How do you deal with Failure???? Vol. just curious...

Aug 21, 2005
Niketalk's "perspective" on the world and life is always an interesting one and I was just wondering

I just keep going, I remember I failed Algebra 2 and chemistry in the 10th grade. I kind of laughed it off, even though it was a serious situation. The pointis if I fail at something I usually don't take it that serious, even though I may need to.
I just keep going
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I may get mad for the first few minutes when I think about it[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. but then I'm like "It happened, I can't change it, so $%!!it" .. just keep it movin [/color]
Originally Posted by retrospect90

I just keep going, I remember I failed Algebra 2 and chemistry in the 10th grade. I kind of laughed it off, even though it was a serious situation. The point is if I fail at something I usually don't take it that serious, even though I may need to.

I think my mom hates dislikes me for being this way
I got royally F'd by my college fin aid the other day..

I failed to realize that they were a for profit money trap when I signed the dotted line.

I wouldn't mind free falling off a bridge right now.
i usually think that i could have done better.. but ultimately i don't dwell on it too much. after all, you can't succeed at everything.
Originally Posted by FreshProduct

I just keep going
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I may get mad for the first few minutes when I think about it[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. but then I'm like "It happened, I can't change it, so $%!! it" .. just keep it movin[/color]
I most of the time just take the L and keep on doing what I do. Sometimes things get pretty bad or I get pretty upset, but then I pull myself out of the selfpity/loathing state and realize theres so much more thats going to happen in life why dwell on something.
Depending on the situation, get back up and try sumthin else...or say !!%# it and have a drink...
Even if you decide to move forward, you won't get anywhere if you don't learn from your mistakes.
Depends on the situation..Usually jus Smoke a blunt..
... Then afterthe munchies jus get up and try again..word to Aaliyah...I also look at it as "Everything happens for a reason"..
"Failure's" are just learning opportunities. You can only fail if you give up or don't try so I can say I don't fail very often if atall.

People put so much pressure on themselves not to fail that they inhibit any growth. That is the true failure for me. No one can be perfect at everything atevery time. You just have to get back up when you're knocked down and proceed.
I don't fail.
J/K usually I just do something to take my mind off it like hoop or something.
Its partly true that trying affects your failure but it can also come from outside sources. I look back and see what I could have done better or what Ishouldn't have done and work on it to turn it into a success. If I continue to fail it aint for me and I move on
i try not to refer to anything that happens outside of my control or expectations as a "failure." in fact, going into most (but not all, of course)situations, i've learned to be pretty flexible in setting my expectations.

if the end result is something that i had not originally hoped for, i learn from it, and keep on keepin on.
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