How I Met Your Mother Post Series Discussion. Rustled Jimmies to the Maximum

The thing I will always like about Ted is his penchant for making grandiose gestures, whether appropriate or not. That very last scene, he could've just made a phone call. But he pulled a Ted. And not just any Ted but the first Ted we've ever seen him pull. So many feels, bruh
I agree with Big J about the show being rushed. I'd specifically say the ep had horrible pacing. Especially the latter half.

Also despite the heartfelt moment with Barney and his child and all the feels it brought on I seriously don't see how they try to wrap up his story like that. Barney gets a daughter of all things and just gives it all up? I know he likes to be nervous and anxious before these important things like how he had cold feet before the wedding but the whole Not A Father's day in the waiting room? I mean to me he progressed and developed a lot to lead up to proprosing to Robin to continually showing his growth all season and then boom divorce back to being playbook Barney.

I really can't even get in to the twist at the end. To me that was just plain bull **** even if I were to accept and expect that Ted would end up with Robin. **** felt like Tracy didn't raise her children at all the way they just praised Aunt Robin. It also makes me call in to question if what ol girl that went to Germany as a baker said was right. Ted loved Robin and only Robin even when he got with the mother of his children. Like I know in that one ep he claimed that he told Tracy all of his stories but I wonder if she was aware how much he was in love with Robin up until her wedding day. Looking back I don't feel bad at all that Stella left him.

All around ugly finale imo.
I'm disappointed Ted talked to his kids instead of it being Bob Saget.
I was seriously waiting and expecting a Bob Saget joke to be slipped in before the end :smh:

Also I expected one more red boots joke before the end too :lol:

EDIT - If How I Met Your Dad ends up connecting to Barney being father. I hope all of you HIYM watchers will be prepared cuz if it even lasts 5 seasons be prepared for them to set up another pairing you'll get tired of 2 seasons in only for her to marry some other dude or have that main love interst die and then have Barney swoop in and knock her up as #31 on his perfect month challenge :x
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How did this episode even end up so rushed man. They spent the ENTIRE season on this weekend, they had nothing to do but specifically stick the ending... And they still ****** it up. My brain hurts thinking about this damn show
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Definitely agree with the latter half of the finale feeling rushed. How is the gut reaction for the kids, "yeah go bag Aunt Robin!"? And I would've liked some elaboration on the mother's sickness and such. Literally felt like it was 10 seconds between her being sick and the kids suggesting Robin. Also bothers me that the kids seemed mad annoyed about having to hear the story of their parents meeting now knowing one of them died.

Kinda glad I stopped watching after season 6. I wasn't as invested in the Mother as some of you guys probably are. Though I gotta admit she was really likeable.
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Lol it's clear that the ending is very polarizing. Seems that people will either love it or hate it.
After seeing some of you guys getting your jimmies rustled over this, I'm afraid to to see what all the females are saying on facebook :nerd: :lol: .

I enjoyed the finale though. An with the clip of the daughter and son giving Ted the cosign, I became at peace with what was going on, because it was obvious that it was filmed a very long time ago because the son and Lyndsay Fonseca fine-self was looking pretty young still. So I knew even if the show wouldn't have lasted as long as it did, it still would have ended the same way.

And Marshall , "If everything goes well you won't be calling me Judge Fudge'll be calling me FUDGE SUPREME." :rofl:
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^ That scene was completely ****** to me. You had the sadness of the mother dying montage preceding it and then it immediately cuts to the kids and the tone is instantly comedic again with them basically saying we dont really care about the mothers story its all robin blablhablah. Just a terrible choice imo
I'm pretty upset man :lol: Rushed for sure.
The writing was bad, it felt like a twist for the sake of a twist, and to please the audience that couldn't get over Ted/Robin not ending up together. WTF

The show has always covered Ted/Robin, even in the previous episode. But almost every time was poorly handled and written. And the ending was just another in a series of poorly handled and written Ted/Robin moments.

Not to mention they covered them letting go multiple times INCLUDING WHEN ROBIN FLOATS AWAY LIKE A BALLOON.

The ending discredits that. Discredits the mother. Discredits a ton of great, important, moving moments for a lot of these characters.

