How do you react to things bought for you???

Feb 10, 2014
How would you react to something being given to you or bought for you?

I have a friend who wants me to go on a quick weekend trip, but I can’t afford it. They offered to buy me the flight without having to pay them back, but I declined. I just couldn’t accept it, knowing how tight my financial situation is right now.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What would you guys do?
I know better than to put my friends in a weird situation like that, and they know the same. It’s demoralizing to the dude who can’t afford it. Y’all can just hangout in town or they can take the trip with someone else
What would you guys do?
Get my money up.
Eh. If they want to buy it for you, let them. Your pride shouldn't get in the way of someone wanting to give back. It's just money. They'll always get more. But the good times you spend together are priceless. Now you'll just be sitting on your *** at home when 50 years from now you could've looked back at the epic vacation your friend took you on. What else are we on this Earth for? Believe in the goodness of people. I live by the motto of 'whatever I got, you got'.
I’ve been blessed and try to pay it forward without chains attached. Sometimes they wanna have a good time w/ you.
As long as you and they know no boundaries are crossed I’d say go for it.
In my teens and 20’s I would go anywhere I was offered. I just wanted the experience even if I couldn’t afford it. Now I’m straight unless it was something I could pay back ASAP. At a certain point in life you get too old for taking unnecessary handouts.
I would of declined too...woulda felt like I was taking advantage especially if you didn't have to pay them back... nice gesture by them... where was the trip to
Maybe not, but my pride and ego have softened a bit over the years so who knows. Took forever to get comfy even with my girl getting me things. On the flip side though I do things for people with 0 expectations or entitlement, it's how I'm wired. If I don't want to do it, I just don't. I truly understand most people aren't that way I so I don't take offense to a decline.
I’ve learned a long time ago, your blessing come through people sometimes.

Y’all out here blocking your own blessing...

Got to take your pride out of it.

If that’s your man, what’s the problem?

Many time my folks got me...just say thank you and keep moving.

Then you return It back to your folks.
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Just go and then do something nice/surprising for him down the road as payback. Man clearly wants you there. If you want to go money shouldn't be an issue. Unless he's the type of dude to hang it over your head like you owe him or something.

I had a friend who always took me out and comped everything on his company credit card. Even when I'd say nah he'd strongly insist. I think he just wanted the company TBH, and money was no object to him.
In OP's situation, it depends on how well you know the person offering. If they're really close friends, I'd take it. They just want their buddy coming along. Grine Grine got the right idea.
if you’re really close with him and want to go, I’d take it. Then I’d just pay him back eventually anyway even if he said don’t worry about it.

I’m the type that keeps stuff like that in the back of my mind so even if it’s a year later, I’d get him back eventually.
I had a friend who always took me out and comped everything on his company credit card. Even when I'd say nah he'd strongly insist. I think he just wanted the company TBH, and money was no object to him.

Company card is a little different lol. I'd be wylin out.
Hard for me to say what I WOULD do since I haven't been in a similar situation but I would probably not accept the offer. Yes, due to pride.
I wouldnt have taken the offer either. Cant be out clubbin/chillin and when the check come you hand it to your boy, every time!

I wouldnt even be able to let loose making sure not to consume too much.

Let your pride motivate and humble you. Not the opposite.
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