If God doesn't Exist Explain To Me How This Happened By Chance

It's hilarious to me that so many people think they can KNOW something that really can't be known. You might believe something, but to say you know where people came from is absurd.

That's why science is so great. It welcomes wrong answers.
Science and religion is a false dichotomy. I mean, lets not act like religion conflicts with science. I mean, you can believe in evolution and god (gasp).
I'm not making religion and science a dichotomy, but I am comparing the two. Religion does conflict with science. I don't believe someone could find magic glasses able to read the Book of Mormon. I don't believe that Jesus died for our sins and gets resurrected every time I eat a cracker. Science told me that's likely not possible. I don't believe water can turn into wine. A lot of basic tenants of major religions are refuted by science.

I'm not saying that science conflicts with theism, however. I'm agnostic myself, because I have seen things that make me believe that much more than the physical world exist. Not prepared to call it god, though.
After reading Origin of species...Darwin is more than likely right.

But that ain't got **** to do with my faith. The bible is an account of one people. Why can't Adam and Eve have been the first 'homosapians,' the garden of Eden have been the first real society, that was wiped away by a flood and then repopulated by 'sons of Noah' ...or survivors.

I think people are to opinionated to sit back and form their own opinion independent of the sound bites and bitterness toward the church. Science and God/Christianity can easily coexist once we drop our ridiculous prejudices against both.
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After reading Origin of species...Darwin is more than likely right.

But that ain't got **** to do with my faith. The bible is an account of one people. Why can't Adam and Eve have been the first 'homosapians,' the garden of Eden have been the first real society, that was wiped away by a flood and then repopulated by 'sons of Noah' ...or survivors.

I think people are to opinionated to sit back and form their own opinion independent of the sound bites and bitterness toward the church. Science and God/Christianity can easily coexist once we drop our ridiculous prejudices against both.
I have conversed with you in multiple threads today, and it seems like you are an individual with his head on straight. Don't be offended when I say this, but this is a classic example of the religious playing victim. Last I checked, there were far more religious people on earth than nonreligious.

It is the religious who hold the most prejudice. Gay marriage was just legalized (kind of) and it was made illegal because of RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLES in the first place. Women are still treated like possessions in some places, usually those that are the most religiously extreme. Gays are killed for being gay... because of religious extremists.

There will always be prejudice coming from Christianity and Islam (two of the major world religions), because of what is written in their holy books. Whether you believe it or not, a lot of people take the books word for word.
zacharia sitchin wrote about where we came from... DO SOME RESEARCH OUTSIDE OF WHAT IS CONSIDERED FACTS
After reading Origin of species...Darwin is more than likely right.

But that ain't got **** to do with my faith. The bible is an account of one people. Why can't Adam and Eve have been the first 'homosapians,' the garden of Eden have been the first real society, that was wiped away by a flood and then repopulated by 'sons of Noah' ...or survivors.

I think people are to opinionated to sit back and form their own opinion independent of the sound bites and bitterness toward the church. Science and God/Christianity can easily coexist once we drop our ridiculous prejudices against both.

And this is how the argument gets twisted...

This argument is about the evidence of "I Am" or "Jehovah Jireh". It's not a bout historical accuracies of the Bible, but even so, Adam and Eve being the first homo sapiens leads directly to questions of incest. The fruit story leads to questions of entrapment. The flood story leads to questions of God's intelligence (killing every living thing with water? Briiliiant) and more questions of incest. None of this proves God. Even if you can prove that following any holy book enriches lives (good luck), it still doesn't prove anything. Call it the "mystery of God" if you want, but it's still an attempt to make to make yourself feel better.

And finally, in case anyone wants to go with the "I feel it in my heart and how can anyone dispute that?" argument... Here's how:

Take the example of a child who TRULY believes in Santa. I mean to their core. After some years, the parents feel that it's time to let the child know that Santa isn't real. The child refutes this claim and says "I know in my heart that santa is real, no matter what you say. I feel him in my heart. If I received presents for Christmas, that means that Santa was pleased with my behavior and used you as a vessel to send me my reward. If I didn't get a present, then that means that I need to do better next year. Santa loves me and gives me something to work for."