Like the lead up to Ted/mother meeting under the umbrella was so great. Kids kick it to the curb immediately after.
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They spent an entire season building up to Robin and Barneys wedding which they then destroyed in three minutes. Those episodes could have been better suited providing us with a more detailed ending.
They covered this Robin/Ted thing a lot this year, but I felt it was always presented as Ted's last hurdle he had to bury before meeting the Mother.

I'm not upset that they didn't go with what I wanted/expected. I'm upset that what they did felt cheap, AND discredited so many good moments. Just cause they covered Ted/Robin doesn't mean they built up that ending well.

Just so many things mean a lot less, if anything:
- Narrator about the wedding: "and it was legendary." Such a great line at the time.
- The whole wedding weekend.
- The Mother playing fate, convincing Barney to stop playing the game, and propose to Robin... who Ted was in love with. The man she would have kids with.
- Barney's elaborate, 3-episode proposal.
- Barney passing along his lessons to the college kids, playbook on a napkin, asks them to take care of the game.
- Ted imagining meeting the mother earlier so he could have 45 more days with her.
- The Mother's whole episode.
- The yellow umbrella, near run-ins, clues about the mother

etc etc.

Just doesn't make any sense, I'm so lost... ALL this stuff was filler? If so that's paying attention to a lot of filler.

I would buy this "it's all a part of the journey to Robin" crap if they didn't build all this other stuff up - well - and then tear it down in the last episode, basically backtrack on everything within minutes.
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It couldn't have been a twist for the sake of a twist because the kids (the final scene was shot in the second season before they got too old) was very young in he final footage.

Lol yes, the wedding weekend shouldn't have been prolonged. Maybe if they could've done it all over again they wouldn't have done that format because it resulted in a lot of filler episodes.

Lol in real life stuff can be built up for long times only to be taken away in seconds that's how it is and we adapt.

Remember guys, the 9th season wasn't going to happen and at one point the writers was prepared to end the whole series with us only having a glimpse of the mother. But then Jason Segal came on board at the very last minute (he was the very last holdover in nnegotiations) and we got the 9 season. THEN the writers decided, 'hey, let's get to the know the mother' and that we did.

If anything, the twist was that we got to know the mother AT ALL.

The writers couldn't have dreamed thatt Cristin Milioti was going to be this well received. They changed up the entire second half of this season to give her more scenes!

The writers already had went on record saying that if they knew Cristin Milioti was going to get this much love she would've been featured more prominently in the first half. This interview should've been my first clue at the time what the end game was going to be, but I too, was smitten by the mother by this time.

This is probably the case of the writers (and Cristin Milioti) having done their job too well. If the show had ended in their 8th season like initially planned with the mother had only having that one ticket to farhampton line, the' twist' would've been better received.
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I know it wasn't really a twist for a twist cause yeah the young kids confirm that. But it FELT like one.

Not just because so little time was spent on the twist and the mother dying, but because it made a ton of great emotional/character/dramatic moments from the past 3 seasons into meaningless filler. Mistakes.

Just because they got an extra season doesn't excuse those mistakes.
I think Cristin Milioti was way more amazing than anyone could've imagined. But that doesn't excuse those mistakes.

Just take Barney. We got a glimpse of his growth when the show flash-forwarded to reveal his wedding, a few years ago. Then saw that growth over the last 1 1/2 seasons. And then they just scrap it all and get the old Barney in the last episode before starting his growth over with his kid in a few short scenes.

That's a horrible arc for a television show. And that's basically how they treated everything.

Real life can happen like this. But make a show where you switch up and ignore a bunch of stuff to teach this lesson? That's not entertaining. And for a show like HIMYM that's had a lot of soap opera-ish elements, not in it's nature.
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Lol people revert to what they know after being really hurt. Barney really loved Robin. It was Robin who screwed up the marriage, not him. She was the one who wasn't there.
It's like drug addicts. They can live years being drug free and doing the right thing but when something bad happens in their lives, they revert to what they know, which is drugs. In Barney's case it was women, LOL.
Lol you may not be able to accept the 'excuses' but it is the truth. Maybe we shouldn'thave got the extra season at all if there was going to be this kind of backlash.
Dude I know those things are true... doesn't mean I have to accept them :lol: I don't think they excuse anything. Sorry I don't see the light.

