If you could redo college, what would you major in?


Really the only thing you need to know about business, is accounting. -- (Marketing changes too fast IMO, to prompt 4 years of my life into studying it)


The pen is mightier than the sword. Literature can be used anywhere and can legitimately and consistently make you money if you're good at it.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

a lot wish they could switch to a film major......interesting

Don't do it. Such a waste of money unless your'e doing cc.  Go buy a camera and some lenses. Buy some books about producing. Go work for free and gain experience, make connections. 

NO ONE in the film industry asks for a GPA or degree 
I could say I would of done a lot of things different major wise but honestly unless its something ultra specific (meaning you'll be advancing into a graduate school for it) your major doesnt really matter. I was an advertising major and got a job in the field after school...it took that job to realize thats what I didnt want to do and I ended up finding what I wanted in the food industry. For me the major didnt matter so much as college was a time for me to grow up but I would have definitely figured out a way to do it without (or at least less) student loans knowing what I know now.
i am an accounting major right now, graduating soon but the field is too intimidating

once i am done and have a job i might part time computer science, its something i always wanted to do
Originally Posted by CraneStyle

Any recreation and sports management majors? 
I WAS a sports mgmt major until I worked for a minor league baseball team one summer and saw the "ladder" you have to work up to get anywhere. I definitely recommend getting an internship in that industry early to make sure thats really what you want to do.  If you know someone in that field and have a position lined up id say go for it, but if your coming up from the bottom it will be a long road. That said, any industry will have its hardships as a new employee, but man that job was brutal.
The advertising/marketing world is crushing my soul.

Don't know what I'd do differently.

at 18 year olds
Have a Poltical Science degree, but would've majored in Accounting. I would've still be able to go to law school.
I would tell myself to stay in college, afterwards it sucks. Also stay aware from political science, technology, go into health care or public service, more secure areas of work and better benefits 
I graduated with a fine arts degree, now trying to set a path to a doctorate in physical therapy. It will take time because I don't have the science background, but I'm ready to make it happen.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Originally Posted by Estevo

Originally Posted by jayhawk17

graphic design...instead of marketing...marketing you can read about in a few books and have it covered...then you just need some real life experience. With design I'd be able to use all the computer programs I can't right now as good as I'd like so instead I'm stuck doing tutorials.

Advice if you are thinking about business degrees.... learn something technical/computer based. Basic concepts like marketing/management/accounting(to an extent)etc will generally be the same but you need to have skills to create given the tools we have.

 feel you man.

Digital Marketing major checking in. Though I don't regret picking this major, I do regret not taking more design

and graphic art classes earlier on in my collegiate career. I'm currently a junior, so from here on in, I'm making it a

point to expose myself to, and to become proficient at using some of the programs in the Adobe Creative Suite family. 
What kind of field is graphic design? What jobs are open for this kind of major?
Graphic design would be considered in the "art" field. As a graphic designer, a lot of my fellow art students wouldn't consider me an artist because I'm doing stuff specifically for others instead of my own ideas, etc. Graphic design has a ton of job opportunities. Infographics (information signs/online map layouts/diagrams/etc.), designing logos for companies, design art for screenprinting shops, design look and/or layout of posters/websites/books/brochures/billboards/magazines/etc. It's also bleeding into other disciplines (ex: web development, advertising, filming, etc.). I guarantee a graphic designer had his/her hands on something within your immediate proximity. 
Originally Posted by jayhawk17

graphic design...instead of marketing...marketing you can read about in a few books and have it covered...then you just need some real life experience. With design I'd be able to use all the computer programs I can't right now as good as I'd like so instead I'm stuck doing tutorials.

Advice if you are thinking about business degrees.... learn something technical/computer based. Basic concepts like marketing/management/accounting(to an extent)etc will generally be the same but you need to have skills to create given the tools we have.
I'm a Junior now and will be getting my degree in Business Marketing soon. More info on what you're talking about here..
Originally Posted by memphissfinest



I'm doing computer engineering but I've been really thinking about switching. What kind of jobs are out there for electrical engineering? 
I wouldn't...not many people take the path I did...my time in college will prove its value soon enough. Im here to innovate...not fall in line.
Went from business to IT but I suck at programming so now i'm about to finish with history i'm 21 btw
Originally Posted by tootthatthang

