How I Met Your Mother Post Series Discussion. Rustled Jimmies to the Maximum

Ted did have that 'talk to the sky' speech. It just didn't happen in the finale. It happened in the 'time travelers' episode where he had the famous speech that made everyone first think that the mother was dead.

True. Good catch.
But still, they needed to make this point during the actual ending. So it didn't feel like such a quick jump. To justify it more, in the moment

It's spoonfeeding it to the audience, but it would've worked better for most people I think. HIMYM has always spoonfed anyways
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It probably was for the best that the speech was made early because it jump started the theory that the mother was dead.

It still caught me by surprise when they revealed she died but I feel the shock would've been worse if I hadn't had a whole season of hearing 'the mother is dead' theories.

I was at the bar at Mcgee's (the bar MacLaren's was based on). Dude, the whole room gasped when the death was revealed LOL. Myself included.

For me personally, I felt that montage of pictures and the voice over was enough to convince me that what Ted and Tracy had was real love.

Obviously, it's not enough for you and it might not have been enough for a lot of people. This ending isddefinitely polarizing for sure and depends heavily on audience interpretation.

I walked out of that bar feeling like the ending was going to be universally loved. Now I feel like it's probably going to be one of those endings that's going to be eternally debated.
I'm pretty upset man :lol: Rushed for sure.
The writing was bad, it felt like a twist for the sake of a twist, and to please the audience that couldn't get over Ted/Robin not ending up together. WTF

The show has always covered Ted/Robin, even in the previous episode. But almost every time was poorly handled and written. And the ending was just another in a series of poorly handled and written Ted/Robin moments.

Not to mention they covered them letting go multiple times INCLUDING WHEN ROBIN FLOATS AWAY LIKE A BALLOON.

The ending discredits that. Discredits the mother. Discredits a ton of great, important, moving moments for a lot of these characters.

Like the lead up to Ted/mother meeting under the umbrella was so great. Kids kick it to the curb immediately after.

To me anyone who has watched the entire show and is upset at this ending, should have seen this coming...the fact that ted and robin were still even a storyline in the FINAL SEASON should have told you that

about 90% of the episodes this season had them as a storyline in some proponent,whether it was:
- about the necklace,
-or why ted was moving to chicago,
-or ted scared to tell barney
then they Mixed that in with stupid wedding activities and oh yeah lets keep marshall isolated from the group for half the final season

the signs were there from the get go. I knew the show wasn't about the mom when they spent an entire season on ZOIE. In the first season, he ends an episode saying(could be the first...very slight chance)
"And kids thats how i met your aunt robin."

when he got left at the altar earlier in the series i asked my wife," who in their right mind would tell their kids these stories, so many of them not even including the mom(which is who is supposed to be talking about)

I didn't agree with the ending either, but i wasn't expecting fireworks, episode was solid,
- the "through the years" idea was great, Im grateful i got to see snippets for the first time of the title character of a show running 9 years

Had they just named it
"the one that got away..."
How i met the woman before your mom( title has CBS written all over it, and tell me you still wouldn't watch?)

people wouldnt be as mad
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Yea, the title was misleading. But I'm not even mad I was mislead. I think the writers had it in their minds to have Ted and Robin as the end game early on because they were afraid to hand over the happy ending to an unknown character that nobody would really have a chance to know.

Then we all got the extra season and fell in love with the mother and I think if the writers could've predicted the degree to how much we've accepted her they might've changed course.

But by the middle of the season the best they could've done was add in more scenes of her, which I'm grateful for. . The mother centric episode is going to be forever top 4 in my mind along with time travelers and the finale and the playbook proposal episode.
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Used to watch the show from the beginning but the writing got really terrible in the later seasons. Watched it last night, nothing special the show needed to end. It ran its course IMO
Allyson Hannigan tweeted 18 min were cut. Wonder how much of a difference it made for the end (some, at least)
Lol one has to do with the pineapple incident, the other has to do with Marshall and Lilly's bet. My guess it all the scenes have about as much plot significance as the schwarma scene at the end of Avengers.
I've watched this show throughout the years and realized that there was no way for this show to have a proper ending.

And it didn't :smh:

The mother > cobie smulders
I'm pretty upset man :lol: Rushed for sure.
The writing was bad, it felt like a twist for the sake of a twist, and to please the audience that couldn't get over Ted/Robin not ending up together. WTF

The show has always covered Ted/Robin, even in the previous episode. But almost every time was poorly handled and written. And the ending was just another in a series of poorly handled and written Ted/Robin moments.

Not to mention they covered them letting go multiple times INCLUDING WHEN ROBIN FLOATS AWAY LIKE A BALLOON.

The ending discredits that. Discredits the mother. Discredits a ton of great, important, moving moments for a lot of these characters.

Like the lead up to Ted/mother meeting under the umbrella was so great. Kids kick it to the curb immediately after.

