How often are you under the influence?.....anything

May 13, 2008
How often are you guys under the influence. Like drinking smoking etc. etc.

I try to save it for the weekends but once Wednesday night or Thursday rolls around I give in. But I usually wait until the weekends depending on whathappening during the week.

what about yourself NT community.

Not often. Ever since I hit the gym three months ago, its rare that I pick up a drink. If i do, its just one beer.
i tried a watermelon flavored beer this weekend and that is my drink of choice for now,

i think its called "FOUR loko" i could be wrong
i would say nearly every day, even if it is one or two L's.
i'll only drink alcohol on the week days if i'm chillin' with garden tools, if not i usually save the liq for the weekends.
It switches up a lot, but I'll say three to five days out of the week, alternating days. It's been a while since I've drank more than three days ina row, thankfully!

party/drinking with friends 3 times a week at least. can't wait until thursday night.
I've been smoking a little above a gram a day from the bong a day. I'll usually start smoking around 10PM and then chill 'till I fall asleep.

I try to not smoke during the day, but last Friday I waked and baked like I used to do back in High School. I was trying not to crash so I kept on going backto the whip and ripping the bong to keep going.

A couple times in the month I'll see a fellow smoker and we'll roll a couple blunts and pack some bowls.

"You're natural you come from seeds..." Scarface
I've cut back on drinking alot recently. I kinda don't like being drunk. I love the weed high so much better.

Some weeks it'll be a 4 times a week kinda thing. Thats either an L, bowl packs, or a bong sesh.
For those that burn daily on the regular

do you guys feel slow slugish threw the day? Like forget keys, wallet etc?

I used to smoke daily over the summer but slowed down when school started, I can't tell if it hinders my learning ability or something.
Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

i tried a watermelon flavored beer this weekend and that is my drink of choice for now,

i think its called "FOUR loko" i could be wrong
I don't drink as much as I use to. It's probably been a month since I had any alcohol or beer.
I mostly smoke on weekends or on random days during the week when I don't have to study.
Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

i tried a watermelon flavored beer this weekend and that is my drink of choice for now,

i think its called "FOUR loko" i could be wrong
funny how it blew up all of a sudden. this is the choice drink for me and the homies when looking for a quick cheap'll get a nicelil for a little bit...
usually it's one night of friday or saturday...sometimes both nights. usually not weekdays though.
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