Originally Posted by mrkittles20

When I decided on Nursing, most of my prereq courses had lapsed, so I had to take them over again. I went to Penn State for a semester and accrued 23K in debt after one semester, so I went back home. I continued my prereq courses at one community college and then finished them up at another because it was so much cheaper. The only prereqs that were difficult for me was Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology 1 (and 2).
The program acceptance SUCKS. I applied to no less than 7 different schools and kept getting denied because I hadn't taken all my prereq's at their school, or didn't have a high enough transfer GPA to compete with the other transfer students (I had a 3.42 gpa at the time). I eventually went out west to Seattle for a year and took the prereqs out there that were different than back here in Maryland. I didn't get into their program in the spring, so I came back and took some random photography class over the summer and applied everywhere again. Ironically enough, I got into every school I applied to after that one class.

The nursing classes themselves are the mos difficult classes I've ever taken. They test you on roughly 4-500 pages of new material per exam and don't have any extra credit or bonus points. You also have to pass overall with a 76 to keep moving and if you don't , you have to wait an entire school year to pick it back up. On top of that, you have to do clinical hours every week and write papers, do presentations, get tested out for skills, etc.. I definitely thought it'd be easier than it is. Every semester we lose between 4-8 people because they fail out.

Lemme know if you have any other questions.

Thanks my man for the in depth response. I would be lying if I said you didn't steer me away from it though from fear of failure
school has always been one of my strong points. I'm just fearful of not being accepted into any of the programs and in San Jose the nursing
programs are flooded. Would you advise attending a trade school or is that an unlikely choice due to lack of credibility?
Whatever you do, DONT go to a trade school. They're by and large a bunch of hucksters who will lie to your face telling you what you COULD do when you complete their program, but then they'll give you the current market talk and you'll be out of money with a piece of paper saying you're qualified to wipe butts all day.
If I were you, look into community colleges like 20-50 miles away from SJ that you can commute to and contact them about their programs and wait lists, etc.. Hell, you can always get extra student loans for an apartment or something just to get you in an area with less of competition. This field is hot right now and has been for about 8 years, so you're gonna be waiting at some point. If nursing is something you're genuinely interested in, then go ahead and do the wait, take your prereqs and the time will fly by. 

- Another option for you is to see if any schools have an LPN program and do that. Once you get your LPN, you can get into an LPN to RN bridge program easy and that might alleviate your time waiting. Now I'm not gonna lie to you, you probably won't find a job as an LPN, so definitely don't set your expectations too high with that or your long term goals to rest on the LPN. Hell, even go get your CNA certification while taking your prereqs. Get a job as a CNA at a hospital that pays for your education and they even might have some sway into getting you into an RN program. 

- Whatever you do, don't wait another second if this is what you want to do. You still have a few weeks before Spring semester starts, so spend a day making calls and doing your research and get in SOMETHING for this upcoming Spring semester 2012. If school is your strong suit, then you'll be fine. You'd be surprised at how many fringe intellects make it through - its because they put in 35+ hours per week of work studying, while the young kids slack off and fail out.

- Lastly, the quality of girls in the program is outstanding! Seriously, I'm in three study groups with about 6 people each and all told, there are probably one or two 8's in each one of those. There are a ton of dime pieces in the program and you meet a lot of hot nurses during your clinical rotation. It's a blessing in and of itself on those stressful study weeks when you have something nice to look at, plus you'll be one of the few guys in the program, which can lead to some after school specials.
But after next month! my 14k debt to my school will be paid off and I'll have my physical diploma.

All the 'top' majors are pretty common sense

It just depends if you can pass the pre-req's and get into the program
I like my field of speech-language pathology because it's a health service field and I get to have a one-on-one contact/relationship with my clients and help them improve their quality of life but if I could do it over I would probably want to become a botanits/plant biologist/horticulture. I'm always interested in food quality, plant physiology, and healthy sustainable agriculture.
Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

Originally Posted by jayhawk17

graphic design...instead of marketing...marketing you can read about in a few books and have it covered...then you just need some real life experience. With design I'd be able to use all the computer programs I can't right now as good as I'd like so instead I'm stuck doing tutorials.

Advice if you are thinking about business degrees.... learn something technical/computer based. Basic concepts like marketing/management/accounting(to an extent)etc will generally be the same but you need to have skills to create given the tools we have.
I'm a Junior now and will be getting my degree in Business Marketing soon. More info on what you're talking about here..

 If graphic design play such a huge role, should I major in graphic design or marketing?
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