I hate math....

Originally Posted by dropKicks

Originally Posted by TannerVon

pshh its the only class holding me back in college man
Originally Posted by LIQI2345

I found out I had a math pheobia/disability in 11th grade, if I did go to class I'd just stare at the board till it was over, or I would just get a chair and chill in the bathroom, if it wasn't for numbers I would of def had at least a 3.0 instead of a 2.5 English, History, Chinese FTW

you took chinese in high school?

that's pretty dope
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by LIQI2345

I found out I had a math pheobia/disability in 11th grade, if I did go to class I'd just stare at the board till it was over, or I would just get a chair and chill in the bathroom, if it wasn't for numbers I would of def had at least a 3.0 instead of a 2.5 English, History, Chinese FTW

you took chinese in high school?

that's pretty dope
what u takin in college?
What's funny is that I'm not particularly good at it, I just hated the other science courses and I like critical thinking and problem solving.

But its at the point now, group study for me is key. And when can you read the situation going on, your like, 'damn...'

Basically, my math major is basically cashing in on a "Smart" card.

Most people's eyes just light up and they say,
"Your inmath!?"


Easy convo starter.
Yea I'm an engineer and i gotta take up to calc 4. Math is not that hard, you really just have to apply yourself. Now when it comes to subjects not inengineering like this african history course I'm taking where we have to read over a hundred pages a week is where i struggle. I swear when it comes toreading books I'm illiterate.
You've gotta be careful with that title. You were one letter away from being banned.


Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

Yea I'm an engineer and i gotta take up to calc 4. Math is not that hard, you really just have to apply yourself. Now when it comes to subjects not in engineering like this african history course I'm taking where we have to read over a hundred pages a week is where i struggle. I swear when it comes to reading books I'm illiterate.
damn, that basically describes me exactly.
you dudes dont even understand how bad i am at math

i dont know how to add,subtract,divide, or multiple with fractions

dont know 1 thing in geometry

failed alg 1

kind of understand alg 2

in pre calc with a c average
wanksta23 wrote:
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by LIQI2345

I found out I had a math pheobia/disability in 11th grade, if I did go to class I'd just stare at the board till it was over, or I would just get a chair and chill in the bathroom, if it wasn't for numbers I would of def had at least a 3.0 instead of a 2.5 English, History, Chinese FTW

you took chinese in high school?

that's pretty dope
what u takin in college?

I swear if I could go back in time and find the guy who decided to mix letters and numbers

yeah, my HS is a Charter School based on Asian Educational ideals, Manderin Chinese is the language

the thing is, I was always interested in biz/marketing and my dad told me I had to take accounting to be a biz major and transfer(at Commu College instead ofbeing robbed by SuffolkU)

1st semester A in Intro to Business, A in Eng Comp I, I went to tutoring every monday to pull a B in Algebra but it didn't count as a credit because itsfor us dumb folks, and an F in Intro to Financial Accounting FA was 4 credits and the rest were 3. FAwas a night class from 6-9(pure agony) as soon as I sawformulas my brain immediatley shut down, and I couldnt drop it cause I needed 4 classes to stay on insurance/be full time and the deadline had passed by likethe 3rd class

so to make up for those 4 credits I'm taking 5 classes now, sociology, psychology, US history II, eng comp II and unfortanoutly Intermediate Trig, whichI'll schedual tutoring for soon

I hate Cal 2. That is all
Discete Math..

p- math sucks
q - i love it
r - its my major

P -> ~q^r
I generally disliked math through out school because I had to do all of the homework and had to study quite a bit just to get by in math. In most otherclasses, I could do very well with much less homework and studying and sometimes no work outside of class.

Near the end of college, I had to finally take calculus and stats in order to major in econ. I had started as a freshman in poli sci partially to avoid thoseclasses. So in a world full of irony I ended up in econ where you had to so more math than other social sciences and a lot of the upper division classes wereheavily math based. Although I still had to study just to get by in my math classes, the calc and stats classes was more interesting because it complementedecon and other social sciences in which I was interested. It also kept me disciplined and that was key because in upper div econ, I had to start doing regularhomework and studying a lot in order to do well.

My advice to people who are in high school or college is to try to get your homework done as your first thing when the school day is over. Get it done and atleast be on top of the subject because I found that I could at least get into a groove of knocking out the homework every day and feeling good because I waskeeping up with the class.
i used to love math when it was mostly about numbers. then all of a sudden it became more letters and greek symbols than numbers.

that being said though, it's still a VERY important subject and i am still decent with it.
I thought math was bad learning it in middle school/high school, but imagine what it's like now in college as an engineering major (same applies formath/physics majors)...you realize math really isn't that hard. what's hard is keeping everything right and being skilled at bookkeeping when you havea big %%@ equation and you have to simplify something. like now, calc BC in high school is a joke really in comparison to the stuff I have now. They do a goodjob in college easing you into the complicated stuff though...if you study and keep up with it.
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