To me anyone who has watched the entire show and is upset at this ending, should have seen this coming...the fact that ted and robin were still even a storyline in the FINAL SEASON should have told you that

about 90% of the episodes this season had them as a storyline in some proponent,whether it was:
- about the necklace,
-or why ted was moving to chicago,
-or ted scared to tell barney
then they Mixed that in with stupid wedding activities and oh yeah lets keep marshall isolated from the group for half the final season

the signs were there from the get go. I knew the show wasn't about the mom when they spent an entire season on ZOIE. In the first season, he ends an episode saying(could be the first...very slight chance)
"And kids thats how i met your aunt robin."

when he got left at the altar earlier in the series i asked my wife," who in their right mind would tell their kids these stories, so many of them not even including the mom(which is who is supposed to be talking about)

I didn't agree with the ending either, but i wasn't expecting fireworks, episode was solid,
- the "through the years" idea was great, Im grateful i got to see snippets for the first time of the title character of a show running 9 years

Had they just named it
"the one that got away..."
How i met the woman before your mom( title has CBS written all over it, and tell me you still wouldn't watch?)

people wouldnt be as mad

Pretty much

I made my prediction a few weeks ago in this thread and it played out pretty much exactly how I said it. A lot of you in this thread didn't like my prediction but it happened :lol:

Ehh, I didn't think they would go through with it but I'm not too mad at the route they took.
just finished watching it

not to the same extent, but i kinda know how the people who watched the original "Dallas" felt when that season was a dream :lol: :smh:

totally agree on everything being rushed, and for all the growth of the characters to essentially have them all back to where they started is very meh

plus, cristin milioti :frown: they did her dirty :frown:

edit: but i will say for all the plot and pacing ehhhs, it was very emotional and i appreciated that
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Yea I was one of the people mad at your prediction. But hey, you were right, and it still ended well.
18 mins of extra footage that were cut. I wonder if those extra minutes would have made a difference in the fans opinions of the ending.
Ted should've had babies with Robin. She's more aesthetic than the mother. But if he didn't he wouldn't of have that hbb daughter. That's all I took from this terrible ending. I haven't scene the last few seasons though. I think I only watched season 1-7
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Robin can't have children
Going in raw no dambs given :pimp:

In regards to the spinoff how I met your dad, do the kids really want to hear about their mom getting her guts beat by numerous people throughout the years?
the show should have ended two seasons ago... with that said, they salvaged what they could to make a respectable ending IMO

from the start I would always tell my friends that Robin was the Mom... I guess you could say I was 50% right? (I how met your Step Mother)
It couldn't have been a twist for the sake of a twist because the kids (the final scene was shot in the second season before they got too old) was very young in he final footage.

Lol yes, the wedding weekend shouldn't have been prolonged. Maybe if they could've done it all over again they wouldn't have done that format because it resulted in a lot of filler episodes.

Lol in real life stuff can be built up for long times only to be taken away in seconds that's how it is and we adapt.

Remember guys, the 9th season wasn't going to happen and at one point the writers was prepared to end the whole series with us only having a glimpse of the mother. But then Jason Segal came on board at the very last minute (he was the very last holdover in nnegotiations) and we got the 9 season. THEN the writers decided, 'hey, let's get to the know the mother' and that we did.

If anything, the twist was that we got to know the mother AT ALL.

The writers couldn't have dreamed thatt Cristin Milioti was going to be this well received. They changed up the entire second half of this season to give her more scenes!

The writers already had went on record saying that if they knew Cristin Milioti was going to get this much love she would've been featured more prominently in the first half. This interview should've been my first clue at the time what the end game was going to be, but I too, was smitten by the mother by this time.

This is probably the case of the writers (and Cristin Milioti) having done their job too well. If the show had ended in their 8th season like initially planned with the mother had only having that one ticket to farhampton line, the' twist' would've been better received.
This is bull ****. I'm suppose to read every interview and article about the season almost not happening cuz of Segel (the only thing I vaguely remember cuz to me it seemed things weren't going anywhere for seasons and it'd make sense he dipped) just to swallow some nonsense that the twist was getting to know the mother at all? This show isn't THAT good to waste time doing that. Going off of every ep this final ep and season was mishandled.

Now I wish Ted would've just died.
Lol people revert to what they know after being really hurt. Barney really loved Robin. It was Robin who screwed up the marriage, not him. She was the one who wasn't there.
It's like drug addicts. They can live years being drug free and doing the right thing but when something bad happens in their lives, they revert to what they know, which is drugs. In Barney's case it was women, LOL.
Lol you may not be able to accept the 'excuses' but it is the truth. Maybe we shouldn'thave got the extra season at all if there was going to be this kind of backlash.
In hindsight, I would've been totally fine if the show got cancelled last season
If someone in your life dies before her time, does that make whatever moments you had with them mean any less?
That's what this show made it seem like.

"Kids, let me tell you the story about how I met your mother"

*Proceeds to tell story about how much he loves "Aunt" Robin even when he fell in love 2 other times, one which where he almost got married but throughout that time he still loved Robin probably even while he was with your moms*

"Yeah dad, go be with Aunt Robin. Mom's been dead for six years now anyway. We were like what 8? when she died? Go do you."

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
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