And for Barney, it def makes sense for his character to go back to what he knows. But we're the audience. It's just bad to have an arc that shows his progress for 30+ episodes, then push the reset button. Why make the audience sit through it? It doesn't serve a purpose for the audience, other than to provide a few old-school Barney laughs. At the expense of his growth we went through with him.

Like why make the audience get hooked on all these clues about the mother, from the umbrella to the train station? If she wasn't the true love, why play up some fairy tale? Was it just to keep viewers up?

I'm not against the show ending on Robin. I just really wish it didn't have to cheapen so much stuff we saw along the way.
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Lol you view them as mistakes because you think that the twist reduces all the meaningful moments to filler. But why is that?

If someone in your life dies before her time, does that make whatever moments you had with them mean any less?

Barney is human, I would've been surprised if he didn't revert to something he knew after that magnitude of hurt he received. You view it as the writers hitting reset, I view it as someone who was truly lonely and having this big void that only Robin could've filled, until his daughter came along. We can agree to disagree here.
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Lol you view them as mistakes because you think that the twist reduces all the meaningful moments to filler. But why is that?

If someone in your life dies before her time, does that make whatever moments you had with them mean any less? .

This is exactly the point I wanted them to make with the mother and her death...

They didn't, and that fact + the kid's reaction just made her death seem like nothing, a road bump between Robin.
The kids were 6 years removed from their mother's death, they wanted their dad to be happy. Also they probably had yrs of seeing that their dad was happy around Robin by the end of the story. Lol

Ted's relationship with the mother doesn't have to feel cheapened just because he chose to move on. I'm sorry that you feel that way.
Just because the mother died young doesn't mean that she wasn't Ted's true love. Just because their story together ended early doesn't mean it wasn't a fairy tale.
Again, I feel the anger is a culprit of the extra season where we've gotten to know the mother well. I would almost say it might have been for the best if the mother was faceless but I loved getting to know her.
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Yeah it makes sense but it just didn't come across. It's there but the writers have always been so good at making those types of things HIT the audience. No reason to not do it now, at the end, the most meaningful part.

If someone loses a spouse (in TV or IRL) it's kinda expected they need to "learn to love again." It's awkward to jump back out there. The kids made the comment about 6 years but it just didn't resonate. I think that's why people are upset. The facts were there, just felt like it jumped the way they showed it.

It's even worse because the mother lost her past love and they did show her learn to love again for an entire episode... and it resonated well. All they had to do was draw some parallels to that, and maybe people wouldn't be so mad.

Like if Ted had gone to talk to the sky, taken out the uke, something. Would've also established her as a lasting part of his life, even in death
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They covered this Robin/Ted thing a lot this year, but I felt it was always presented as Ted's last hurdle he had to bury before meeting the Mother.

I'm not upset that they didn't go with what I wanted/expected. I'm upset that what they did felt cheap, AND discredited so many good moments. Just cause they covered Ted/Robin doesn't mean they built up that ending well.

Just so many things mean a lot less, if anything:
- Narrator about the wedding: "and it was legendary." Such a great line at the time.
- The whole wedding weekend.
- The Mother playing fate, convincing Barney to stop playing the game, and propose to Robin... who Ted was in love with. The man she would have kids with.
- Barney's elaborate, 3-episode proposal.
- Barney passing along his lessons to the college kids, playbook on a napkin, asks them to take care of the game.
- Ted imagining meeting the mother earlier so he could have 45 more days with her.
- The Mother's whole episode.
- The yellow umbrella, near run-ins, clues about the mother

etc etc.

Just doesn't make any sense, I'm so lost... ALL this stuff was filler? If so that's paying attention to a lot of filler.

I would buy this "it's all a part of the journey to Robin" crap if they didn't build all this other stuff up - well - and then tear it down in the last episode, basically backtrack on everything within minutes.

These are the reason I'm fine with the ending. It's not a happily ever after ending, but a realistic enough one that I'm satisfied with.
Ted did have that 'talk to the sky' speech. It just didn't happen in the finale. It happened in the 'time travelers' episode where he had the famous speech that made everyone first think that the mother was dead.
^ That scene was completely ****** to me. You had the sadness of the mother dying montage preceding it and then it immediately cuts to the kids and the tone is instantly comedic again with them basically saying we dont really care about the mothers story its all robin blablhablah. Just a terrible choice imo

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