Homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100

The judge is effin cruel man. 15 years just for a 100 dollars?

He gave the money back, he had a good heart. He could have robbed the bank for a lot more and from the looks of it
he would have gotten away, but he chose to come back and turned himself in. At lease give him # hours of community serviced.
Originally Posted by Ortega03

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

to be honest he would prolly be better off in jail, shelter food etc etc
sad and true
but the teller gave the man some stacks and he took a 100
, one year just for stupidity
Could have been a law like the Cali 3 strikes rule. Armed robbery is also a felony. Although he did not have a gun, the threat of a gun - holding his handbehind his jacket - is the definition of assault. Law was obeyed...but it is a pretty ridiculous law.
i hope the judge gets what he deserves! i mean give the guy a break! sure he did something wrong, but he tried to fix it.
15yearsxthe cost it takes to house a criminal in prison over a $100 crime

This is why America is in a recession
Hes probably happy.Free food, bed,showers,out in population area.Its not like hes gonna go to the hardcore part of jail.
Originally Posted by Derek916

15yearsxthe cost it takes to house a criminal in prison over a $100 crime

This is why America is in a recession

One in every 31 adults, or 7.3 million Americans, is in prison, on parole or probation, at a cost to the states of $47 billion in 2008, according to a newstudy.

A survey of 34 states found that states spent an average of $29,000 a year on prisoners
Those talkin bout he'd prolly be "better off" in jail must have not ever been locked up.. that is not whats up at all my dude.

What the hell they expect him to do when he's gettin out at 65+ years old? They just took his life for $100 is how I see it, but thats the world we livein.
I'm pretty sure dude isn't happy he's about to be locked up for a maximum of 15 years, regardless of the food, clothing and shelter.

If this situation doesn't scream "diversion", I don't know what does. A guy robs a bank for $100--obviously he isn't in it for the moneyand glory. Clearly he's doing it because he thinks he needs that $100 to survive another day.

And the fact this occurred in the South doesn't surprise me at all. The South ftl when it comes to dudes in prison who don't need to be there."Conservative values" at work, no doubt.
3 hots and a cot for $100. Not bad..... it's not like freedom was working out for him. Just kidding. What a story though

wow, that's sad; dude just wanted help and a meal. for a so-called "christian" nation, we've !%#!+% up pretty bad.

who told you that BS? This country is supposed to be open to ALL faiths, remember?
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Those talkin bout he'd prolly be "better off" in jail must have not ever been locked up.. that is not whats up at all my dude.

What the hell they expect him to do when he's gettin out at 65+ years old? They just took his life for $100 is how I see it, but thats the world we live in.
Originally Posted by sStutter

That sentence is ridiculous. There are so many criminals that have done worse things that don't get time at all.

rape, domestic abuse, animal cruelty, DUI, manslaughter from DUI.... so many others out there that get NO time at all....

even female "masked robbers" that ive seen that eventually got caught almost got no time... What he did was wrong, but the punishment should be equalto like crimes around the nation. the judge needs to get fired
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