I know I was born in 1987, but am I the only one that thinks the 80's was just a good decade???

The 80's was amazing.
It was the decade of youth with all of the highschool/college situation movies like Karate Kid and Revenge of the Nerds.
Cartoons were at their peak with He-man, Voltron, Tranzor Z, Transformers, GI Joe, M.A.S.K..  You had action shows like the ATeam, Knight Rider, Street Hawks, Dukes of Hazzard.   The Toys based on the shows were even better.  Wrestling peaked with Hulk Hogan, Boxing saw the rise of Tyson, and Michael Air Jordan took the torch from Dr. J.  80s Rock, Pop,
Soul, and Rap music was so good to listen to.  One Album...Thriller.  Break Dancers from New York started touring local malls in large towns across the US. Video Arcades and Skating Rinks were the place to be on weekends.
No decade is touching the 80s.
I wasn't born in the 80s but I liked that era.
The music is
The 80's seem to have so much more distinction then the 90's and even now. It was such a fun time.
My cousins always tell me that no one gave a damn in the 80s

Of course it was movies took it to the extreme. But they always say how laid-back and care-free things were.
Nostalgia filters out all the crap from certain times in the past. The problem is, the '80s had so much crap we haven't filtered it out (plus, it hasn't quite been long enough). It was a really bad decade, to be honest. Architecture, cars, music, fashion...just bad, overall.
The 80's violence in movies was so RAW, that it looked real.. "predator" was a prime example. That movie was so graphic... 
i cant lie i feel like the 80's prolly had one of the greatest if not the greatest era of movies.... jus the concept alone of movies like little shop of horrors and tron make me scratch my head and think "how the hell did anyone think of this??" ( lol i think the whole era of 80's movies was inspired by high quality cocaine)... also the 80s had the only era of rock and pop music i can listen to.. i actually like rock and pop from the 80's but hate rock n roll from any other era
Avy check. The only film I like from that time.

Only the music was good. New Wave and Synthpop from Europe, Freestlye from New York and Miami, Gangsta Rap from Los Angeles and Hip Hop from New York. Everything else aside from music was sex, drugs and violence (cocaine and drugs in Miami, AIDS, gang activity in Los Angeles and New York, our relationship with the Soviet Union, the adult industry skyrocketing after the home video market was introduced to the consumer market) as well as the Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi ads, the pro-wrestling boom, F-body cars, baby boomers starting families, twenty-somethings flaunting their affluent lifestyle with mobile brick phones and driving a BMW E30 convertible while wearing custom tailored suit and Reganomics.

A life changing decade. Just saying. 
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