If You Could Go Back In Time And Change 3 Things That Happened In Your Life........

Dec 20, 2000
Bros and by bros I mean forever my bros, lets say you run into a guy he looks sort of dusty and at first you're like :rolleyes I don't have any change bro and by bro I mean never my bro. Suddenly he flicks your lip with his finger and you're like :x no, no, no, no, no.

You think to yourself I'm going to get a bum bump".

All while your in shock about this nasy, dusty man flicking your lip you look up and it's actually a mystical and yet very magical wizard glowing in front of you shining with a gold aurora of awesome mist, rayban aviators and a cigerette hanging out of his mouth

You're staring at him like :D

He's staring at you like :smokin

" Are you a wizard " You ask.

" Yes " he replies.

" What do you want from me" you utter.

" I am granting you the opporutnity to go back and advise yourself on 3 events in your life " he says in a awesome epic voice.

You stare at him like :D

Ok so guys here are the rules.

You can't go back and give financial advice i.e. lotto, stock, investments, betting, dice, etc.

You can go back and tell yourself to go see your grandma more before she passes, not to date a girl, to finish college, to take a friends keys away so he doesn't drive drunk, etc...

You can go back and give yourself motivation, you can tell yourself to keep doing something, you can give yourself a pat on the back, etc.......
Looking back I don't think I would have got into kicks like I was back in the mid 90's to around 2007.

-Not have gone away for school and rack up the debt. Even though I ended up transferring two years in.

-Push myself harder to build up my resume.

-Stop playing basketball and avoid the ACL tear.
-I would tell myself to study

-I would tell myself play football

-I would tell myself to grow my hair out and dread it
- study harder, and study something like finance/economics as a major

-learn to play an instrument (ideally piano)

-learn French/Portuguese/Chinese
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I would definitely have played football in highschool. I was on the varsity basketball team in 8th grade, still in middle school but I know I would of been a beast at football wide receiver position. I could defy the laws of gravity on the court coaches used to beg me to play football but I hated it and still do....lol but I love money...

Also I would of tried harder in school, having to sit on the bench for half of the basketball season for bad grades sucked. Bit I was so good the coaches couldn't have the team without me. I made my coach cry 1 time because I had so much potential but didn't do my school work.smh. that **** killed me and that's something I have to regret for the rest of my life. But now I just have to make sure my son never makes the same mistakes and become greatness in anything he does....

Damn I could of went D1 or potentially NBA but didn't have the discipline. Smfh

I also regret a lot of other **** but don't care to share or reminisce.
I would tell myself to major in a STEM field

I would tell myself to take advantage of internships

I would tell myself to cop da Hemi
I would tell myself to stay in the relationship with that girl, this way you can find out how shady females can be and learn from it

I would tell myself to keep failing in college and partying, this way I could work that dead end job so I can re-enroll and go HAM in college

I would tell myself to continue distancing myself from those friends, I see they aren't ish now

I think you get the point
- I'd wish to be cool like the wizard.

- I'd wish for a burrito.

- I'd wish for another burrito to take home for later.
Not to buy into social standards

Do whatever makes me happy/not invest so much into others ideas on my life

Eat healthy
Finish college the first time

Ask her out, don't friend zone yourself because you think you're a broke college student

Keep up with friends, they won't all make it
I would of never smashed my first baby moms. I love my son but I hate kids if that make any since.

I would of focused on basketball instead of football. Dont get me wrong football paid for college but honestly but I would of made it to the league if I would of went harder.

I would of never moved down south
To have Post High School confidence before High School.

Waited on buying my first car.

Not slacked in High School.
- I'd wish to be cool like the wizard.

- I'd wish for a burrito.

- I'd wish for another burrito to take home for later.
Ox, this you?


 - I wouldnt pass up a certain opportunity I literally let pass me by

 - Got into to weightlifting/nutrition earlier

 - somehow stop the chain of events that led to my dad getting shot
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Studied harder in school in a major worth having

Learned about investing and building a retirement account earlier

Can't think of a third
I would of never smashed my first baby moms. I love my son but I hate kids if that make any since.

I would of focused on basketball instead of football. Dont get me wrong football paid for college but honestly but I would of made it to the league if I would of went harder.

I would of never moved down south

I know exactly what you mean. But I learned hate is such a strong word and I no longer use it.

Honestly I don't have the patience for kids but I can definitely deal with my son who's going on 5 and very well mannered but NO more for me. I can't wait until he's 10-12+
A lot of positive and negative stuff happen to me when I was younger. However, I think those shape me in the man I am today.

I think if I was to change something, then the outcome of course would be different but who knows if it would be for the good or bad.

Thus I'm happy and I wouldn't change anything. I'm doing OK.
Join track earlier in hs. Not just senior year

Hit the gym

To not act like my dad when i deal with girls. Which would have helped me not **** up a real good thing
Would have studied something else in college

Would have treated my folks better during my teen years

Would have done more for the community as opposed to focusing on material goods
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