If God doesn't Exist Explain To Me How This Happened By Chance

Questioning the odds of something makes no sense. All that junk about what are the odds of so and so happening. If make some other **** up like what were the odds of us having 3 ears and 4 belly buttons. A certain ratio. Ok. Guess who won? The one that happend/what it is now. Just cause the odds of something is ridiculous (at a scale to our puny human brains that can say is huge) doesnt mean it cant or didnt happen. There are a trillion exponent trillion things that didnt happen because the odds didnt win that time.
What is this "watch on a each" argument?

'Watch on a beach' Descartes classic arguements,not necessarily proving 'god' but proving we came from somewhere, n, at least man can be assumed to come from god.

Basically, ur walking on a beach n u see a watch, do u assume the sand randomly formed into a watch, or someone placed it there?

You walking through the infinitnesd of nothing, u stumble upon a universe, do u assume some "thing, force, person, deity, etc.' put it there or has the infinite nothing randomly formed existence... Wher that 'thing, deity, etc.' comes from no one can 'answer' so I choose to BELIEVE in God, makes MY life easier, which shouldn't be scourned because u fantasize about how much religion has 'taken' from the world, forgetting that divine inspiration has sparked some of the greAtest contributions to human existence (distend chapel n e one) , provided hope to thousands when there was none. He's religion has done bad in the world...not 'some bad' but bad, but it has also done good in the lives of millions. That's why I dislike aetheist (same reason I dislike most people) because, like the ubuer religious, they only acknowledge things which further their arguements, the. When they meet someone who doesn't subscribe to their equally unproven BELIEF they try to argue it out of them, never really feeling the way they felt. Be hopeless for a moment, like truly hopeless n whether you curse, doubt or praise 'God' u acknowledge his existence. Even saying 'there is no 'God' is flawed because that's saying 'there isn't this thing that I clearly have a concept of, because I can make this statement that invokes certain ideals within my own mind, yet those ideas and conceptions don't exist, despite I have them, whether I has them as an action or reaction I have formed these ideals' the idea of God is God to me, the hope that something out there cares, not some old white dude judging with his white beard, but rather the universal force that created all of us n promises us that 2morrow, the future is better than anything you're going through, that life doesn't end at this current turmoil. The love one shows to someone else which has hurt them immensely, the love someone shows to people they have every reason to hate. That's God to me, universal force of oneness n the love that we have for our enemies. But atheist wi never acknowledge that concep I God
Thread delivers

Anyways, TLDR for OP's post

"I don't understand it, neither do scientist. Therefore Gawd
Thread delivers

Anyways, TLDR for OP's post

"I don't understand it, neither do scientist. Therefore Gawd
When will NT realize that the appeal of religion to religious folks is the same thing that non-religious folks despise. It's vagueness, hence why this thread always goes in circles.
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That's why I dislike aetheist (same reason I dislike most people) because, like the ubuer religious, they only acknowledge things which further their arguements, the. When they meet someone who doesn't subscribe to their equally unproven BELIEF they try to argue it out of them, never really feeling the way they felt.

You dislike atheists because they don't buy into arguments that support the idea of a God?

That's like disliking women for having vaginas.
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You dislike atheists because they don't buy into arguments that support the idea of a God?

That's like disliking women for having vaginas.
Nice try. He CLEARLY stated the fact that he despises the argumentative demeanor in which Athiest's go about pushing their agenda onto others, look no further than NT for evidence. Big difference between disagreement and condescendence, regardless of which side.
Or like bo
You dislike atheists because they don't buy into arguments that support the idea of a God?

That's like disliking women for having vaginas.

Or like not comprehending a post. I dislike atheist because they never acknowledge anything that doesn't agree with them. I've already sAid 'its what I believe' how can u argue against my own personal belief? You're not me, nor do u have the answer to the basic question if existence. Hold your 'beliefs' n ill hold mine, but don't tell me belief in God only does harm in the world, while ignoring the good it has done also. That's why I dislike Aetheist everytime someone says 'god got me through this' they say 'no x got you through this' not understanding the need for hope Thai spired that person to achieve whatever they needed to, to keep fighting, to not give in to whatever forces. That tells me Atheism is an academic exercise for those with privilege, because if you been through hell, staring at the knife sitting in your wrist n a scripture that was told last Sunday at church is the only reason you didn't helter skelter yourself, then ull understand what people mean when they say 'god brought me here'
where did you get that from?

personal belief I've held since atheism
Became cool n I had to constantly defend my belief in 'God' (not religion, but God, huge difference)


if you believe in god you're not really agnostic....

I consider myself agnostic because there is not enough proof god exists/doesn't exist.....but you are saying "god" exists and it/him promises positive futures for you?

That's adding a lot of personality in a deity for somebody who claims agnostic
Nice try. He CLEARLY stated the fact that he despises the argumentative demeanor in which Athiest's go about pushing their agenda onto others, look no further than NT for evidence. Big difference between disagreement and condescendence, regardless of which side.

Are you sure "clearly" is the word that you want to use to describe the deep void of syntax that was in his post?

He doesn't like atheists because he says they won't acknowledge things that don't fall in line with their beliefs.

Should I dislike religious people because they don't want to adopt or acknowledge my non-belief?

No. And I don't.

My first post in here said to "believe what you want". Other's beliefs have no effect on me. If they help you to become a better person...that's terrific. I think it's great for people to have a belief system that makes them happy or content at the very least.

There's a difference between atheism and anti-theism.
Or like bo
Or like not comprehending a post. I dislike atheist because they never acknowledge anything that doesn't agree with them. I've already sAid 'its what I believe' how can u argue against my own personal belief? You're not me, nor do u have the answer to the basic question if existence. Hold your 'beliefs' n ill hold mine, but don't tell me belief in God only does harm in the world, while ignoring the good it has done also. That's why I dislike Aetheist everytime someone says 'god got me through this' they say 'no x got you through this' not understanding the need for hope Thai spired that person to achieve whatever they needed to, to keep fighting, to not give in to whatever forces. That tells me Atheism is an academic exercise for those with privilege, because if you been through hell, staring at the knife sitting in your wrist n a scripture that was told last Sunday at church is the only reason you didn't helter skelter yourself, then ull understand what people mean when they say 'god brought me here'
and religion has the answer to existence?

Or like bo
Or like not comprehending a post. I dislike atheist because they never acknowledge anything that doesn't agree with them. I've already sAid 'its what I believe' how can u argue against my own personal belief? You're not me, nor do u have the answer to the basic question if existence. Hold your 'beliefs' n ill hold mine, but don't tell me belief in God only does harm in the world, while ignoring the good it has done also. That's why I dislike Aetheist everytime someone says 'god got me through this' they say 'no x got you through this' not understanding the need for hope Thai spired that person to achieve whatever they needed to, to keep fighting, to not give in to whatever forces. That tells me Atheism is an academic exercise for those with privilege, because if you been through hell, staring at the knife sitting in your wrist n a scripture that was told last Sunday at church is the only reason you didn't helter skelter yourself, then ull understand what people mean when they say 'god brought me here'

Stop putting words in my mouth.

I never said a single one of those things.

All I did was question your reasoning for disliking atheists.
Read a book. Gnostic started as a sect of Christianity, it meant 'the knowing' meaning they felt they 'knew' the truth, separate from other religions. I'm a classic agnostic, not the one created in the last ten years, I'm of the same vain as Bertrand Russell or Kant, or, in his strange way , Hume. 'God' is an idea, not an actual being. The term has been perverted to a sort of cop out, in reality, it started as an absolute understanding of the metephysical nature of 'God' as a reaction to the churches physical understanding.
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