i can talk ---- because i can.... vol. because IM A LAWYER! (racist lawyer yelling n word on train)

early 20s

he isnt elderly or a woman and is in his right mind apparently to graduate from NYU/be a lawyer

a grown *** man screaming n***** at me because he can't hold his lime-a-rita

if there's anything in life to become violent for

they didn't even OD like they should have. Bruh at the end hit him with the "***** here now" but the chubby white dude saw the rage in his eyes and spared both of their lives from ending.

dead @ n***** not being censored smh yall boys b setting traps

I respect your opinion. I just dont see violence as an answer to racism unless they start something physical first. but if he kept going who knows, he might have swung and someone might have been injured before it was too late. at least he was kicked off the train though.
I respect your opinion. I just dont see violence as an answer to racism unless they start something physical first. but if he kept going who knows, he might have swung and someone might have been injured before it was too late. at least he was kicked off the train though.

Nah I respect that you're in a place that you can control yourself assuming you're black/POC.

I'm not gonna lie Trump wilding and all these racist trolls on Twitter and **** sometimes I do see myself letting **** get to me when it shouldn't. I can't even give out that fake laugh no more to my white teachers and bosses.
Soup looked too good to throw at that drunken bafoon.
What was that? Cheese and broccoli ?
Worst thing I've seen eaten (and sat next to, Idk why I didn't get up) was corn on the cob :sick:
You were probably tired lol. One time I was eating lamb over rice and this woman was complaining to someone else about the smell of onions. I ain't pay em no mind, but should've tossed it on her like in this video :lol:
I respect your opinion. I just dont see violence as an answer to racism unless they start something physical first. but if he kept going who knows, he might have swung and someone might have been injured before it was too late. at least he was kicked off the train though.
Violence is necessary at times.

Being blatantly racist like dude is one of those times.

Take that soft nonsense somewhere else
agreed. man deserved a lot more. they soft for not knocking his *** out
A lot of people have never been punched in the face, so they don’t understand that regardless of what may be right or wrong, there can be serious consequences for words.

I’m sure there are a lot of people willing to teach that lesson, if the situation presents itself.
A lot of people have never been punched in the face, so they don’t understand that regardless of what may be right or wrong, there can be serious consequences for words.

I’m sure there are a lot of people willing to teach that lesson, if the situation presents itself.

I’m always down to teach that lesson. I truly wish a racist would. I might start with the fire slap and see how that goes.
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