How fast could you run 7 miles?


couple of tips for people who can't go pass 1-2miles, its' more of a mental thing, and where you place your energy.

If your hands are all the way up to your chest or even do your stomach/abdomen, this isn't energy efficient, its' best to just keep them near the hip/waist.
For running, you incline your torso a bit forward and hop, like boxers do when they are in the ring, don't take big strides just a small hop forward.

As for the mental aspect, its kind of a reflection to your life and your mindset. If you know you can do 2miles, then do it, once you accomplish that goal, you'll want to go for 3, or 4 then 5 or 6; eventually you'll realize the pain is just an illusion or a door to excuses.

TL;DR, anyone can do 7miles under an hour or around a hour, anyone.
A little over an hour for me.

I like running, but I go at my own pace. I'm not out there sprinting or doing anything along those lines. My goal is to keep moving (not walk) from start to finish. I do that, I'm happy.
I don't think I could run 1 mile right now, let alone 7

Could probably walk it in a couple hours though
I ran 13.1 miles at a 10:22 pace in January and just did a 5K (3.1 miles) at a 9:25 pace, so I'd split the difference and say a 10 minute pace which would be 70 min.
Granted, I'm also older than probably 99% of the people in this thread and just started running last August.
Right now, probably 53 minutes. If/when I get into peak shape I want, I'll say 46-49 minutes.
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