How Long Your Parents/ Grandparents Been Married?

Dec 17, 2007
Or would they have been married?

My rents are coming up on their 25th in June, and Dad's Parents are having their 50th this Monday, we are taking them out Sunday... nice dinner and limoetc.....

They have all been married a long time, makes me wonder if that will ever happen to me one day.....
idk bout my grandparents... but my parents been married for 23 years... shoulda been divorced 10 years ago
25 for my parents

My grandparents got married around the 1940s.
Mom and Dad has been seperated since I was 9 and I don't know how long my Grandparents have been married on my mom's side. On my dad's side mygrandparents aren't married.
parents been married for 22 years. I'll probably send em on a cruise for their 25th
that is a loooooooooong !$$ time though, when you really thinking about it.
my folks were together for 12 years then got married and separated less then a year later
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