I just rasterbated all over my wall. volume: post yours

Just realized that I had never posted this a while back. Did this last fall for the common room in my Freshman dorm suite with one of my roommates.




Inspiration hit me one random night when we were sitting around talking about decorations. Took us like two and a half hours to get it just right, but it came out fantastic thanks to my boy being a perfectionist :lol:

Last picture is crooked because of my tired hand, not because the poster is crooked.
Sorry to revive an old thread.

Anyone know which app on a mac can do this? I'd rather not use the online site.

Also..anyone ever use photoshop to do this? 
Posterazor was the first thing that came up when I googled Mac rasterbate.

I guess you could use Photoshop. You just have to cut up the image ypurself.
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