How do i get rid of pimples (warning: pics)

Lol off topic but his name is qwerty and he has pimples
Diet. Yea I thought it was BS too until I cut out dairy and now my face is smoother than the box when

both surfaces meet.
stop shaving

edit: i applied to this before. lol at the bag comment....again lo.l

edit x2: this is like 3 years old. where you at OP?
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They stop showing up as you get older. None of that dont eat chocolate, drink milk, soda bullcrap people say is true.
Not true, well for me that is. Whenever I ate chocolate I break out. I tested this. When I ate chocolate I usually breakout within 24hrs. I didn't get really bad or big pimples, I get one and I treat it and it's gone within 3 days. After that if I don't each chocolate I don't break out, simple. Again, this happens to me, so I have to disagree with you bro.

Thankfully this was years ago, my acne was bad in highschool, but now I'm like 100% better, guess with age acne is less frequent.
Proactive worked for me the second time I did the treatment. I had very oily skin and for some reason always broke out after eating chocolate.
I breakout after drinking milk and consuming tons of sugar 

One reason my avy is WATER is because I used to only eat candy and drink soda when I was 14 15 

Hated drinking water 

Made my name WATER to remind myself to drink water everyday, especially since I was always on here 

Water is the only thing I drink now

WATER strong 

Just test out different things to see what makes you break out 

Then cut that out 

Also wash your face daily 
Hey man its your diet. Creams and stuff like that might make it a lil better or take it away but it will be back. Do some research. Good luck.
Try drinking water for the entire day for a week. With meals, etc. 

And go ahead and get proactive, its only $30 bucks online. 
Wash everything you sleep in or on every week without fail. Cant stress this enough, bedsheets, covers, pillow covers, the whole 9 wash it all. 

Have good hygiene, shower daily, wash your face.

Drink water and only water, it's really not as bad as you think. Also, don't go crazy with the junk food. Try to keep your caloric intake from junk food below 500. That's a little over one pack of poptarts. 

You should be cool just following that. Just don't touch your face and let time do its thing. I really can't get down with tossing chemicals on my face so I cant recommend any facial cleansing brands. 
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get some sensitive skin acne wash X apricot scrub

clean your pillow sheets. clean up your diet, dont eat to much fast food. work out, drink plenty of water and get good sleep.
Definitely herps. I'd recommend asking
Your friend if he can spread his load on your face.....I heard it works better than proactive.
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