How long those it take for you to start seeing results from lifting weights?

man, i was 5'8 and only weighed 120 last summer. It took me about a solid 6months of work with little to no weight gainers to get to where i am now (140)
Dang, you're taking way too much stuff, kidney/liver are going to hate you. I would say just lay off everything else except the protein and add the creatine once you gain the weight.

And as for your goal, 20-30pounds of muscle, that's alot of muscle to put on. I don't want to be that dude that tells you- you can't, but you have to be realistic and see that 20-30lbs of muscle is no easy task. In other words, it's going to take alot more than 2-3months, probably a year or so.
A few weeks........

im not really tryna gain weight but how do i get cut?

i'm like wocka flocka, lookin skinny but wit a lightweight belly. 
start off slow
once you get going start benching about 100 to 120 about 7 or 8 times
raise weights after two weeks
drink them protein shakes too
I lost 30 pounds in two months as soon as i stopped drinking four loko and joose. Didn't realize 1 can has 660 calories, and my metabolism is ridiculously slow. went from 210 to 180.
dude, i was in the same boat as you last summer..was sick of being called skinny so i decided to put on some weight
I went from 6 feet 172lbs to about 192 in 3 months.  Obviously I gained some fat as a result of gaining so much weight in so little time..but it sure beats the hell outta being so damn skinny.
Heres what i did:
Cup of Oatmeal, Cup of Milk, 2 Eggs
3 hours later:
Protein Shake
3 hours later: Lunch
Big plate of spaghetti and meatballs
cup of milk
3 hours later:
Protein Shake
3 hours later:
Cup of Brown Rice and Steak(probably around 8-10 oz)
Protein Shake
Thats pretty much how every day was except I only worked out about 3x a week.  Now I wouldnt recommend doing what I did because I was eating way too much..but you get the point.
Most importantly, eat, sleep, and lift hard...and youll see results in the 3-4 months.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Wow 20-30 pounds of muscle?

Im no fitness expert but 3-4 months I highly doubt is probable to gain that much muscle weight.

Its possible one of my friends gained 25pounds of muscle in 2months .
Its mos def possible
Los Benjaminz wrote:

SpeakUp23 wrote:
Wow 20-30 pounds of muscle?

Im no fitness expert but 3-4 months I highly doubt is probable to gain that much muscle weight.

not really muscle I don't care if its fat, I'm not tryin to be a bodybuilder, I'm just want to look healthier and kind of bigger lol

Im a pretty small dude for my height I'm like 5'10 and like 140 pounds
6'0 & 140lbs for me. I want to gain like 25-30 lbs of muscle any tips for me?

and yes i consume nearly 4,000 calories a day already (3,200 on a light day) with only about 25 minutes of light exercise a day. Tips? 

edit: not in months but over time. 
 at people thinking in a couple months. that's crazy.

edit: edit: i think i can 15 lbs in a month maybe 10, most like 15.
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Los Benjaminz wrote:

SpeakUp23 wrote:
Wow 20-30 pounds of muscle?

Im no fitness expert but 3-4 months I highly doubt is probable to gain that much muscle weight.

not really muscle I don't care if its fat, I'm not tryin to be a bodybuilder, I'm just want to look healthier and kind of bigger lol

Im a pretty small dude for my height I'm like 5'10 and like 140 pounds
6'0 & 140lbs for me. I want to gain like 25-30 lbs of muscle any tips for me?

and yes i consume nearly 4,000 calories a day already (3,200 on a light day) with only about 25 minutes of light exercise a day. Tips? 


I started lifting in February. I'm 5'11 and when I started I was 165, as of today, I'm about 185. There is no way you can gain 30 pounds of lean muscle in that short of a time period. If you want to gain that amount in 3 months, you will gain both muscle and fat (like I have). If you are ok with this, I would recommend doing a bulking cycle, eating a lot, perhaps taking some supplements (don't over do the protein shakes, creatine is fine but again don't over do it) and lifting heavy. Don't over do the cardio as well, keep it to a couple times a week max. When it comes to eating, eat healthy (as healthy as you can, but with a dirty bulk you will eat some "unhealthy" foods as well) but also make sure you are getting around 4000 calories in per day. If you can't get that much naturally, protein shakes are fine but I would suggest you don't take them more than twice per day. If after you go through this cycle and you want to drop the fat, go on a cutting cycle and obviously reverse the routine (eat a lot less calories, eat a lot healthier, bump up the cardio, and lift lighter but with more reps).

Just make sure you understand that simply lifting without following a specific diet will not get you the results you want, in the timeframe you are looking at.
I definitely know you can gain weight and muscle without adding the saturated fats you mentioned in your diet. They're nothing but artery cloggers just waiting for further blockages. Try to consume mono- or polyunsaturated fats. Check food labels..
I started lifting about 2-3 months ago and gained about 11 pounds, I'm 6'1" 183 BTW

I'm trying to ge to 195 though, I'm still thinking about it.
Consistency is key.

Results might seem really slow, or it might not seem like you're making much progress at all, but it'll be harder for you to notice results, since you'll probably be examining yourself on a daily basis.

Just keep at it, lift heavy, and EAT...and you'll be there in no time.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

LMAO you cannot gain 30 pounds of lean muscle in a YEAR let alone months(naturally)

Yea I agree. It's not happening. I don't believe anyone in here that says they put on 30lbs of muscle in a couple months or a year naturally.
When I started working out (5yrs ago) I was 155. It took me a little less then 2 yrs to get to 170 - 10% body fat. 

Putting on weigh is easy, but putting on 30lbs of muscle is a different story.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

LMAO you cannot gain 30 pounds of lean muscle in a YEAR let alone months(naturally)

Come on people if you dedicate all your time to working out it can be done.
My friend did nothing but eat and work out and got it done he had a trainer though
Yeah man i was in your sitation. Been gyming for about 5 months and definitely seeing results. No creatine or protine just consistency. Go everyday or as much as you can and just be patient. The strength will come before the size. Also use good form. Benching 80kg with proper form works alot better than 1 rep of 100kg using every other muscle apart from your chest.
It takes about 10 pounds of lean muscle to pack on per year. Anything over that is unhealthy, we're not talking water weight, at most your body intake 3-4k calories per day to make a pound for a week. This is why after your bulking phase you CUT, after your mass gain you shred unwanted fat which most of you guys are mistaking for muscle.
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