How Do You Feel About Your Child Being Exposed To Same Sex Couples Through Cartoons/Kids Shows (Nick

10-15 percent is not a small population. And that's an underestimate cause we don't count bisexuals or people that are still in the closet aka republicans and catholic priests.
compared to the other 90-85, it is small. and that doesnt count all the fake people pretending to be gay for attention.
Boosie is a damn fool. Sounds like his little *** may have gotten ran thru in prison with all that over-the-top machismo and homophobia.

I don't see the issue with showing same sex couples in cartoons. If you can show heterosexual couples, why is the opposite frowned on? What's the difference, besides one couple having the same thing in their pants?
[thread="651554"]nah gay people are def a small population[/thread]

10-15 percent is not a small population


In the first large-scale government survey measuring Americans’ sexual orientation, the NHIS reported in July 2014 that 1.6 percent of Americans identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent identify as bisexual.[1] I

there's only 14% of African Americans in da United States...

da gay population isn't anywhere near past 2% tops.

transexuals are .1 of 1% of da entire population.

solution? you got veto power on everything your child sees..
Funny how everyone complains about under-representation in movies, TV shows and the media until someone they hate or in casually bigoted terms "DON'T AGREE WITH" tries to get theirs.

Damn negroes taking over TV. So many of them now, look at Kevin Hart.

Damn women playing ghostbusters.

Damn f**** holding hands and being all family oriented in cartoons.

There's a difference between what makes someone black or a woman and what makes someone gay though 
I don't see the issue with showing same sex couples in cartoons. If you can show heterosexual couples, why is the opposite frowned on? What's the difference, besides one couple having the same thing in their pants?

See and that's why I don't quite like that "let kids be kids" perspective because it seems very specific in it's application.

I feel like when we as adults sit back and speculate on how this may affect a child, we forget to strip away the perceptions we've built up over the years and genuinely try to look at this from the angle of someone blind to how society sees the matter.

I, baselessly; don't see children looking at this much differently than they would look at characters of different races, or single parents, or characters with notable traits.

I feel like it would fall into that broad "different" box for kids, and wouldn't be some subject that requires a whole seminar for them to cope with.
If kids can watch humanoid animals fall in love...humans and alien relationships. All types of interspecies relationships . I don't think they'll have a problem with same sex couples.

I wouldn't expose my youngin to it though.
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Here i go soundin like a old head.

I dont like it at all.

I dont like how they are forcing it on children as young as 5.

When i was 5 i was worried about worms, recess, and snacks.

Now kids gotta figure out if they are gay, straight, bi, or trans? And they HAVE to determine it so young?

What happened to kids bein kids?

Look here man, if you gay or lesbian, i have no problem wit you. Live your life. We will have disagreements, but dont FORCE that type of lifestyle on my kids.

Its fine that they are aware of people like that and know fhe difference, but dont FORCE it on our children!!

This country full of whimps, and gays now.

I remember back im 95' there was gay parades, but in 2k16, they have to make a huge deal about it and make it seem like it needs to be a national holiday.

Live your life however you want to, just dont force our kids to have to decide.

Cuz i aint puttin a gun/dope in they hands and bible in the other and tellin them tonmake up their minds.
My child's best friend has two moms

He is five and ask why did his friends have 2 moms . I said those are his parents. Simple answer people make kids issue complex becuase they dont know how to deal

Its doesnt matter if kid is gay or straight whatndoes matter of some body hurts them .
Real talk if your child is gay and get their heartbroken you as a parent are gonna say well it would have not happened if you were straight ..... nope that not the answer...
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@Osh Kosh Bosh

You are very naive when it comes to what you THINK kids see/observe/know 

No, I Iook at the facts and don't get stressed just because something seems different weird or new.

I have always felt the influence of the media to be overrated. From violent video games, to gay people in media I think most of the hysteria is based on precious little evidence and simply peoples fear of the unknown.

If you read about the history of childcare, Novels were indoctrinating kinds into a pernicious fantasy, then it was comics books "the seduction of innocent" turning boys into gang members and rapists. Then video gays in cartoons.

Forgive me if I don't get too worked up about this.

Kids will get this info at some point better I explain it to them rather then another 8 year old.
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Self admitted non-so-tolerant on lgbt people. Don't hate or care what they do to themselves or others but don't think they need this kind of acknowledgment.

