i swallowed a handful of tylenol.

I will NEVER understand people who try to put down others for being depressed and feeling stuck and lost. NEVER. Instead of using belittling them, lift them up and show them that life is worth living and that youre there for them.

E man, of all the people on here, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've been battling the same depression for almost 10 years and Im only 21. All I know is this %+@+. There have been many times when I would fantasize about giving it up, feeling that life is just too hard and not worth it and putting an end to my life. Even as recently as a few days ago, where a "friend" of mine died in a car crashed, I felt that it shouldve been me that died instead of him.

But like some people said, take a step back and really look things over and evaluate whats wrong and see if there are ways to improve your issues. Also set goals and try to work toward them. Think of what you REALLY want out of life and gun for it. I really think thats the best thing to do. I swear my desire to follow my dream and become a NASCAR driver is really driving me to get better and to not give up.

Also do things you really enjoy and I swear to you it will make things feel a little better. For now I watch The Office when Im down and out and after a few episodes I feel much better. But yea man, we can and we will get through this. Even though its hard to see, good things will come and you will be glad you didnt take your life.

You live in NYC right? Son, know that you can hit me up and talk to me if you want. We can meet up and you can vent or you have me on FB, so you can always hit me up there.

Once again man, I know your feeling. Youre definitely not as alone as you think. I mean look how many people are here on NT supporting you. Life can be beautiful man. We just have to do a better job of not letting the negatives in life get the best of us. That is I swear one of THE HARDEST THINGS TO DO when you are where we are, BUT we have to try. Im glad that youre still man. Theres been WAAAAY to much loss this year. I dont want you to be another one in that column.

I wish you ALL the best my dude. Hit me up if you need me son. I understand 100%
Man I know exactly how you feel just dust yourself and bounce back and go harder than before. Love is love Bro I spend more time talking to you ninjas than I do actual people I know. So with that said if anyone of you ever feel like talking about whatever holla at me.
If OP is serious someone needs to send that man an ambulance ASAP.

OD'ing on Tylenol is one of the worst things to OD on. If it gets to a certain point then there is absolutely nothing doctors can do. You will even start to feel better until your liver completely shuts down and there's no turning back.

This isn't a joke.

Keep your head up, Hope your ok.

Life does get better. I remember feeling awful last when I lost my girl. Took me a long time to get over it. But things get better.
does any body know op n real life??

hope hes ok man depression sucks

but remember when ur low u can only go but up
I agree with everyone in the thread talking about depression, it's no joke man 

I've been mad depressed since last year, but I bottle it up.

I'm not gonna front though, I've put gun to my head and squeezed off a dry shot, at least I know if I go that low again I won't hesitate to do it. 
Like I told you earlier MNR, I've been through a precisely similar situation and I've done the same and more. Depression is a serious matter. I have you in my thoughts and prayers. If things get worse, please seek psychological therapy. I'm here for you man.
even though this guy has been a douche bag the few times hes posted towards me i am glad hes still alive and well. i aint no 4wrestling now lol
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