WHATEVER you could say to convince that child that Santa isn't real... That's the same argument I would use on the "believer."
"Freethinkers reject faith as a valid tool for knowledge. Faith is the opposite of reason because reason imposes very strict limits on what can be true, and faith has no limits at all. A great escape into faith is no retreat to safety. It is nothing less than surrender." - Dan Barker
Seârch through n read my posts, I'm settled on 'God' as an idea. Those things that happened in the bible, have some historical context. Your arguements makes no sense because even with evolution you have the same questions of incest. At some point there had to be only one 'homosapian' through years of subtle changes eventually one human had to be ******g monkeys. I believe the bible is a historical account of the Hebrews, historical scholars are finding similarities in biblical stories. This is my problem, the anti religious cant get out of their own way, so argumentative, so set on being right about something they can prove.

As far as religion and prejudice Jesus's chilled with ******, no where in the bible does is say gays are wrong. I like the two commandments, the other ten are meant for that particular society. Hit the ground, sit down with some of the devout and you'll see not all 'Christians' hold those beliefs. Actually listen instead of condem, not everything has to be 'my side v there side.' To me, that's the biggest problem, everyone has to be right....in a world where there is seldom a 'right' answer.
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"I know in my heart that santa is real, no matter what you say. I feel him in my heart. If I received presents for Christmas, that means that Santa was pleased with my behavior and used you as a vessel to send me my reward. If I didn't get a present, then that means that I need to do better next year. Santa loves me and gives me something to work for."

:lol: Funny isn't it. You would laugh at a child say around 10-11 if they said this. No disrespect but isn't it hilarious to hear grown folks saying the same things about Jesus or Allah in this manner?
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Seârch through n read my posts, I'm settled on 'God' as an idea. Those hints that happened in the bible, have some historical context. Your arguements makes no sense because even with evolution you have the same questions of incest. At some point there had to be only one 'homosapian' through years of subtle changes eventually one living thing had to be ******g monkeys. I believe the bible is a historical account of the Hebrews, historical scholars are finding similarities in biblical stories. This is my problem, the anti religious cant get of of their own way, so argumentative, so set on being right about something they can prove.

As far as religion and prejudice Jesus's chilled with ******, no where in the bible does is say gays are wrong. I like the two commandments, the other ten are meant for that particular society. Hit the ground, sit down with some of the devout and you'll see not all 'Christians' hold those beliefs. Actually listen instead of condem, not everything has to be 'my side v there side.' To me, that's the biggest problem with so Jett, everyone has to be right....in a world where there is seldom a 'right' answer.
if you know how evolution works then you would know that its not like one day way back when a random human popped out of no where, its like a tiny trait that humans have that our ancestors did not (for example increased intelligence) that 5% of the population was born with. that 5% has a higher rate of survival than the other 95% so they go on to have more mates, so in the next generation its 10%. this happens slowly throughout a long period of time, its not like there was one human at first, it was an entire species slowly changing into a new species (over 100s of generations). 
 I believe the bible is a historical account of the Hebrews, historical scholars are finding similarities in biblical stories. This is my problem, the anti religious cant get out of their own way, so argumentative, so set on being right about something they can prove.

As far as religion and prejudice Jesus's chilled with ******, no where in the bible does is say gays are wrong. I like the two commandments, the other ten are meant for that particular society. Hit the ground, sit down with some of the devout and you'll see not all 'Christians' hold those beliefs. Actually listen instead of condem, not everything has to be 'my side v there side.' To me, that's the biggest problem, everyone has to be right....in a world where there is seldom a 'right' answer.
The Bible, Old Testament mostly, would be the historical account of the Israelites. 

And the Bible actually does say in many places that homosexuality is wrong. In the old testament and new. 