Being that I got a child on the way I wouldn't allow it becuase it may send a message me and my girl and family don't agree with. In time they can discover that **** on they own, but I will not be apart that journey.
Here i go soundin like a old head.

I dont like it at all.

I dont like how they are forcing it on children as young as 5.

When i was 5 i was worried about worms, recess, and snacks.

Now kids gotta figure out if they are gay, straight, bi, or trans? And they HAVE to determine it so young?

What happened to kids bein kids?

Look here man, if you gay or lesbian, i have no problem wit you. Live your life. We will have disagreements, but dont FORCE that type of lifestyle on my kids.

Its fine that they are aware of people like that and know fhe difference, but dont FORCE it on our children!!

This country full of whimps, and gays now.

I remember back im 95' there was gay parades, but in 2k16, they have to make a huge deal about it and make it seem like it needs to be a national holiday.

Live your life however you want to, just dont force our kids to have to decide.

Cuz i aint puttin a gun/dope in they hands and bible in the other and tellin them tonmake up their minds.

So much wrong in this, not even sure where to start.  Quite frankly, it probably isn't even worth the effort.  
Not with it, at all. If they ask a question, I'll answer. But I don't want them being exposed to all that when they should be enjoying their youth.
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My 7 year old cousins fav phrases are "Haaaaaa Gaaaaayyyyyyy" and "Dak" referring to d*ck

literally everything that comes out of his mouth seems sexual in some way and he knows it 

He also always says the word pr0nography in a melodic tone singing style of way 

Also bunch of other stuff that gets on my nerves. He's only visiting though since he lives on the west coast

But I was shocked when I first heard the things coming out of his mouth 

I was like are you serious 

Even my parents were questioning it.... 

But referring to the same sex couples in cartoons I see no problem with it. I doubt they'll be showing two guys making out, but just subliminally two guys/women in a household. Its 2016, same sex stuff is everywhere. 
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Here i go soundin like a old head.

I dont like it at all.

Look here man, if you gay or lesbian, i have no problem wit you. Live your life. We will have disagreements, but dont FORCE that type of lifestyle on my kids.

Its fine that they are aware of people like that and know fhe difference, but dont FORCE it on our children!!

This country full of whimps, and gays now.

Live your life however you want to, just dont force our kids to have to decide.

Sounds familiar

"The unwelcomed, unwanted, unwarranted, and force-induced intrusion upon the campus of the University of Alabama today of the might of the central government offers frightful example of the oppression of the rights, privileges and sovereignty of this state by officers of the federal government."

- George Wallace on Desegregation at the University of Alabama.

No one is forcing your children to be gay, or to decide on their sexuality at age 5. No one.

NOT comparing racism and homophobia, but its the same vein of ignorance
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Here i go soundin like a old head.

I dont like it at all.

Look here man, if you gay or lesbian, i have no problem wit you. Live your life. We will have disagreements, but dont FORCE that type of lifestyle on my kids.

Its fine that they are aware of people like that and know fhe difference, but dont FORCE it on our children!!

This country full of whimps, and gays now.

Live your life however you want to, just dont force our kids to have to decide.
No one is forcing your children to be gay, or to decide on their sexuality at age 5. No one.

NOT comparing racism and homophobia, but its the same vein of ignorance
A lot of these posts are proof as to why we will never truly advance as a human race.

Never ending cycle of ignorance.
It's absolutely mind-blowing.  

Substitute something racial for same-sex couples and some of the posters in here would be going HAM about inequality, racism, etc.
I'll keep it 100% honest, no I wouldn't let them watch it. There is no room for homosexuality in my house. Now that happens outside my house is out of my control
I'll keep it 100% honest, no I wouldn't let them watch it. There is no room for homosexuality in my house. Now that happens outside my house is out of my control
What if your child was born homosexual? You wouldn't allow it? 
The Hypersexualization of kids has BEEN happening through cartoons for the last 60 or 70 years and has accelerated on the last 20.
And it has worked. Each generation gets more and more liberal when it comes to sex.

Disney is a big player in this when it comes to tv and cartoons

Nobody MAKES Disney draw diks and sex into all of their movies but they do.

And it has only gotten worse with the age of information and social media.
The unlimited amounts of debauchery and the ease of obtaining the information is a gift and a curse.

Parent your children. Dont let society raise them.
The children are our future selves collectively.
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