If you win the lottery and you're in your last year of college, what would you do?

Nov 27, 2003
Leave school and ball out of control


Just Finish it off.
Save, buy a house and go on vacation. And finish school. I didn't read the ops full question.
Finish school, pay off my student loans immediately, put some (most) of the money in the bank, take care of my family, and then live a good life like I wouldhave normally with some $$$ in the bank. Use that for retirement/emergency/splurge here and there or leave to my kids
Finish school then go to grad school while not having to worry about money or paying back loans.

Then I'd use the money to make more money.
Finish School for sure.

Payoff loans.

Then buy a condo or something and a nice car. and of course ... kicks...

Save some up also though
its simple......finish school pay anything i owe buy a home and save the rest
Finish school. I love college, doesn't matter if I have money or not. I'm going into my last semester right now, and all that I'm thinking about ishow quickly it went by and how much I want to stay there...
I probably wouldn't tell anyone to be honest.

Just imagine how bad your friends would get if they found out you won millions in the lotto... everyone would be asking for money all the time, ESPECIALLY incollege.. they would want you to throw a party every night and pay for everything.

Then imagine it gets out around campus, sure you'll get random girls throwing themselves at you to get some free things, but then you're also a targetfor anyone who might be jealous or wants a free meal.

I would finish school, while spending some of the money without drawing a lot of attention. Upgrade and get a nice home theater system, get a nice, but notoutrageously flashy car that brings too much attention. I'd pay off all my loans and start planning and saving for the future as well, but any money spentnow would be on smaller/less extravagant things.
same thing i would do if i won the lottery today

1. finish school.
2. pull bad $#*@*+! while doing the aforementioned.
3. while doing the aforementioned, ball ridiculously out of control
4. while doing the action aforementioned above, MAKE IT RAIN ON MY PROFESSORS.
Finish off school, and not tell a soul on campus I'm baaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllin
I would grind it out for that last year. Take classes and learn how to run your own business. I would def try and open up a restaurant if I won the lotto.
"All the girls in my class who were smart to pass be at all my #!!*%@% parties grabbin money off the ground"

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