If your life is not entirely sold out to laying your life down to Christ and dying to yourself then you're not a Christian. You can't pick and choose what you like. Obey the teachings of Jesus and be a follower of him with EVERY part of your life. 
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zacharia sitchin wrote about where we came from... DO SOME RESEARCH OUTSIDE OF WHAT IS CONSIDERED FACTS

alien cross breeds :smokin still more plausible to me than divine creation :lol:

I like the sacred mushroom/cross/Amanita muscaria Christ theory too.
Funny isn't it. You would laugh at a child say around 10-11 if they said this. No disrespect but isn't it hilarious to hear grown folks saying the same things about Jesus or Allah in this manner?
its even funnier to think that grown folk tell kids to grow up and stop beleiving in santa, but, as this thread has pointed out, grown folk go up in arms when you even hint at the nonexistence of god 
N u would
if you know how evolution works then you would know that its not like one day way back when a random human popped out of no where, its like a tiny trait that humans have that our ancestors did not (for example increased intelligence) that 5% of the population was born with. that 5% has a higher rate of survival than the other 95% so they go on to have more mates, so in the next generation its 10%. this happens slowly throughout a long period of time, its not like there was one human at first, it was an entire species slowly changing into a new species (over 100s of generations). 

N u would understand as some point, at some definitive point there had to be a 'homosapian' something different from all theories of the generations before...n that's where the bible starts, to me. There was 'Adam and Eve ' the first two 'humans' living in the wilderness (garden of Eden), leaving to find greener pastures (eating, from the 'tree of knowledge", learning agriculture, becoming 'self sufficient) then u get the first societies, natural disasters etc. the story makes sense. A creation story with a flare for the dramatic, sprinkle in a little exaggeration over generations, add some romanticism n poof we get the bible.

Both can coexist, n I'm not a Christian, just try to understand things in a different way.
The Bible, Old Testament mostly, would be the historical account of the Israelites. 

And the Bible actually does say in many places that homosexuality is wrong. In the old testament and new. 

If your life is not entirely sold out to laying your life down to Christ and dying to yourself then you're not a Christian. You can't pick and choose what you like. Obey the teachings of Jesus and be a follower of him with EVERY part of your life. 

No no, I can pick n choose what I like. I like MLk but won't commit adultery, I like Malcom, but won't convert to the nation. That's the beauty of freedom, we can form our own eclectic beliefs. ...as stated multiple times throughout this thread, IM NOT A 'CHRISTIAN' n notice the quotes I put around 'God'
N u would
if you know how evolution works then you would know that its not like one day way back when a random human popped out of no where, its like a tiny trait that humans have that our ancestors did not (for example increased intelligence) that 5% of the population was born with. that 5% has a higher rate of survival than the other 95% so they go on to have more mates, so in the next generation its 10%. this happens slowly throughout a long period of time, its not like there was one human at first, it was an entire species slowly changing into a new species (over 100s of generations). 
N u would understand as some point, at some definitive point there had to be a 'homosapian' something different from all theories of the generations before...n that's where the bible starts, to me. There was 'Adam and Eve ' the first two 'humans' living in the wilderness (garden of Eden), leaving to find greener pastures (eating, from the 'tree of knowledge", learning agriculture, becoming 'self sufficient) then u get the first societies, natural disasters etc. the story makes sense. A creation story with a flare for the dramatic, sprinkle in a little exaggeration over generations, add some romanticism n poof we get the bible.

Both can coexist, n I'm not a Christian, just try to understand things in a different way.
but even if i go with your idea that there were the two first humans, its not like they were two people wandering around alone in the jungle. they would still be a part of our ancestors society. another thing is everyone is looking for physical aspects of evolution when technology is perhaps the fastest growing way of measuring our evolution. as a non christian, i get you're trying to see both sides of the story but what makes you think the things in the bible are true?
Ok so. If there were Humans AND Neanderthals, which were two different species of the same common ancestry, then it means that
something else evolved besides humans. So Why havent there been any more humanoid species that also evolved after homo sapiens?

