************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

What yall need to do is have a Hurricane party. Yup Hurricane Party

I'd need lots of green and chipotle and I'd be good chilling on the sticks but if the power went out I'm to the whip and gone back in like 03 when we had blackout I was scared out of my mins (age 7) dad was telling me when he lived in Newport and a hurricane came him and his mom lit up Ls and went and bought Ice cream because they didn't know what to do were from the Midwest we aren't used to that $@)@$

Stay safe NT much love to the east coast fam
This wind is wild. It started picking up around 6:30 and has sustained since. If you have no reason to be outside, stay in.
Ya fools better get inside when the wind starts blowing before a piece of plywood bust ya head open and you end up a tally mark on the death toll.
Nah I'd be out there too
, like this
Maybe I'm ignorant. I don't get caught up in the hype of hoopla of the storm. All you can do is prepare and whatever happens happens.

Hope eveyone is safe in their travels.
I don't get why people like to downplay preparation and caution for storms like this. It's one thing to dislike the state of panic the media can cause, but the fact remains these storms cause major damage, can kill, and if you're unprepared then you'll be worse off. Non-perishable food, water, candles, batteries, flashlights, a plan for evacuation, etc. are all basics you should have. 

Plus, if nothing seriously bad happens, people will say "I told you so, what an overreaction", but if it is really bad, no one is going to say "ha ha, you should have been prepared, now you're dead"
Non-perishable food, water, candles, batteries, flashlights, a plan for evacuation, etc. are all basics you should have. 

Strong this. Always felt like there are so many people unprepared for situations like these, and then turn into wild animals. You should have a draw, cabinet, basement, whatever, stock piled with everything you mentioned. I even have two back-up generators just in case. I did my shopping Friday and it took me 30 minutes to find parking and when I got inside I waited again for a shopping cart cause they were all taken, wonder what the mayhem was like today.
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