Hoodrat type females unappreciation. need to vent

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

and just because a girl is from the hood doesn't automatically make her a hoodrat

QFT....in fact more times than not Hoodrats live in the burbs, and drive into the city to become one
Newest Incident: once again cliffnotes
Her friends tags me in a photo, that dumb alabama leprechaun joint.
so i simply untag myself & respond with "would have been funnier if you posted the whole video"
come on now, were in college & this broad is actin like this.
i been just trying to ignore her & be the bigger man, but i just wana lay hands on her so bad.

don't see anything she did worthy of laying hands on her. She tagged you in a pic and you waste time untagging yourself. Why not keep the tag and ask herto post the vid? And why are you acting immature and ignoring her over this? I think you are making something out of nothing.

Chicks only tag dudes they at least kinda like
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

I swear I was gonna make a post kinda like this. I was at the club last weekend talkin to a female and we were choppin it up. Then her older sister comes outta nowhere and say something slick, so I respond back with something slick. She then start talking even more reckless(she was tipsy)and Im like "aite shorty, u got it, no disrespect." So me and ol girl start back talkin and then she's like "here take my number". I pull out my SK, and the older sister snatches my phone. I swear I grabbed the sister so fast with my left hand and was bout to follow up with the means haymaker. Then she replied "im sorry I thought it was my sister phone."The chick I was talkin to apologize, for her sister and said she had to get her sister and leave.

I was pissed for so many reasons. Gawd, I hate hoodrats. Where im from, its like chicks thinks its cool to act this way
U had that chick shook fam, good job
its not that bad.. and if you say they hoodrats, who gives a rat $%# anyways..

brush it off ur shoulders broohh
retr0sxual wrote:
Originally Posted by Black Milk

retr0sxual wrote:
Black Milk:

Why are you always calling people out on their age?
arent you that guy whos happy to be a virgin at 22?, leave me alone, swoboy

Still at it.

Yes, I'm a virgin. But, I'm 19. I hope you're not under the impression that you "got" me.


O! He got you..and you need some cheeks in your life my man you have wasted about 4-5 years of smashing...

I know your man is mad at you!
Ignore her man you should have just untagged yourself and kept it moving. But you making that little comment insinuates you want confrontation.
Originally Posted by Club29

Arent you the dude who steals other peoples clothes?

Stank @%* *#+%%. Stealing people basketball shorts and flaunting around like its cool.
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