i swallowed a handful of tylenol.

Jan 10, 2010
Did about 20 minutes ago. Cry for attention? Nah. Just felt like the right thing to do at the time. Had no one to vent to.

..so far just have a mean headache. Tried to talk to my ex..she's too busy tweeting tho. Always did feel like y'all were an extended family.
my fault dude that was dumb of me...hold you head up g, theres always light at the end of your darkest moments.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Did about 20 minutes ago. Cry for attention? Nah. Just felt like the right thing to do at the time. Had no one to vent to. ..so far just have a mean headache. Tried to talk to my ex..she's too busy tweeting tho.

You're a big guy, you can handle it.
Hope you get through it, pal.
"swallowed" is not the best choice of words when coming out of a man's mouth (no ayo no pun)

choose "popped" next time

anyways smoke a blunt instead of popping them pills, besides what's wrong with you? what's so bad? And what mad you feel like popping a handful of Tylenol was the right thing to do?
I've been diagnosed with depression. Made me smoke more weed and think about the good things I can accomplish. To be honest I think you just need to slow down and simplify your life, just take it easy and do the little things that make you happy, but at the same time think of a goal and work on it.

For example my doc told me to enjoy the little things, video games, movies, music and I told him weed smoke
while I was slowing things down I decided to get a job and work and try to make as much money as possible. Show everyone who doubted me what they are missing. Motivation like that keeps me waking up every morning and not folding.
Son, what's your address? I'll call you an ambulance.

Hope all goes well OP. You've been an asset to this community and would hate to see you stop posting.
Your liver's gonna hate you, but that's about it. Hope you wake up with a clear head, man.
Monday, theres always someone you can go to. you better wake up tomorrow and post in this damn thread.
Nothing is going to happen, big guy. Tylenol is nothing. I've popped 4g of it. Yes , 4 GRAMS.
It was actually like 12 vicodine within 3 hours.

You're messing up your liver big time. Hope you don't drink a lot. Or liver failure is in your future. You'll be throwing up yellow crap tomorrow. Drink milanta and pepto bismol, and as much cranberry juice as u can tomorrow.

Need anything else, hit me up on twitter.
Stay strong, just remember that when you're feeling like this, don't be afraid to let the people around you know. They will make the time for you. In January of last year, I was diagnosed with major depression and was on paxil and risperidone for six months. Let them really know whats wrong and they will come together and support you. I still struggle with depression every now and then but I can honestly say my family and friends have helped me make it to today.
Yeah, we should really get help.
If you eat a lot of tylenol, your organs start failing within a few minutes.

Dang, come on man, it's not worth it, there's always other options and better solutions.
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