How much sleep does a person need?

I think getting about 9 is great but once you go past that I feel almost as bad as if I only got 3 or 4
Naps are critical, though. I wish it was socially acceptable in this country to nap at work.

Unless you work at Google cause they have those pods you can sleep in. My girl's friend works there and she would take naps here and there.


I even have taken short naps in the break room. It does help.
ITT, tough guys talk about how they only need 4 hours of sleep.
thats b.s. We need between 6-8 hours sleep. I average 4.5 and its not enough. Between work, the baby and wife, we need rest to de-stress and think clearly.

3 Things humans need, food, exercise & rest. Deprive any of those 3 and we will not function at our optimum levels.
I certainly wasn't implying anyone who gets less is trying to be a tough guy 
 I know how difficult it can be to get enough sleep. I was just joking because I know a lot of people who don't get a lot of sleep and claim they're fine yet I see them fading right in front of me 
If i don't get 8 hours I'm tired all day, don't drink much coffee either.

Usually get 7
I usually get like 5-6 hours when im working it sucks man work 12hour shift but have to drive about 1 hour to get to work so it sucks haha. On my days off i get about 8-9 try to make up haha
My procrastinating ways mean that most weeknights I get 3-5 hrs of sleep. By the time 1pm comes along I can longer pay attention in class and am pretty much non-functional until I end classes at 8:30pm. I really need to fix my sleep schedule, my schoolwork has suffered because of it
I used to sleep for houuuuurs

sleepin at 3 4 am. wakin up at 2 pm

not no more. 8 hours of sleep. no more. no less
I average 3-4 hours I actually had 2 nights this week where I didn't sleep at all. I've been like this for a few months I just grind my days through a ton of coffee and cigarettes.
sleep experts say one requires less sleep as they reach & go through adulthood - until elderly & infirmed
that is, babies & children actually require more sleep than the average adult
(i know plenty of adults that will argue with that though! ha ha)

but adults are supposed to get 8-9 hours of sleep per night
the average time it takes for an adult to drop into a full sleep state is 40-45 minutes

so really anything less than a 9 hour experience is less than ideal (in theory)
most adults get less than ideal

i have also seen adults that brag about requiring little sleep compared to normal
if anyone has heard of Bryant Gumbel - he used to brag on tv about only needing 3-4 or less a night,
and that's how he got ahead in the world (maybe i'm wrong, but i've seen people like this that
don't get enough sleep develop diseases like cancer while seeming perfectly healthy otherwise.)

CLIFFS - get your sleep, it's one of the most important things i've learned as an adult

think about it, up to 1/3rd or more of ones life is supposed to be spent in another state of consciousness...but that's another thread
first time in a while i had 4 hrs of sleep today :x

i had so much anxiety last night couldnt sleep for **** :smh:
I get about 3-4 hours of sleep on average.

My turtles light reduces the amount of melatonin produced, making it hard me to fall asleep. That's why I'm on NT until 4 am :lol: :frown:
I get about 3-4 hours of sleep on average.

My turtles light reduces the amount of melatonin produced, making it hard me to fall asleep. That's why I'm on NT until 4 am
Haha u need them eye blinder haha thats what i do since i work nightshift sometimes
5 to 6 at minimum for function. When I'm OT, I'll sleep that much total the whole weekend.
need 8 to function fully. i usually get around 6-7. sometimes i feel like it is literally impossible to stop my eyes from closing at work. like i will put 100% effort into it and will still fall victim
7-9 hours per night is best for most people. More can be better(like with professional athletes), but extra hours are probably best as a nap.
There are a lot of issues that affect sleep. Many people have issues like high evening cortisol, unstable blood sugar, mineral deficiencies, overstimulation of the nervous system at night, problematic circadian rhythms, bad sleeping area, etc. For example, you should ideally sleep in a completely pitch black room. Don't stare at a screen for an hour before bed (the light stimulates the brain similar to sunlight and makes it harder to fall asleep).

If you complain that there isn't any time for 8 hours of sleep per night, you need to invest in a time management course. Prioritization, pairing certain tasks, minimizing certain activities, etc. are essential to getting things done timely. Prioritize on anything (sleep, exercise, reading, etc.) and you will find a way to get it done.
I hate when I get home from school at about 5 and lay down and end up falling out

I end up waking up at like 8 and don't fall asleep until like 2 which messes me up cuz I gotta be up at 7
work graveyard.
seven hours, 8am- 3pm everyday except on some saturdays when theres early premier league games.

7 hours of sleep + daily 7 mile jog, and i have NEVER felt better in my life.
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