy Brown, 54, robbed the Capital One bank in Shreveport, Louisiana in December 2007. He approached the teller with one of his hands under his jacket and told her that it was a robbery.

The teller handed Brown three stacks of bill but he only took a single $100 bill and returned the remaining money back to her. He said that he was homeless and hungry and left the bank.

The next day he surrendered to the police voluntarily and told them that his mother didn't raise him that way.

Brown told the police he needed the money to stay at the detox center and had no other place to stay and was hungry.

In Caddo District Court, he pleaded guilty. The judge sentenced him to 15 years in prison for first degree robbery.

dude is a ******

and *$% if he only wanted $100 he shoulda tried something other than a bank
That sentence is ridiculous. There are so many criminals that have done worse things that don't get time at all.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

there's always the argument a homeless man is better off in jail
I disagree with that.

There are too many variables. What kind of prison he is sent to, and the people he's put in with.

Who is to say he would even last 15 years in prison.
I think this is due to this being a FEDERAL crime..



damn.. I can't we let them have that much power..

R.I.P civilization..
Originally Posted by sStutter

That sentence is ridiculous. There are so many criminals that have done worse things that don't get time at all.
word. for instance TI. no disrepsect at all cuz i listen to his music and think hes a stand up dude but how the hell are u a convicted felon, getcuaght buyin an infantry and only have to do one year? God Bless America
this is messed up, he obv didnt want prison because if he did he would have done something more serious, but the whole federal crime so its 15 years seems veryexcessive to me. I mean murderers get off on smaller jail times than this!
Originally Posted by therenegade23

Originally Posted by Luong1209

What kind of robber would feel remorseful afterward?
He wasn't a full robber if he gives back most of the money, and just takes $100.

thats like sayin that my kid isnt my kid even though i tried to pull out at the end.
wow, that's sad; dude just wanted help and a meal. for a so-called "christian" nation, we've !%#!+% up pretty bad.
no matter what the circumstance he did rob a bank and needs to pay the price, but i think 15 years is real od
Messed up he should have gotten a like 18 months then sent to a rehabilitation program. Try to get his life together, obviously had a heart. He was fixable.
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