How McDonald's Chicken Nuggets are really made

We've already established that Mcdonalds is trash, and has been for a while.

you get what you pay for people know it isnt healthy but its convenient if you need a quick bite or if you dont have that much on you.

imma go cop some mc chickens and 10 piece nuggets today thx to this thread tho :pimp:

I'll never understand why there is such a fascination with arguing about just how bad fast food is for you...

1. Fast Food is obviously not relatively healthy
2. It's obviously prepared in ways that can be done quickly and by just about anyone.
3. It is cheap and relatively affordable compared to other prepared food.
4. A lot of people love the taste & aren't effected by it.
5. A lot of people love the taste, but it makes them feel sick/unhealthy.
6. A lot of people would rather eat just about anything than the junk they consider it to be.
7. Fast food restaurants are held to the same exact health standards that every other restaurant is.

Those are all facts & they aren't changing. Take it for what it is.


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Well holy crap that's a huge turn in the slime was NEVER used in chicken mcnuggets. It was used in burgers, which it's not anymore. So then why not just show how the burgers are made if they don't even use pink slime in them anymore? Weird.
I'll never understand why there is such a fascination with arguing about just how bad fast food is for you...

7. Fast food restaurants are held to the same exact health standards that every other restaurant is.

Those are all facts & they aren't changing. Take it for what it is.

Yeah, but those "standards" are biased towards huge sale factory food - not for your health but because big-farming is so powerful.

You need to watch this documentary for a start:

The farmer at 1:40 says some great stuff - that I agree with 100%. He is being pressured because he doesn't prepare his chickens like they do in big factories - although he has tested them and found way less bacteria in his.
I don't care, I ate 40 nuggets for superbowl


I agree, something is up.

why didn't they "nip this in the bud" right away?
If i recall correctly the "all white meat" chicken nugget is only a few years old, they went through a branding change with the nuggets stating that all white meat **** just a few years back. Im sure the burgers and nuggets do/did contain that pink stuff but whatevs ive prob consumed over 10,000 chicken nuggets in my life and im still here!
Cats with this thread again.

Mickey Ds will always be clutch with two 1$ spicy mchicken with buffalo sauce, medium frie, and. C.chip cookies with the sweet tea.
They're using straight chicken breast? LOL... imagine.

Man this

Everyone who has eaten a mcnugget knows there is 80% filler 20% chicken. Remember when mcdonalds had to make the change to "all white meat". Back in the good old days of playing russian roulette with mcnuggets hoping you didn't get the dark meat one
haven't eaten McDonalds nuggets in years

but them ***** are delicious. 

that's why when that video was out of how they were made, the little kids was like, **** that **** im still riding w/ MCD...  

they need to show how they sprinkle crack in em 
This video straight up lies, the meat would not be super white if McDonalds really put all that seasoning and used real ground chicken, the texture would also be much more different
That video was showing how they're processed in Canada, is it the same way in the US? I know in Europe they don't make them the same since there was a chemical that was banned there. A chemical that they still put in the chicken here.
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