How would you respond to a scammer of this caliber?


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Nov 29, 2013
Whats Good NT 
 I'm a former member, new name..... No couch potatoe either, I'm a 23 year old barber! 
Ive been enjoying NT since 04-05!  I originally caught the JB Forum bug but fell in Love with the General Forum and almost forgot about the kicks .....

I've been busting my &%$ everyday for 7+ years ....This past Sept, I decided to get myself a gift...A new set of Teeth....(To each his own!) 

I've got White Gold 8PC Teeth that I purchased personally in Houston, TX....I am currently in NY, and inquired Seattle's Mr MouthPiece for my new set, I pulled the trigger with MRMP and purchased a mold kit...Which took more than 3 weeks to get to me...

After sending the mold kit back and completing the partial payment (I requested to pay the remainder after completion of teeth, and requested pics and shipping labels just to be 100%)....Long story short, He tells me "he's got a few orders in" and gotta finish theirs first...

Even longer story short, he keeps beating around the bush, holding me up and I believe he was pushing for 45 days to pass so he could dead me on Paypal... 

This dude named TAE BOOGIE aka Mr Mouthpiece  was in charge of my order and was plastered all over the MR. MP site which was unavailable due to hosting problems for 3 MONTHS(EDIT 2 MONTHS), BUT NOW IS UP AGAIN @ MRMOUTHPIECE.COM....

He's on youtube under "mr mouthpiece"  and he's done teeth from local celebs and all that good stuff but yet he scammed me for 400+?? 
 x 4.5.... At least keep it funky, Tell me I'm dead on my gold but dont dodge me....I admit I got rocked to sleep, but the battle has just begun.....

Of course, 1/2 of me is telling myself to buy a ticket to SEATTLE and settle this at his front door 

but the mature part of my brain is telling me not to smoke his boots, but to warn others and expose this SOB scam artiste`!

So I remembered back in 06 when dudes was getting scammed in NY.....NYNT detectives rang the scammers bells  at his moms house, which smelled of curry and old Air Maxes

I need to expose Mr MouthPiece of Seattle for the scammer he is!! I have proof of all my claims, and would not make this up....THIS IS A START

If you could help even the smallest amount, let me know! I'm about to make a www. to let everyone know about this stain....ANY INPUT IS APPRECIATED! (FLAME SUIT READY)


[Home address removed.]
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Hire a lawyer and have him send dude a letter threatening legal action.
The kind of guy that would scam someone out of 4 or 5 hundred dollars wont be intimidated by street justice.
He probably has plenty people that will do dirt for him.

The only thing these dudes understand is when you attack their wallet.
He will hurry up and finish your grill or get taken to the bank.
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People always tryna come up. He'll be going to jail for a long time if you bring him to court.

Lol what? No he wont

Hire a lawyer and have him send dude a letter threatening legal action.
The kind of guy that would scam someone out of 4 or 5 hundred dollars wont be intimidated by street justice.
He probably has plenty people that will do dirt for him.

The only thing these dudes understand is when you attack their wallet.
He will hurry up and finish your grill or get taken to the bank.

@JohnnyCakes yeah he will. ^
speechless - not sure I've ever seen a black jeweler before… besides cap daddy on Fulton :smh:
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Hire a lawyer and have him send dude a letter threatening legal action.
The kind of guy that would scam someone out of 4 or 5 hundred dollars wont be intimidated by street justice.
He probably has plenty people that will do dirt for him.

The only thing these dudes understand is when you attack their wallet.
He will hurry up and finish your grill or get taken to the bank.
waste of time, the legal fees alone can end up for more than what OP might  get back
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Man NTers used to knock up on ninjas doors for the homies back in the day :lol: not so much anymore for the most part. Sorry to hear bout that, Bol gon get what's commin too him. U remember any of Seattle NTers? I wish I could help but I'm in jersey. Lol gold fronts doe? I can see why u pulled the trigger but dam , you shipped your gold halfway across the world? Good look gettin ur bread back, b .
Hasty moves op. None the less hope you get your money back or the teeth. Keep us updated
This ain't 04 05 you can get smoked on the doorstep and his house might smell like them yams take that L
You lose for crying on nT about it and not handling your business. You lose again for thinking a mouth joint was gonna get you endless yambs
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