How do I make a baby lose weight?

most babies are fat and turn out okay.
you should feed her healthier meals though such as less fried foods, none of that instant-microwavable stuff and fruits instead of candy all the time.
Its just some Baby fat, dont worry
You dont have to deprive the child, provide the correct amount of nutrients needed a day to survive, nothing more. Soon, she will loose the weight.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Stop it! Don't get baby medical advice from NT! Go to a pediatrician. For god's sake..
It's not even his child! this guy keeps intruding in his family members decisions like he capt. save a kid. If the parents are completeinvalids, it's good that you take that extra interest, if not, they should punch you in the gut.
just asking cause it would have been hilarious if you were fat. but you gotta ask the doctor man, i really doubt your neice is fat though.
No offense but man that is the dumbest question I have ever heard.

She is only a baby and a 16 month wearing 18 month clothes.. Not like she in 3 year old clothing or a 12 year old in a woman's XXL..
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Can we substitute skim milk for the whole milk and Similac? And I'm sue my sister doesn't nurse. They feed her the same stuff they eat, which my family eats the crappiest of foods, fried everything with extra butter and gravy and syrup type menus. When I go back to the house, I think I'm going to eat up all her lil' Chef Boyardee bowls, candies, and other treats and replace them with some boneless skinless chicken and fat free yogurt.
this thread really isn't stupid. i think it's just difficult for NTers to imagine what it means if a kid is 16 months old wearin 18 monthold clothing, which makes it seem like a stupid thread.

the baby must really be fat for you to make a thread about it. and after reading the bolded parts...its clear that there is a problem with her diet. and sheprobably has overweight parents too. u should just confront her parents about their kids diet, and if they give u the "she's just a baby" well atwhat point do you stop saying that?

but seriously OP...ur always in ur fam members' business...let them live
My immediate family is really close, we're all over here at Mom's house now in fact. And her mom, my sister, has been in the hospital the past 4-5weeks or so, so she's been with me or my parents even more than she normally is.
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