I am a heroin addict. Ask me anything.

That's good OP and I have the question to you if you personally think there is addicting effects from the green, knawmean?
i just found out my boy od'd yesterday.

he was 24.

i have lost countless friends, the friend before him was 3 or 4 months ago, 

his name was sebastian and was on intervention, before that shane, he was killed in the desert after being accused of breaking into a dealers apartment.

they found his body 4 months later burned and badly decomposed in a shallow grave.

before that derek, they were pushing the homies car after it ran out of gas on their way to pick up and while they were pushing, a drunk driver struck him and pretty much broke him in half.

the homies saw him die as he screamed in pain.

theres so many more but at this point i've frankly lost count.

im sure there will be more but im just glad i made it out.

im 27 and these dudes were 22-24.
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May 27th 2013 my only brother was 26, came home from a church program and in 3 days in jersey it was nough too overpower 18 months of being a good clean person... Od'd. I'm not gettin into the story I posted one when it happened. But it is a DISEASE because it ***** with your brain. After 18 months of Christianity, working a 9-5 paying back restitutions, and the total change when I saw him, he was glowin... He didn't smoke cigs, didn't curse, told me I talk black, and this is the same mfer that I learned everything from. Long story short he decided to use again. And it took his life....I'm jus tryna stay sober for him but its hard...to be honest I blaze every day. I pop zans...I jus Stay out of camden... I stay away from opiates....been there done that. I STILL go to meetings to be reminded that I am a addict. And I can be clean if I want, there IS a way out. Is called. AA/NA and it runs in my family....my father has 8 years clean and sober, his thing was drinking n coke, so me n my bro gravitated towards downers...ether way...I've definitely faced some consequences because of my useage....

Damn man, my condolences. |I

I was kicking it with the homie I hadn't seen in a while today, smoking, having a couple beers bs'ing. Topic of boy came up and I asked if he had ever done it. Dude said he was on it heavy for a few months. Track marks and all. I had no idea. Been sober from it for six weeks though and just lined up the best paying job of his life. Super happy for him :pimp:


Only six weeks clean and getting the highest paying job of his life does not sound like a good mix to me.
My cousin is addicted to codeine. All he does posts pics on his instagram of him sipping lean like he can't see that he gained 150 lbs on it smh.
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