Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

Man this is bittersweet cause Pops in west palm beach but my uncle and his family are out in Tampa. Hoping for the best and praying everyone in FL is okay.
Hope your family stays safe my friend. I am in Tampa as well, not looking forward to a sleepless couple of days.
Everyone please be safe and be cautious. A few days ago, models were certain of an east coast of Florida direct hit, and now the cones seem to be zeroed in on the west.

The lesson here is that this storm is unpredictable and tropical meteorology still has many puzzling elements, despite having made massive improvements over even 10 years ago.

Irma can still do whatever the **** it wants to do. Do not forget that this storm is historically large and adverse conditions can occur over extreme distances.

I urge everyone to be vigilant, pay attention, and protect yourselves and your loved ones.

Be safe
I have friends from back home that live in Tampa, I'm worried for all of them.
Need some help guys. Sister is away at Spelman in Atlanta and literally called crying and panicking. She's been missing the family since she's away at college and now she worried something will happen to her. The school is saying they'll give an announcement today on what will be the procedure. Should she come up to NY or wait for the decision? Everyone be safe and praying for all.
If she called crying then it may be worth her peace of mind just to book a flight and go to NY since I can't imagine how she may feel if the flights sell out and she ends up feeling trapped in the state.

As far as safety, she should be fine, lots of land between Irma and Atlanta right now. School wise, at UCF at least before they had cancelled classes all my professors were willing to work with us as long as we told them we were evacuating for safety, they said they would make everything accessible online and to not worry about anything due

Google sent me this... My homies on the west stay safe. Irma on her ****in period...
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Irma no where near the east coast now.I wanted to experience this monster what a let down
Hit up this girl i talk to down in Mia. Her parents want to stay so they staying. Smh
Got family near Havana and south of Tampa.
Just hoping for the best right now...

Hope everyone that might be affected stays safe.
Sounds like Cuba took Hurricane Irma down a size or two.

Category 3, but it is expected to strengthen again
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