There has been no longer any need for homosapiens to evolve. Evolution happens because of ADAPTION. If another ice age came out of nowhere, we won't be scrambling for heat. We'd be safe in our own homes. Whereas in the ice age that wiped out the dinosaurs all humans who couldnt survive the cold died (neanderthals) and those who could survive (homosapiens) were left to mate with each other. Then whenever the climate/environment/circumstances changed, those who could survive that would mate with each other and so on and so on.

A monkey does not up and give birth to a homosapien. It is SLOW. It takes almost 20,000 years just for non blacks to reduce the melanin in their skin. You think an entire evolution would happen in one night? But people no longer live outside so there will be no more adaptions of such sort.

Also a lot of people speculate we are evolving. Scanning people's brains you see that younger people are using SLIGHTLY more of their brains than older people. (less than 2% difference but still)

And no. I will not find any sources. I'll just let you be ignorant. Besides these are all from documentaries and such

You can't be serious. There is no way. :stoneface:
That was blatant sarcasm my dude.
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A different perspective. Understanding literature and story telling and how 'history' works. Unlike what most believe no one person can understand the entirety of human history we pick up bits n pieces from different sources. This is one societies account, most societies have a similar account of our creation 'God' comes down, creates humanity, them scourns them. Plus I believe in Aliens n have decided we may never understand how the universe was created, so I make a choice n settle on 'God.' I like the bible as a philosophy book, as much as a like Lockes 2nd treatise on gov. I like the stories as much as I like Uncle Tom's Cabin. I'm not angry at religion because I see the good it has done in some individuals lives n refuse to take that away from them. 'God' as an idea is far more powerful than whether he actually existed or not. I believe we (humans) came from Aliens, looking how tech is now, reading numerous books on evolution, and studying the vastness of the universe, Aliens seem the most plausible, to me, for humanities creation, but what created them? And so on and so forth. You could go crazy with theories, I picked one, an idea that gives people hope, gives people peace. atheist don't care about people, they care about their ego, n I detest that.
 I believe the bible is a historical account of the Hebrews, historical scholars are finding similarities in biblical stories. This is my problem, the anti religious cant get out of their own way, so argumentative, so set on being right about something they can prove.

As far as religion and prejudice Jesus's chilled with ******, no where in the bible does is say gays are wrong. I like the two commandments, the other ten are meant for that particular society. Hit the ground, sit down with some of the devout and you'll see not all 'Christians' hold those beliefs. Actually listen instead of condem, not everything has to be 'my side v there side.' To me, that's the biggest problem, everyone has to be right....in a world where there is seldom a 'right' answer.

The Bible, Old Testament mostly, would be the historical account of the Israelites. 

And the Bible actually does say in many places that homosexuality is wrong. In the old testament and new. 

If your life is not entirely sold out to laying your life down to Christ and dying to yourself then you're not a Christian. You can't pick and choose what you like. Obey the teachings of Jesus and be a follower of him with EVERY part of your life. 

how many times have you washed a homeless man's feet?
That doesnt answer the question though, because Neanderthals were still around when Homo Sapien came about.
Plus we know that not all of these changes are big, and wont necessarily affect a species' survival. So why havent we seen small changes?
For example eye color. Blue eyes are a deficiency in pigment. So why havent humans evolved to all have brown eyes?

Basically its an evolutionary puzzle because Darwin just made that **** up to make his theory of evolution work.
If people with different eye colors continue to reproduce, why would those colors disappear? Unless there was suddenly some environmental pressure, I don't see why blue eyes would disappear. 

Humans are a bit of an anomaly in that we aren't subject to natural selection the same way we used to be. We have vaccines and treatments for various ailments that would have otherwise killed us.  So, it's difficult to say what should and should not happen to humans. If someone is born with an undesirable characteristic, often we can mask that. 

Would HIV resistance fall into your idea of a small evolutionary change? 

Darwin had evidence to support his claims. He didn't just "make it up".
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